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Everything posted by bluemax151

  1. I should be done tomorrow. Got around to all the N7s now I just need to check for any upgrades I haven't picked up yet (hopefully I have enough creds) and then it's endgame. I don't know if anyone else has played Army of Two Total Fistbump Destruction but it seems like these two games have influenced each other. Army of Two TFD now has choices and ME2 is more TPS, of course neither is as great in their over lapping mechanics. There might be some confusion on the weapon deal. The weapons you choose from does include an AR category one but it is a MACHINEGUN so it is entirely different than say a certain CE bonus. I think the purpose of these chosen weapons is that you can use them even if you don't have the class skill to use them?
  2. I had to buy the hits version when someone never returned my original copy and yes it does have Bring Down the Sky included but no pinnacle station. I haven't installed the DLC from the disc but the dlc I had already installed wasn't gamer tag specific. I assume it's tied to the 360 itself?
  3. There's no way I'd notice something like that as you hardly ever see your character at an angle where it would be annoying (especially if you're using DLC armour ). Not surprising though, I don't think the eye colour slider even worked on Dragon Age when I played it on PC.
  4. That's specifically the silhouette I was referring to. The sniper II is a late model OYW MS and the outline does look like it but I won't get my hopes up until an official announcement. If it's true I'll buy at least three.
  5. I'm pretty excited at the possibility of an RD GM of some sort. Really depends on what type it is but I've seen some speculation that it's a Sniper II silhouette. If so I'll be pretty ecstatic.
  6. Basically every mission that isn't plot, city or a character loyalty mission is N7. Thus "side quests" because city missions are almost always just talking and nothing else.
  7. Some planets still have anomalies that start side quests if you scan them.
  8. That's what the side quest are called. I'm pretty anal/OC so generally I take forever on anything. Plus I killed almost everything in ME1 on foot because I MUST have max XPs HAHA yeah I always think of that video when I think of LARPing. I found it pe youtube but lost it a while ago I have no idea why I never checked there for it.
  9. Well it isn't in the stereotypical sense but it doesn't need to be to be a good game. The fact that ME2 shocks people by being even less of a stereotypical iventory/stat/loot/grind RPG is understandable. The definitive videogame RPG has very little to do with PnP or LARPing. It's a whole nother ball of wax especially when you consider the country of development. Now I constantly see people posting how making choices and playing a role are the tenets of roleplaying and from a videogame standpoint that's simply absurd because that would be just about every videogame. I'm sitting at 40 hours and 5 minutes I can run the last section whenever but I got a bunch of N7s to finish up still. Definitely shorter than my play through of the first game so far.
  10. The fact that EVE is still even around speakers way louder than some award. What it lacks in mass appeal it makes up for with a dedicated following.
  11. Yeah, it seems like it takes the end of the month/beginning of the next for HLJ charges to show on my card. Sometimes things I already had in my possession hadn't shown on my statement yet.
  12. The only problem with Xenogears was that it had massive walls of text even for a JRPG. The real/super robot action was fairly refreshing at the time.
  13. Yeah there's no way I'd be finishing with an hour count like that. I just find it ironic that you'd think you'd want the resource mini game to be more interactive and not less. The mako portions from ME1 only really bothered me once I ran out of patience during additional run throughs. I don't think I'll be saying the same for this probing idea although it's not a deal breaker or anything.
  14. I've seen people reporting completion times in the mid 20s already. I'm sure it's highly variable. So if the new probe/scan deal is supposed to be less boring then than mako missions I don't think it's a total success. I literally almost fell asleep probing a planet already today, I seriously couldn't keep my eyes open.
  15. Actually found a Bioware post regarding the firing from cover issue. This is unfortunately an almost impossible problem to solve mathematically. We did our best, but there are cases where there is drift. Most of the time you should not have significant drift. You'll have less drift if you're aiming straight forward relative to than cover you're currently taking. You'll be more likely to get significant drift if you've rotated more than 45 degrees to aim. If anyone knows of a game that handles this really well please PM me and I'll check it out. Unfortunately sniper rifles compound this issue because of the default zoom I suppose.
  16. Honestly I think that costume would be a bit too immodest for her. Plus she doesn't look like the animation so much as I personally think that particular statue looks like her. Well as closely resembling as low detail anime statue faces can be and all. It would be neat though.
  17. This is a list I compiled for somewhere else so copypaste etc.. 10 Diablo 1&2 I spent many sleepless nights (weeks?) playing Blizzards depressing hack and slash rpgs. Sure online was usually full of hackers and Koreans constantly going "kekekekekekekeke" or "show show trade trade" but LAN parties or passworded games with your closest buddies that were beholden to you in real life were the best. Sure the story is a bit shallow being the usual one man army against the forces of darkness but you can’t argue that the twitch action rpg gameplay didn’t keep you immersed constantly spamming skills and potions. 9 Neverwinter Nights 1&2 Nothing is as detailed or as in depth in the roleplaying universe as DnD and while pen and paper may not be everyone’s forte especially those with an imagination that was killed by tv like myself, the swordcoast is brought to life by these PC titles. Not only are there numerous official expansions for these two titles but the fan community is huge with tons of crazy add ons and additional campaigns. There’s even a tongue in cheek all nude sex adventure that was done by the fan community. 8 Record of Lodoss War Kind of a single player only Diablo clone for Dreamcast that’s not as simple as D1 or as Complex as D2. Where it fails to innovate in gameplay (hack and slash) it makes up for with story/cut scenes. If you’re already not familiar with the Anime it’s sort of based on that’s okay as this is more or less a self contained story but do yourself a favor and watch it anyway. The animated series is something akin to LotR and unlike Slayers is more serious in tone. Tons of play in this game as you grind out levels and acquire various enchantments. 7 Resident Evil aka Biohazard (JPN) Although Alone in the Dark is arguably the first title of the "Survivor Horror" genre RE is what put the category on the map. Terribly frustrating camera angles, bad dialogue/acting, cheesy storylines, a masochistic save system and ZOMBIES are staples of the series and what puts it in that wonderfully so bad yet good zombie movie as a game place. I still remember the first time I played as Jill and the Hunters got loose in the Mansion. Like an idiot I tried to save ammo and a one of the Hunters did that wonderful leaping attack and decapitated me in one hit after I hadn’t saved in forever... 6 Parasite Eve Square’s take on survival horror as an action rpg title. Excellent music, an awesome opera scene much like a certain FF title, highly customizable weapons and armor, an EX tower to climb like rpgs for extra play hours and some seriously crazy poo about mitochondria. Remember at the end when the thing is chasing you don’t try the phone IT’S A TRAP!!!!!!!1!!!!one!!!1!!!1!!!! 5 Final Fantasy 3/6 As a kid I was more of platformer than an rpger but even then this FF6 was the first FF I really enjoyed and wanted to work my way through. A lot of concepts and pros have already been mentioned for this game but to me besides the characters/story the really interesting part of the game is each characters play mechanics/special abilities that really sets this game apart from other FF titles. 4 Final Fantasy 9 The first playstation based FF I really enjoyed and my favourite of the series in general. FF9 is sort of a middle ground between classic FF style and the new age stuff. We have the reintroduction of the class system (YAY), a male protagonist that’s not a fighter for once and a general cast of characters that aren’t trying really hard to look cool and/or sexy. The gameplay is back to the fun basics with a little twist in the whole AP deal for extra customization. Also my favourite summon "Ark" appears. 3 Persona 2 Eternal Punishment A beautifully Gothic stylized rpg with a pretty traditional combat system minus the whole crazy summoning "personas" and making deals with daemons bit. Persona 2 EP has one of the creepiest villains ever in an RPG (JOKER) who for some strange reason bears a passing resemblance to a character in a Balzac video... I can’t really say too much about Persona good points without giving away a lot of the plot but I will say it has some of my favourite character and monster designs. 2 Front Mission 3 A turn based mecha rpg with a crazy MGS type of political thing going on. One of the strong points about FM3 is that it’s relatively fast paced even though it’s turn based unlike FF tactics, vandal hearts, vanguard bandits, disgaea etc. Like armored core you can mix and match weapons and wanzer parts to make your own custom combinations although it is much more limited. Where FM3 really shines though is the skills like salvo, body smash, double shot, shield smash and what have you that once you’ve trained up and put a high activation rate computer on really let you steam roll your opponent with a bit of luck and a lot of strategy. 1 Star Ocean Second Star Story This is the best RPG on playstation minus graphics hands down. You’ve got tons of playable characters with unique fighting styles, a crafting system as in depth as an mmo, more endings than chrono trigger, an ex dungeon, multiple difficulties, a boss unlimiter mode, two protagonists you can play as, non combat skills to develop, voice clips to unlock.. well you get the idea. Just remember beware the Funny Thief lvl99s they can totally rape you even when you’re lvl 255! Honourable mentions to Megman X 5, Castlevania SotN, Vanguard Bandits, Lunar Silver Star Story, Armored Core, Grandia, Tales of Destiny 1&2 (the real 2 for PS2), KoToR, Thousand Arms, Pokemon Red, Suikoden, X-Men Legends, Air Force Delta Strike, Shining Soul 1&2, Zoids Legacy/Saga, Legend of Mana, Battle Tanx, FF2/4, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, DnD Gold box games, Zelda II/Link, Master Blaster and some poo I’m sure I forgot
  18. Everytime I see that Yoko it reminds me of Adella. http://www.adellacosplay.com/cosplay/
  19. This game really needs a shoot from left/right toggle like Army of Two. Also when I'm behind cover and I try to use the sniper rifle it constantly zooms into the cover instead of where my reticule was "looking" beforehand. The Collector's AR chews through people like mad and the Blackstorm's implementation reminds me a lot of the BFG from doom. Anyone getting any glitches? I've been having some minor walk mesh(?) issues, a few times I mysteriously hopped through the air and sometimes my Squadmates just stand around stuck for abit.
  20. I realized it's possible if you read my earlier post I figured out I hit 60 on my second run on the end game. That was without Pinnacle station or Bring Down the Sky (for the first run). I did however kill almost everything on foot. @about the helmet Yes, no toggle and it doesn't auto remove for cut scenes. IF you decide not to wear a helmet on the N7 armor you lose a stat bonus. All the DLC armor is one peice and cannot be customized. Ok, so I finally got to play for a bit today. They definitely improved the TPS aspect and made the combat more focused on it but they still have a ways to go before it's as fluid as Army of Two or Gears of War. I'm already noticing how clunky the cover system still is and the lack of a crouch toggle while not unforgivable is beyond annoying.
  21. I haven't even had the opportunity to play yet but the lack of a helmet toggle or an auto remove for dialogue is uh.. recockulous.
  22. My copy never left Oakland, not that it matters since all the DLC isn't live yet anyway. Spent some time running my extra character through the first game and I'm almost done now. Gotta love how exploitable the Sniper Rifle is!
  23. I lied earlier, my save file shows level 59 but I have the level 60 achievement. So I guess I hit sixty in the last level. My package still shows as being in Oakland since 03:57. Ironically I literally live 5 minutes from a UPS DC.
  24. Oh yeah they emailed me my Terminus armor info yesterday. I kind of thought it would be packaged with my order or something..
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