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Everything posted by bluemax151

  1. He also jumped through the unstable gate in the time travel episode but he did that to avoid his fear of an entirely different scenario. In light it's inferred he knew there was never any real danger. You can pull examples to justify going either way I suppose.
  2. The Plus 11B is nearly irresistible, since it's you know actually at a reasonably sane price for once. I'm personally holding out for the C though. Still haven't received my confirmation email past the normal automated one. HLJ must be pretty busy
  3. Mickey Rourke's face is bad mostly because of failed/bad plastic surgery not from the other stuff. Not that any of that other stuff helped I'm sure. Even though you said rhetorical... a gimp is submissive. BDSM does not innately imply submissiveness but play of both.
  4. When you're being raped on shipping?
  5. Nah he spits mad freestyle yo! I ordered a couple so I expect some Snoop Dogg style action at my door step in a few weeks.
  6. Lots of things on sale including valks http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljsalepage2/?C...re%20Super-Sale!
  7. Nah, Ben Affleck as Daredevil just looks like a gimp.
  8. Saw this yesterday(?), it's even uglier than the majority of the rest of Macross F's designs. I did not think that was even possible but I guess I have been proven wrong.
  9. Well I was planning to do something like Max and Millia's White and Red/Blue but instead swap in colours of Grey and Purple. Some sort of top coat will definitely be necessary but I'm not sure if it'll need a base coat or if a base coat might be a bad idea based on added thickness alone. Then there's the head eye/lens and the running lights to consider.
  10. I have a scout somewhere and I've already thought of picking up a shock trooper but I dunno. I could borrow one if I ever really wanted to just take photos so we'll see.
  11. Mickey Rourke as Whiplash looks like some kind of BDSM gladiator (kind of like Juggernaut in X-Men The Last Stand).
  12. Rush is one of those "at all costs" or " the ends justify the means" stereotypical characters. They've tried to show the viewers he's still human with the likes of that movie quote he made and his addiction to caffeine for instance but in reality he is as massive a coward as he is those other things.
  13. If I can handle assembling and painting one up I'll definitely buy another. Well assuming they stay readily available.
  14. I'm kind of surprised Young just left Rush to die and didn't just put a bullet between his eyes. I'm sure it will become a major plot point later on but seriously if he was THAT angry you would think he would just like to be done with it.
  15. I don't blame her for her performance on AOTS because I assume they make her do that. Try listening to her Lovelive appearances. My god she was more apt to go off on a tangent than Adam Carolla and about twice as annoying without as much of the funny. She did have a tendency to spam lewd comments like "chili dog" which was kind of refreshing coming from the female co host though Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating cookies but I have my doubts about her ability to deliver lines of dialogue.
  16. I've cancelled my preassembled white in favour of the kit version for now. Hopefully that was the right play. I planned on painting it myself anyway, so it seemed like the obvious decision.
  17. Hopefully she doesn't speak or does very little speaking. I wonder if I can look forward to a Hot Toys ScarJo as Black Widow? They already have the face sculpted after all.
  18. I got my trading figures and it's one full set with the chase as expected. Not quite as nice as the Macross sets (although I think some of the figures come with the exact same stands) but pretty much on par with other trading figure sets I own or have handled. My Houquet doesn't stand well without support. Now I just have to eventually pick up the rest of the CM stuff to have in scale. I'm not going to lie, I'm totally not looking forward to that
  19. So does the TS DVD have the original ending? Since someone commented on the sentience of Terminators vs SKynet itself, isn't that exactly what is going on in the Sarah Connor Chronicles? Also has anyone experienced T2 3D? Surely that is the panacea for those less than impressed by T3 and TS.
  20. This was what I was thinking. HLJ did officially announce they have a deal with Yamato to sell exclusives now. Not saying they will but it's definitely more probable now.
  21. Believe me I wish they'd do another X-Wing/Tiefighter but considering how much they've been ignoring the simulator market I doubt that will ever happen. I think they have reworked steam releases lined up though don't they?
  22. Obviously someone hasn't seen Lost in Translation or Nanny Diaries for instance. Given she's in a fair number of shitty movies too. I wouldn't mind seeing Julianne Moore myself either. Of course I suspect not everyone would enjoy a more mature woman in the role.
  23. Take that back! Captain Power was f*cking awesome Probably more hopeless than even Terminator considering they have these super suits and they STILL get killed.
  24. TS is way better than the POS T3 we got before You can blame 21st century tacticool for all the gucci gear we see in TS. You're going to see 416s and crye precision. It's just the nature of the beast. In TS defense it does take place before the more futile future period of Terminator we see in T1 and 2 doesn't it?
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