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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. This is one of those show's that should be absolute garbage and dumb as hell, as well as canceled after one season... at least for me I've found it entertaining and I'm looking forward to this new season. Essentially it's the rich vs. the poor on the islands of the Carolina's, blackmail, revenge, murder and apparently the ultimate treasure hunt. The main cast are teens but so far it hasn't become 90210 in the worst ways possible.
  2. Nice!! Even if you don't display all of these, post a pic of the boxes!! @Corrinald Nice! I just got my shipping info too!!
  3. Anyone hear from Hobby-Genki yet with the Angelbird?
  4. Agreed, this is how you do a video game adaptation. I must admit, I was kind of hoping to see things play out like in the game but what we got for episode 3 was great, much like a Sarah we get actually get to know Bill, as where in the game he's just a cranky survivalist who has little affection for Joel or really anyone. One more thing to add is that if you were like me at the beginning about Bella Ramsey (Ellie) being a bad choice... scratch that, she's a doing a fantastic job and Pedro was definitely the right choice! Nick Offerman as Bill... nailed it!!
  5. Let me know when Sentinel decides (If ever) to build the original Ride Armors, you know, the ones we grew up with as kids and perhaps someday their Tread.
  6. Haven't seen one before but I'll do you one better by suggesting somebody design an all new VF-1D conversion kit for the Yamato 1/48's.
  7. I'm still on board for a Cannon Fodder or two.
  8. Besides the original film this is parts 2 & 3 remastered on Blu-ray by DISCOTEK, I haven't had a chance to watch these yet but the first movies sound & picture quality was top tier, I'm hoping these are just as good. Eventually Project A-ko 4 (Final) should be available. I've purchased all three from Rightstuf Anime, a solid store to order from. If you're new to A-ko, grab a copy here: https://www.rightstufanime.com/Project-A-ko-Blu-ray On a different title I want to get GUNBUSTER on Blu-ray but I'll wait for the OVA's to be released vs. the current movie version.
  9. If you feel the temptation to watch this one... don't, it's an absolute waste of time.
  10. I want to see this completed!! Be glad that you (like me) bought these years, the Moebius kits are going for insane prices lately, especially the Pegasus & Galactica.
  11. Fantastic repaint & restoration, It's a shame these Ride Armor's yellow like that but at least there's a paint color that matches.
  12. Damn, that is a ton of boxes but seriously, have a blast building that bad boy!
  13. Quentin Tarantino is still asking... "did I help direct or produce this??" I highly recommend this one!!
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