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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Heck, those April POs might be delayed, since all that stuff is (like those MB Zakus) are built in China.
  2. Yeah the exchange rate sucks right now. I'm hesitant to order anything currently. My next round of POs to pay for won't be till late April, so I'm hoping the exchange improves by then.
  3. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    No parts swapping needed to transform the VF-4 but you also get minimal accessories compared to the VF-1A.
  4. Looks like a great start!
  5. Unopened for 32k. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1132272829&ref=list&keyword=マクロス
  6. Opened and used 1S for 22k. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1132263638&ref=dos&keyword=マクロス Also opened one available for 26k. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1128769927&ref=list&keyword=マクロス
  7. Not really new, but I've started going through my large backlog of figmas that I've received but never opened. Starting with original recipe Saber.
  8. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Not to mention Mandarake shipping would be cheaper. Still waiting on NY to ship mine. Again, not going to email them or anything. Going to see how long those numbnuts take to ship things out when left to their own devices. Will I get my VF-4G before the coronavirus pandemic ends? Stay tuned!
  9. Went to the store earlier and freaking supermarkets are now closing at 8pm because of this coronavirus panic. Goddamn idiotic. As if the virus cares what time of day it is. Not to mention the idiots cleaned out the stores of TP and frozen pizzas, of all things. Hoping this blows over soon so we can get the next DX (and I can get my turkey meatballs).
  10. You don't miss Yamato because you hate the way prices have soared on their non-existent releases (because they're out of business)? And you don't miss Yamato because Arcadia (a completely different company) has high prices? Impeccable reasoning.
  11. What's the difference between this one and the previous Black Panther, aside from the roid rage?
  12. Lolicon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    All the characters on Delta are poorly written.
  13. What an ass backwards way to run a company.
  14. It probably is. But since the 1J would be a reissue and not a new release, Bandai will do their research and get an idea of how many units they can expect to sell and decide whether or not it's worth it to allocate production capacity to something they've already released or if it's in their financial interest to release something else. Bandai's "love" of any character only extends to how much of it they can sell.
  15. You say that like Bandai actually gives a crap about the characters like we do. And if your idea of "shortly" is "over a year later" then yes it was definitely "shortly" after.
  16. Cannon joints are super loose out of the box and the peg fit on the shoulder is so bad the cannon falls off if you breathe on it too hard. $75 for this crap from Bandai.
  17. Bandai didn't reissue Arad's 31S; they didn't think not doing so would "limit sales" of the armor pack. Their thinking is probably more along the lines of "Okay, we're met our Macross production quota to keep those filthy animals happy. Let's get back to churning out more Gundam."
  18. Just opened up the latest War Machine and right out of the box the shoulder cannon is loose as f*** and falls right off if you breathe on it too hard. You suck, Bandai.
  19. Bandai's next promotion: free roll of TP with the purchase of every DX!
  20. 1S for 28k. There's also another at a different branch for 32k. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1124879027&ref=dos&keyword=マクロス
  21. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    He broke the peg off into the adapter that comes with the valk. He'll have to buy another HMR to get that adapter, or get a spare from someone.
  22. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Rather ironic that Bandai paints the landing gear on HMR but not their much more expensive DX releases.
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