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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. Hilarious! And that's what the Lucas-fun-hating star wars universe really needs. Great work!
  2. haha, me too. Just happened to me a second ago. Got gang bashed by 4 bandits. 1 or 2 is ok, 4 or 5 is ouch. At least my block skill is more useful that just stunning me while the baddies wail on me. OK, time to sleep. need some rest before playing tomorrow!
  3. well I'm loving it.. especially love how they made the trolls sound like Bruce Lee! Although just now I'm getting some freezes when I get into combat. Freezes for about 8 secs then returns to normal only to freeze again. My problem with the freeform is I love it too much. It takes me ages to finish a quest cos I keep getting sidetracked by other stuff like caves and towns etc. I just found this weird little village called Hackdirt.. they seem to have a nasty little secret, they keep telling me to get lost. Fun!
  4. I'm watching GITS 2nd gig at the moment and I swear Motoko got a boob job after series 1! They're twice as big now.
  5. interesting that Radiohead's 'Paranoid Android' is the theme song. Give it that extra angsty spice.
  6. geez man! THANKS ALOT! NOW I have to go get me one! It looks awesom! Guess I gotta get a Hot Rod to stick in the back too! 383689[/snapback] IIINM (If I Am Not Mistaken, haha) that's a Worlds Smallest Transformer of Hot Rod in the pics right?
  7. I'm installing it now so I may be gone for awhile.. Talking about the freeform nature of the game that's what I really love too. I even like the way you sometimes make up quests for yourself. Like trying to find a particular armor set or having to build up enough skill to beat a tough monster, etc. Now that's creating your own adventure! I remember from Morrrowind, Speechcraft was one of my favourites. The added dialogue/persuading options you get make it a must for me a major skill. And did anyone ever do the combo fly ring+boots of blinding speed+dispel majic ring so you could fly like superman around the land? I count that as a glitch.. you could dive bomb your enemy or just shoot him with arrows from the sky. I wonder if OB will have something similar. Like JsARCLIGHT said, I reckon they'll eliminate these 'sucker punches' this time around. After playing the game for so long, when I got to be a supersonic flying tank I lost interest. And hopefully my Nvidia 6800 GT will cope. I read a few posts that NVIDIA cards can be a bit crashy.
  8. I'm getting this game tomorrow and I haven't been this excited since I bought my first computer, a Commodore 64 back in.. well, the mid eighties sometime. So who's playing what class? Who's having the most/least fun with what class/race? And what's your opinions in general? And a small plea for help.. I played Morrowind a LOT when it came out (to the annoyance of my now wife) and I remember I had to restart a character a couple of time due to poor skill/birthsign/attribute combination choices. There would usually be something that would be useless or something I wish I'd chosen and by that time I'd spent a dozen hours playing and was loathe to start a new character again. So to avoid this again, I just wanted to hear your thoughts on what's the most useful choices for the characters you have. Most likely I'll choose a fighty+spelly type character but theiving sounds pretty interesting in this game. I just registered to post a question on the www.elderscrolls.com forums and the traffic is so insane my post went to page 3 in 2 minutes!
  9. good god, those pics are fantastic. That just went on the want list.
  10. LOL, Solscud just read your sig. I will have to start insulting more MW'ers to see how many more sigs I can get on!
  11. I was bored and checked your site. VERY cool! Make one for ME too!
  12. uhh... BUY IT! And tell me if it's good enough to buy myself! I mean.. don't buy it! Well one reason I can think of not to is its head still looks ridiculous. it looks like a bucket with a plate on top.
  13. haha.. you might have something there. And now it's even worse: GITS: SACSSS!
  14. the more I watched, the more the robot battles looked like two chicks having a bitch-slap fight. And I agree... Zakus were always cooler than gundam! Take that good guy!
  15. ahaha.. the guy in the Mazinger cosplay is priceless.
  16. do it!! haha.. only clone children can play with Scramble egg toys.
  17. I can't wait to see this advertised in the movie section of the newspaper: "Ghost in the Shell 3: Standalone Complex: Solid State Society" They will go broke from taking out an ad space to fit it all in. And the opening credits will run for an extra 5 minutes.
  18. Like I said in the Wanted section thread.. very happy I can finally get a good Dougram toy. I loved this ugly mech as a kid!
  19. haha.. that's funny. Damn that Judy Garland for being named so!
  20. woaw! So it IS true! It's going on my must have list.
  21. Thanks 'Moose! Just navigating the site was fun in itself.
  22. the newer ones do. Super Millia & Max & Hikaru 1J's, Super Ostrich and Elintseeker. Did I forget any?
  23. haha.. the Smiling Strawberry Assassin.
  24. gawd, I remember buying this from the bookstore. Wish I bought ten!
  25. I picked up a 1/40 Orgroid in great condition for a great price in Singapore about a year ago. I'd been searching for years. He's one of my faves!
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