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Everything posted by Kin

  1. I've watched the trailer... I'm very disapointed. They shouldn't call the movie "Miami Vice". It's just a plain action movie.
  2. I'm not a fan of Voltron, but it's sure "bling* bling*".
  3. great news! I found out how to transform a legioss without the cockpit having to do a loop. 1st pic shows that after the radar is deployed, there is enough room to move the cockpit diagonaly with a rail into the empty space. A part of the head can be empty to provide enough space for the rail without collision. 2nd pic shows that there is a hinge that covers the top of the hidden cockpit and also the head is placed correctly and the nose is short. 3rd pic shows that the lower part of the body retracts down. Instead of the original transformation, which the engines rotate only.... this time the engines and the hidden cockpit compartement rotates with a special flat hinge and the front armor shield also rotates to cover the front of the hidden cockpit. Ejecting in soldier mode is much much more sense now! hope you understand my idea! (sorry for my engrish)
  4. OKe.. i had a second thought. I've stopped modeling Optimus Prime... I'll continue with the legioss, with an approved technique to transform. It will be much much more solid compared to previous designs!
  5. What does a Toynami do compared to Gakken? It brakes down.
  6. Well... I can't wait, if a babe is wearing it.
  7. Hi! I'm starting a new papercraft project. A fully transformable Optimus Prime. Planning to be perfect in robot and verhicle mode.
  8. Unfortunately, you're right; a shame isn't it? 350675[/snapback] Guess who's holding the rights...
  9. That would translate into no earlier than 2nd quarter of 07, in Toynamise. 350035[/snapback] lol a toynamese calender
  10. I must say, the masterforce version of prime doesn't look so bad at all... even it has a unlogical solution to get it both well proportioned in truck and bot mode. Compared to the masterpiece, the big plus is that it has side windows. Some little cosmetic tweaks and upgrade joints wil do tha trick. masterforce
  11. Machine Robo, Baikanfu! Interesting site here
  12. After examining picture #2 I'm feeling very uncomfortable noticing the front wheels being displaced from the chassis.
  13. Great! II'm glad it's not too expensive. Can't wait to see the colored version.
  14. hmmm... I remember I watched it some time ago... that's how I, as a child for the first time dealt with "frustration/confusion". The whole movie makes no sense.
  15. nope Lol "Trim Sponsor" was "a childhood friend" of Motodrill in machine robo and he alsways stole his lunch......ehm, strange bulky Japanese robots with human thoughts.
  16. Oh man there were so many at that time... I remember in 80's they sold a very rare machine robo "trim sponsor" (orange truck carrying a green battletank) which was only seen in the machine robo anime. I can't find any info about it on the net. 348641[/snapback] that one pops up on ebay from time to time, usually goes for about 40 to 50 348696[/snapback] WOW! thnx for the tip man! I found it's nickname "tank transer"!
  17. Oh man there were so many at that time... I remember in 80's they sold a very rare machine robo "trim sponsor" (orange truck carrying a green battletank) which was only seen in the machine robo anime. I can't find any info about it on the net.
  18. Aside the interesting prime... I hope to see a masterpiece of this well articulated gobot Porsche.
  19. arggh... thnx for bringing me this awfull reminder...of how crappy it could be
  20. He learned me how to stand on 1 leg without falling
  21. and I certainly hope I got enough budget to buy one of those... since I really can't afford a masterpiece.
  22. lol forgive me but I have to say this: The xbox360 looks like an electric waterboiler... the front of the CDtray looks like a waterlevel indicator. I hope people don't pour water into it.
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