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Everything posted by bluemax151

  1. Kind of? The Shock Troopers were designed to carry 3 3/4" (1/18) figures inside. I know someone who owns one but personally I only own the scout which is packed away somewhere.
  2. I know someone in QA, so I tried to play in the friends a family beta a couple times. Didn't like it at all but maybe it's just the build.
  3. The seated Yellow and Stick are from the CM set. There's also the standard rifle (compatible with the CM MOSPEADAs) that comes with the standing Ray that is not pictured. I'm not sure how much sets have been going for. I pre-ordered a box of the CMs for like $70 I think from HLJ.
  4. I wish I could say I knew but I'm running XP still. Really I bought the package for UFO Defense and TFTD. Apocalypse is alright but the others I've heard are terrible (never played them). Had to restart TFTD once already because of the MC research glitch. Not sure what else I'd compare X-Com to in videogaming. Standard turn based tactical rpgs generally aren't as involved, although I have a few consoles ones I'm fairly fond of.
  5. Tali was like my favourite ME party member. Not sure I like the armour colours there though and I hope they try to do the mask/face effect she had/has in game. The Shep's facial expression looks weird to me too but I definitely would like to see how the final products look.
  6. Thanks, hopefully CM will do another set of the trading figures. Maybe just swap the standing figures to sitting, sitting figures to standing and add a yellow/Jim/Aisha. I'd like to get a TREAD/Beta but after my Alpha/Legioss experience I won't be buying one ever. Especially since there really isn't a definitive representation IMO. It's like picking the lesser of two evils or something
  7. Like the M&M 1Js vs the M&M 22s? Like a page back I've got the Milia comparison and I've got the 1D vs Max 22 this page (which is basically the same as the 1J). @Arthurius I don't have any saved anywhere but I've seen some on Mworld before, definitely possible. The stand the 21 comes with has a huge footprint since it's light, is hardly adjustable and mine tends to fall apart if I touch it at all. I mean it'll sit fine on the shelf by itself but don't move/touch/shake.
  8. Thanks, I'll wait for the rerelease with fixed arms/pins.
  9. Yes the RE5 Wesker looks pretty bad in that department too.
  10. I was going to take some but my friend and I both decided it wasn't worth it since it's the 21/22's ugliest mode. I really only like 21/22 in fighter since it looks like the Black Widow II. @Arthurius The fast packs are basically a joke and that's from a design standpoint not even a toy one. The stand with the 21 is really not worth it. The Yamato launch arm stand or the flexi stands are like 100x better. I prefer the gunpods because of the whole Bluegazer operation from M7. They weren't really a big deal in Plus though so I could see how they aren't iconic to the 21. I've been discussing starting up an import toy review youtube account with my buddy. No promises though
  11. As a bonus of having a "too high" neck the 1/60 ver2's head does not get swallowed by the armour.
  12. I can't post a picture because I've already fixed it with putty but my Strike Roy had both shoulders crack from sitting in the box (only transformed twice). Max TV 1A, Kakizaki TV 1A, M&M1Js and Virgin Road 1D fine so far.
  13. Well the early 1/48s had that problematic back pack hinge iirc. Personally I have a 1/48 Angel Bird I bought because it was absurdly discounted and honestly the fit and finish on it are terrible (almost bootleg bad). Of course the mold in general still has way more random bits of superfluous detail than even the ver2 1/60s that have followed. The newer ver2 1/60s seem to have fixed any shoulder issues by changing the type of pin in the shoulder (knock on wood). Personally I prefer the new 1/60s for a few reasons They have 1Ds I always thought the 1/48s were too big anyway I haven't had any problems with the 1/60s hip area I never much cared for the radar/wing flaps/etc detail Fit and Finish is just generally better Heads/necks look better IMO The GBP armour fit looks better to me Has destroids and Zentradi armours in scale I do miss the 1/48 gunpod strap and the antenna though.
  14. I noticed it a while ago but I'm not really interested in the AU series being mixed with UC so meh.
  15. I have to inspect mine in more natural light conditions but it looked fine to me. Just got mine today but barely had time to handle it. Ill try to make time over the weekend. EDIT: Some comparison pics
  16. Yes, f*ck Chryssalids! to a lesser extent f*ck Ethereals until I have Psi training. I'm only on Veteran difficulty (which I guess is normal?) and it can still be a major pain.
  17. According to tracking I should have my Max shortly. Comparison pics to follow.
  18. Finally noticed they have all of X-Com on steam.. Swooped on that like nobodies business since when I had one of the collections before I could never get it to run properly. Now I get to relive how hard these games are/were "Total Fistbump Destruction" to be had next week!
  19. I ended up getting the longcoat Rogue but I haven't opened it up. Not too much to say since it's basically the same as the other release. I saw they have a RAHDX Dozle Zabi PVC" and "EX Zabi Family Portrait" now. I've been waiting for something like these forever!
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