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Everything posted by Rabidweezil

  1. A few months ago I received a SH Monsterarts King Ghidorah (retail about $95) from HLJ that was so seriously defective it fell apart when I touched it. So I emailed them fully expecting a "tough sh*t" Instead they asked I ship the figure back. They not only reimbursed me for that, but sent me a new King Ghidorah via EMS shipping again at their expense. Because of customer service like that, it will take more then one person raging about supporting scalpers (again with absolutely NO proof of this) to sway me from shopping there. Whatever works for you though bro
  2. I don't believe I'm missing the point. I personally think this whole topic is silly. I read the email several times and it says "The limit on these items was 10 each, although we sometimes do set lower limits." Where does it say anything about scalpers or who bought how many of each? Is there a part of the email you didn't post that clears this up? You have zero evidence. Which means you are speculating because you're pissed off. But if you don't want to shop at HLJ based on a conspiracy theory, be my guest.
  3. What I'm curious about is why can sites like Nippon-Yasan can keep their pre-orders open for a longer time and seemingly fullfill them all. But other sites like HLJ or Ami-Ami can't seem to get more then a few.
  4. Assuming scalpers actually snagged more then two or three. Which there is absolutely no evidence that happened other then raging speculation.
  5. Not sure if you're telling us or asking but I don't buy it. Like others have said, we have no idea the quantity each buyer purchased. It's a bit ignorant to have a limit of 10 on items like this with low supply and high demand. If they had made a limit of 3, do you really think they would be around for that much longer? Hightly doubtful. Ultimately the problem is with Bandai.
  6. I should have specified that I don't think anyone got one during pre-order despite sitting around all night hitting refresh. I did hear about people getting some after it was released though.
  7. Nobody here managed to get a VF-25g from HLJ I don't think. All of a sudden the page popped up sold out. People stalked it for weeks with no luck. Pretty sure there was no discounted off pre-order period either.
  8. I have a similar case that I posted a few pages back. It works, but with the sliding door it's a pain to seriously rearrange. I usually end up taking the door off when I really want to move some shelves around.
  9. If it's anything like the VF-25G pre-order at NY, they left it up for quite a while. Althought they kept hiking up the price I think. I didn't see any comments about people not getting what they pre-ordered so they apparently came through.
  10. My wish is to get in Bandai pre-orders FOR RETAIL PRICE without having to stay up all night refreshing web pages. And a re-release of the VF-25S renewel. I already have one in Armor, need another to go in the super-pack. As for a completely new valk mold, the VF2SS will do nicely.
  11. Here are some photo's of all 4 complete sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
  12. Bought a new display case and re-arranged my "corner of cool" Group shot Some Macross 1/60 Yamato and Bandai 1/250 Macross Fighter Collection S.H.Monster Arts, Revoltech Sci-Fi and Master Grade Gundam Wing
  13. I am surprised there are no missiles in the chest. I imagine there never was supposed to be, but it looks like it certainly could have been an option. Especially after both the VF-25 super and armored packs have chest missile compartments. Why not keep with the trend and include them for added firepower?
  14. This thread needs more pictures and less shipping updates
  15. Call me ignorant, but I really don't buy that. Maybe for some one-shot anime that is new. But Macross? More specifically Macross Plus? It makes no damn sense to include an English Dub on the OVA's (which I am grateful for) and then not include any english subs on the movie. So if I buy this set, I will only be buying it for the OVA"s and the movie will be of no use.
  16. Both my 171 parts and my SH Monsterarts Godzilla jr did the same thing. I just clicked the pre-order button, checked the disclaimer box and continued on with the process. Now both of them say "payment OK" in my history.
  17. I'll gladly watch all my Standard Def Macross Plus OVA and the Movie DVD's and type up all the subtitles. Just tell me where to send them so someone can copy and paste onto the HD disks
  18. I got the same email from NY telling me I had until the 24th to pay. I thought they gave you 2-3 weeks notice, maybe they meant 2-3 days. And what's interesting is the site is currently down for maintenance. Kinda hard to pay fast when I can't get to my account.
  19. ok, I can kind of see not subbing new movies. But Macross Plus with English subs has been around for years. So why can't they take existing sub files and put them on the BD's? I know it's probably not as easy as that. But one of the big excuses people make for not releasing new disks with subs is "it costs a lot to translate and create the subs" That part has already been done.
  20. I think that just goes to show how crazy Yamato's original mark-up is. Sell it at $200 which is at least somewhat reasonable? Nah...go for $300 and see who bites, then lower it later.
  21. Rabidweezil

    DX VF-25G

    *snore* wake me when the VF-25s renewal makes a return... of course I'll probably miss it anyway...
  22. It doesn't sound like they would appreciate you posting it on a forum then
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