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Everything posted by Kin

  1. investment on crap... a waiste of money.
  2. oooooh... trying to get engrish with 2 difficult words.
  3. Well... it's hard to say but I'm kinda fed up with clearing houses and it's the same restricted storyline gameplay since the start of MOHAA. I personally don't see much improvement from COD1. I hope they will make a realtime wwII sim in the future.
  4. And better add some diecast parts in it.
  5. Design of the revolution looks nice, still I hate putting Cd's in a tray sideways... unless it grabs it automatically.
  6. I wonder how durable the DS is... I really want to break that hinge
  7. Well... I'm born in Holland but my parents got tapes from TVB in the 80's with 4-3-0 Space Shuttle.... Man I'm a luckykid watching so many good anime's in stead of the western poo (accept He-man and Mask).
  8. Those Gundam helmets look like motorcross helmets.
  9. I love Mospeada... I love rediscovering the real sountracks. In the 80's I got my mind all messed up cause of "homotech"..
  10. wow what an awesome exotic collection you got! Aint that on the upper right corner one of those transformers that transforms into a jeep? It's pretty nice articulated.
  11. Damn Belgians... they're our neighbouring country...but most of us Dutch people dislike them cause they're kinda like "farm IQ 0"
  12. bwahahahahha! Kinda reminds me of the cheap Go-bots faces... human like nerd faces
  13. "well... if so, I'll let my bigger brother to buy those games for me"
  14. I remembered my boss went to Thailand... Phuket... (F*ck IT)
  15. Uhm... how on earth am I going to tie a knot in the body bag if I'm already frozen to death?
  16. Nice job! Great work too!
  17. Lol is there a doctor in the room? My alpha has a broken spinal core in fighter mode..
  18. soooooo many pop-ups remember... paper plans can be scaled and made of more than just paper. PVC and plywood for example. Depending on how much pvc I can scavege from work and what I have left over from my irrigation system I kinda want to build an upsacled monster with pvc potato gun cannons to harass the neighbors. "turn that music down!" [Why... gonna call the cops?] [No... eat spud!!!" 331610[/snapback] or... get a dead bird or squirrell, throw it to their front door with a note "You're next"...
  19. It's cool but as some previous post said... it's bulky... and lego doesn't mean you can't make the design a bit longer. but I must admit, building something precicely scaled isn't easy.
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