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Everything posted by Kin

  1. You can see it another way... like the psychological, artistic and creative side of anime. ... I've never seen a teenager make an anime movie, do you?
  2. The first thing I notice on that first picture is his "peewee"... and it has a painfull piercing..
  3. I'd rather check to ignore someone and let him waiste his time sending PM's
  4. I don't know if it's because of nostalgia or what but I agree with you. The VF-0 is cool looking but I wouldn't change my VF-1J for a VF-0. 331261[/snapback] No it's not nostalgia, but the VF-0 always reminds me of the cheap made superposables.
  5. Oke, I've done a research after you guys posted me some info. Super Sculpey is polymer clay. I think I'll go for the cheap bucket. Thnx for the info!
  6. Hi, After surfing around about clay modeling I've found a product called "Creall-therm". It's synthetic clay that stays soft and workable untill u bake it in your kitchen oven. Has anyone got any experince with that stuff? It's quite cheap! Only $16,- for a bucket of 2kg and lots of colors to choose from. Kin.
  7. Maybe they're observing floating pee in space left by an astronaut....
  8. I think the choice of a console is based on the games they offer... period.
  9. I agree too about the shades... too simple and the lifeless white grayish color makes the whole thing look like gothic.
  10. I truly think that anime made with only computers should be categorized as "animated movie" rather than "anime". Oke, some computereffects are cool but compared to old method it lacks feeling and is way too smooth compared with the motion frames used for characters. That always shocked me.
  11. Now that's cool. Man... children now are really hooked on computers and gameconsoles. It's time they use their brains and play with healthy lego, uhm don't bite the platstich though.
  12. also lacks lighting effects and minor reflection of the surrounding area.
  13. Wouldn't it be great if we have 3D helmets with headmotion sensor?
  14. cheap computercrap... is anything still being done by hand?
  15. Well... there are many "big" companies like "toynami" but you wouldn't believe how may idiots walk around there playing smart or see only greens. "Hey Bob! Don't forget to send an e-mail to the manufacter about the corrections"... recipient: bob@dumb.com
  16. Welll basically... it does make a little sence.
  17. Reading all about those problems I think I'll use superglue.
  18. Levees notwithstanding, they had no plan for such an event that would have forced the evacuation of the city. I saw an AP photo of school buses that were flooded out and unusable -- rather than hole people up in the Superdome who couldn't leave, why didn't they use those school buses to get them out before Katrina hit? Where was the New Orleans Police? After 9/11, the NYPD worked double and triple-time. After Katrina, over two hundred NOPD officers laid down their badges and said "screw this," leaving the city to the looters until the National Guard and other law-enforcemetn elements had to come in, and foud it so dangerous that some looters were to be shot on sight. (They had looted guns as well as other goods.) Now, I don't begrudge the people who were taking food, water and appropriate clothing (note the word apropriate), but it does raise an important question: Given the position that New Orleans is in, and given that they knew that someday there would be a catastrophic hurricane, where were the stockpiles of disaster supplies? Where was the water and MREs? Where were the public officials to distribute it in the Superdome and Convention Center? I really believe that, although the Federal and State governments do share in a measure in the culpability for how Katrina's aftermath played out, the bulk of the blame must be placed upon the governments of the Orleans Parish and the government of New Orleans, who were almost criminally negligent, In my opinion. 325844[/snapback] yup. I gotta agree with you here.. if people want to build homes in flood planes, or unstable hills or cliffs, let them. but don't go blaming the government when nature comes knocking. Maybe the Federal government could have acted sooner.. but I fail to see how raping, looting TVs and shooting at hospital workers makes things better. And let's consider, louisiana and other southern states take WAY more of federal tax dollars in aid and subsisdies than any other state and they still can't get their house in order. I feel for those people, I really do... but instead of praising a mayor that sat around and did nothing before and can't do anything but complain afterwards, try doing something for yourselves. 325874[/snapback] Well... at least give them food, water and medicine before lots of people are going to die of starvation and illness.
  19. Just say you're from Holland ... the small town of "Hiddink"... they will help u with their most effort.
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