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Everything posted by ron5864

  1. The last few episodes of BGC 2040 got a little too weird for me with Galatea. The original seems to have a better story which was cut short and better mechancial/motoslave designs. But that's just my impression.
  2. But there's a lot of love for the NUNS CF version of the VF-171. And yes, those versions are no more than target practice for the vajra.
  3. Finally saw the Lexus LF-A in a local market parking lot. Even though it was bright red, it looked somewhat bland and underwhelming. There is a lack of lines that gives it character to make it stand out. But the engine underneath is monster. So this is a wolf in a sheep's clothing.
  4. Hehe....I thought someone here mentioned the sequel will be Daedalus, a large carrier landing craft ready for attack.
  5. I wonder if some fan will buy an ad space on the side of the San Francisco cable trolley to advertise the May'n tour like Sheryl Nome's digital ad banners. Hope no Varja attacks during the concert.
  6. I am waiting for the VF-0 Phoenix Master File, but we got glimpses of some VF-0 images in the VF-1 Master File. It is scheduled to be released this month.
  7. Have not seen it yet, but it sounds like Team Weyland did not find the Protoculture planet they were expecting.
  8. Started watching Sands of Destruction. Good action with comedy so far. The guy Kyrie is so useless. Morte knows how to wield her weapon.
  9. Thanks Kirik. Once confirmed, I will block off September 9th on my calendar and get some display material prep for the event.
  10. A new 1/60 Yamato VF-0D would be a nice surprise.
  11. Is micron Klan part of the renewal 25G package?
  12. A photo with the "No photography" sign. Nice!
  13. The story gets a bit weird near the end. The original was a little more interesting. Sylia in the 2040 is a bit too crazy, and probably mentally unstable. At least the newer Mackie is not a perv like the original version.
  14. I will wait until Bandai comes out with the cannon fodder NUNS VF-171. That I will gladly hand over my $$$ over for.
  15. Another month......another photo. For June 2012: Ozma, Alto, Klan, and Nene patrol. See the rest in the Gallery below. http://www.macrosswo...llery&album=545
  16. For around $70, it is not too bad of a price. It comes with an armored battroid, tomahawk, lots of support vehicles and service crews. I want one but need to conserve $$ now for other items...
  17. From the album: Macross VF Photos- Variable Fighters

    Ozma, Alto, Klan and Nene with their SMS VF-25 and Que-Rae.
  18. In black, the VF-14 Vampire looks like something Batman would fly.
  19. In the scene with Shanalua instructing Kio in the Gundam cockpit, I thought she was trying to kiss him. It was like WTF is going on here??? Awkward moment!
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