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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Nowhere near the awesomeness of @Kicker773's Hot Toys collection, but added another suit to my small armory.
  2. Iron Man Mark XLIII. It's an older Hot Toys suit and it lacks the improvements the newest suits have. But it sure is pretty and still a kickass toy!
  3. That and the reverse modex numbering.
  4. Arcadia valks don't come with stands. Don't be silly.
  5. Guys! He's totally telling the truth! I found a pic of Bandai's upcoming TV Kakizaki release! Note the signature Bandai tampo printing.
  6. Just watched episode 5 of Picard. A bit behind because of work and lost some motivation due to the poor pacing of the first few episodes. It didn't help that the trailer made it look like yet another campy "crew dresses in local disguise to pull off some ridiculous mission" episode. And while the episode definitely had its goofy moments of levity, I actually enjoyed it, mostly. Great seeing Seven again and how much she's changed over the years, and the scene with her and Picard at the end was fantastic. I kinda wish they had gotten the original actor back for Maddox. That guy was so weasely and sniveling and I wanted to see how he is now after 30 years. Oh well. But rather than write a long-winded review then congratulate myself for how clever and influential I think I am, I'll let this guy do it for me, as he mostly mirrors my own thoughts on Picard: (Summary: Like Picard, some bad stuff, don't care for Soji and Ethan-Peck-Spock-lookalike Romulan dude, etc.)
  7. This should be good.
  8. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh that's not bad at all. Now go get the sound boosters.
  9. Lolicon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Bandai should have allowed more clearance for the head laser in the box, or given us a spare part like the extra V-fins we get with Gundam.
  10. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Great collection! May I ask how much you got it for? They were dirt cheap for awhile but then like always the price crept up.
  11. Probably common knowledge by now, but I finally opened my SHF Mk 85 and noticed the removable panel on the back, which I'm guessing the lighting focuser plugs into. So yeah Bandai intentionally gimped the first Endgame releases just so they could release it again with all the planned accessories from the start. And still no nano-gauntlet? Are they saving that for a triple dip? Eff you, Bandai. I just bought third party accessories for Cap and Iron Man. That Captain Marvel looks much better than the horrible looking first release. Will I be able to attach that snapping finger nano-gauntlet to SHF Thanos? I'm betting no.
  12. I can neither confirm nor deny any involvement with Bandai. I think he's being facetious.
  13. Guess I'll have to take another pic with just the Yamato versions. Thanks! Nice! I actually liked the old HM VF-19. Still have mine with the sound boosters, which looks as good as its bigger 1/60 brother.
  14. I preordered the fighter-only kit. Might be a long while before I can build it though. I want to actually paint it and all, not stick it together like a hobo.
  15. That thing looks so lovely. Just can't justify spending that much on one valk though. I'll just live vicariously through pics from others.
  16. I'm glad to see Bandai is finally painting the landing gear properly!
  17. That cover is most likely super glued on, so there won't be any way to open it without breaking it. Bandai loves their super glue! Parts that I could open on the 1J can no longer be easily opened (or at all) on the 1A and 1S thanks to Bandai just going hog wild with the glue. Bandai wants to deny you the color scheme you desire. Like a certain paint scheme? Bandai won't release it. Think you'll just make your own custom? Bandai will make it damn near impossible to do any disassembly whatsoever.
  18. If you're the kind of person who tries to do what's seen in the movies, then you are a Darwin award waiting to happen. If you see a 6'2" tower of muscle walking naked through the streets at night, don't go messing with that person like someone in the movies would. You get away and call the police.
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