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Everything posted by bluemax151

  1. I like how this game totally disregards the prime directive
  2. Oh well, I guess I can load an earlier save and grind at Pinnacle station or maybe a quick playthrough? Can't take too long to beat the main quest line if you skip all the side quests.
  3. I played one character through twice killing almost everything on foot (yes even Thresher Maws) and was only at 59 end game but I didn't have Pinnacle Station at the time or even Bring Down the Sky for my first play through. Will being 60 even do anything for the second game? or are you just a gamer score whore
  4. Shep HAS to be rugged, hence the neccessity of being a man for the beard Also waiting on my collector's edition.
  5. Oh wow I don't know what to say... I don't dislike the actor but I'm not sure he can pull off Conan. Honestly I don't think anyone can really reignite the effect the original movies had on our childhoods, well at least mine.
  6. That's pretty much every company's MO. That's how they pay for R&D and keep selling you new products. Can't wait for Graham's review..
  7. I don't care about FPs either but the sound booster and speaker shoulders are iconic to the Fire! I somehow expect if they have exclusive VF-1s they will more than likely be the TV versions with DYRL being the regular releases. Wasn't this the case with revoltechs? I'd have to disagree. Fix figures are arguably 10x if not more detailed than this figure and made of very sturdy plastic. Sure most of the GFs don't transform and the older ones aren't as nice as the news ones but I think it's still a relevant point. Especially since a lot of the releases are actually two models in one. Lack of closed fists seems unBandai even if they aren't really necessary. I've gotten used to it from MSIA/EMSIA/RD/etc.
  8. Galaxies has become a travesty, they did a complete overhaul a while back to dumb it down/WoWify it. Even though I only played it a little before the change (since my rig at the time couldn't run it reliably) it was better the way it started honestly. Although the starship combat was still alright but no X-Wing/Tie Fighter/etc. I played classic WoW from launch for about 2 years. It's pretty depressing to see how dumbed down it has become and how Blizzard tries to constantly steal innovative game play ideas it feels up and coming MMOs might have that will steal some of their audience away. I remember when WoW didn't even really have PVP to speak of and honestly even now it's a joke. That's not even getting into how the storyline is so sparse in comparison to Warcraft or the IP they ripped off of (Warhammer). Not there's anything wrong with the concept but the argument of "6 million people can't be wrong" has all kinds of bad/silly/hilarious implications. On a side note ebgames.com already charged me for my Mass Effect 2 collector's edition. Is that legal?
  9. I'm so tired of seeing Bandai web exclusives and I don't even buy any of them. I'm glad this was never as big of an issue when the MSIA/EMSIA line was still running. I think I'll skip the fire just based on principle because the separate sound booster exclusive is like a slap in the face. Might pick up the blazer though but we'll see.
  10. So I guess this brings a whole nother meaning to the song "What 'bout my star?"....
  11. Of course it's related. Mylene has covered Shao Pai Lon too!
  12. and people wonder why games are so unpolished these days! "We'll fix that with a patch" "Why do we need QA, isn't that what why we pay the programmers?"
  13. My original Strike Roy had both shoulders crack. I emailed over drive and received no response so I putty fixed them myself. Be nice to still get replacements since the shoulders aren't 100% colour matched atm. All my others are fine so far (knock on wood).
  14. All of my knee covers fall off all of mine with very light handling. Probably happened when they were putting them in the box and no one noticed. Hopefully you guys can get them replaced.
  15. I voted no because I honestly wouldn't buy it myself. I don't think it's a bad idea though, I just don't like the 1/48 scale/mold. Various heads are an obvious yes because I know I'd want them on my 1/60 kit.
  16. Try Again acoustic? Holy Lonely Light Live? "man you're one bad dude"
  17. Considering the Ranger claimed to have split an insurgent skull with it I doubt it
  18. She's in one of my favourite M7 eye catches. I'm kind of fond of Sally personally
  19. Don't Rangers still commonly carry Tomahawks? I'm pretty sure I saw something on the military or history channel about this.
  20. See, this is the kind of report that always makes me hesitant to make the leap of purchase. If something like this ever happened to me I'd be beyond livid, if that's even possible. Did you at least get this from an etailer you can report this to?
  21. Like I said before if you expect these to be like the Macross CMs you'll be pretty disappointed. They are pretty faithful to the look and feel of the actual show though.
  22. From what my friend told me it's supposed to be very solo friendly but still have end game raid content. I haven't experienced it personally and from what little I played I know I won't be buying this game. Just as a reference this friend is someone I played WoW classic (among others) with, so it's not like I don't trust/respect his opinion or knowledge on the subject of MMOs.
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