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Everything posted by warpaint22

  1. Being a model builder I would have settled for the Hasegawa valks as this was my intension in the first place. I also would have gone for the bandi kits but not the 1/55's chunkies as they may do it for some but not me. As of november 2006 I was not on the net and never worried about what I was missing, then I spotted hasegawa valks on ebay and thought I have to have them. Once I purchased my first kits from HLJ and when my customers saw them they reverted to thier childhood and I've been building valks none stop since last november and the orders keep comming. So I would have been happy with just the kits but then I took the plunge and purchased a 1/48 VF-1S Roy and have never looked back, but if Yamato was never around I would have been happy just to build kits as my Yammies arrive get transformed and put in a display case to never be touched again, I don't play or transform them, they just get stared at and dusted from time to time when they need it. So I really could just get buy with kits even now if I wanted. Besides that if yamato wasn't around I'd have to find someone else to rant about, but I'm sure that wouldn't be hard.
  2. Little late been on the beach but HAPPY Birthday Macross, our love grows stronger each and every year.
  3. Cool update, ha you beet me I'm still flat out. Looking great 007-vf1 but I can't give any advice on the trusters as I'm not quite sure what or how they look. Casting is great to learn but I know how you feel being pressed for time. Keep it going though it's looking awesome and you've come to far now.
  4. Well that did it, seeing the pre-order well just had to get one plus SDF-1's don't come around every day. It's going to be an expensive christmas this year.
  5. Awesome work, I was waiting to see how long it would be before someone custom painted one. Looks great!!!!!!!!
  6. Aint this the truth. As much as I gripe about yamato's QC it is everywhere and a fact of life. I do beleave that yamato could do a little more QC testing before they release an item, but this wont help if the supplied plastic and such have the flaw after testing is done and production starts. But as sqidd stated I also desire special items in my collection so I will continue to buy them and enjoy them. I'll have a little rant every now and then but thats human nature IMO.
  7. I'm still up in the air over getting the new paint scheme, I have the first edition and I like it looks good on display with the colours it's done in. I wait and see after a couple of members get one and see what they think, however I would have prefered a TV SDF-1.
  8. I'll deal with it, by not whatching or buying anything to do with it. Though bio weapons are what the zentraedi are so I'll whatch it if they give the space monsters some cool mecha. I can just see it now, the space whales have huge strap on guns and armor....hmmmm... Dino riders meets macoss yay.
  9. Well if the new macross is going to have space monsters then that will make me stay away even if it is macross. I just couldn't handle valks flying around shooting at giant space monsters even if they did explain it as some bio weapon. Monsters = crap show.IMO
  10. Thanks valkyriepm I'm looking forward to your post. I thought as much with the bridge and as you said the shape is clear just lacks a little detail but I should be fine working the antenna out. Thanks again.
  11. That's for when the wife takes the kids out. Haha Just on the point of the gundam markers and the copics, the copics are alcohol-based but I don't beleave the gundams are. But you should find as ghostryder has said that the panel lines on the 1/48 are nice and deep, so smudging should not be a problem if you use a really fine mech pencil or the copics. I think you will find the gundams will smudge without a clear coat, and adding a clear coat is just an other thing that could go wrong and spoil the whole thing for you. I'd go with the pencil or copics ( or any thin alcohol based pen), great thing with pencil is a eraser is the only real clean up tool you need if you make a mistake ( I sure you wont anyway ) but just take you time and you'll have a much nicer looking valk than out of the box. Let us know how it turns out.
  12. I agree, Iwata are great, buy a good airbrush and never look back. Just make sure it's easy to get parts if you need them in a hurry.
  13. Congrats on the 1/48 hope there will be more to come. The great thing is that I still get the same feeling when I buy any new yamato valk, it's so cool to have good toys and it just keeps getting better.
  14. I've been working on my 1/700 Prometheus and have hit the same problem when it comes to the bridge design. I'm using the same drawing that Mr March posted but have come accross no other reference apart from viewing pictures from the show. The biggest thing I'd like to know is does the bridge have any type of widows as the line art looks like it hasn't, I imagine that the Prometheus has an internal bridge like that of the new battlestar galactica. If anyone does have any good pic's could they send them my way also. Thanks Oh great work on your 1/1000 valkyriepm I hope you can post something soon I was reading you old thread when I found it in a google search, awesome work, I hope mine turns out as good but it's taking a while due to the size (about 70.7cm long) it's huge.
  15. The protective coating that Anasazi37 would use would be to make sure the print doesn't crack or peel off, like when you make your own decals you need to coat the decals as they can crack and peel.
  16. I really think a set of copic's are a grate investment, you can get three colours for doing panel lines and it's just nice and easy, I think I saw that gundam (GSI) is doing a really fine mechanical pencil now for adding panel lines. I prefer these options than painting on a wash for lines on my yammies as if you are not confident using them you could make a mess, all the different ways work and work well it's just what you would feel confident doing. Pencil and markers are great and simple to use and the yammies have wide deep lines to follow, with a pencil and gudam markers a clear coat would have to be done, copics will once dry be pretty permanent just make sure that you clean up mistakes as you go with a damp cotton swab as once dry you'll need to use alcohol or thinner to remove it. It's all just practice.
  17. Thanks that makes sence I totaly forgot that it must have been a little while before Hikaru and Misa where rescued so Max would have been next in line for command in skull squadron. Then the same when Max went missing with Millia.
  18. Wecome to MW. I think you can't go wrong with any of the 1/48 range, the Roy 1S was my first and it has no problems. I just bought a VF-0S and again it's fine none of the problems that have been posted but this could be due to my keeness to play around with it, but it's feet lock in position and has no stress marks after a few tranformations. The 19 with FP seems to be the way to go as it seems some problems have been fixed and that's the way I'll go and I like my 1/60 VF's they're good but you do have to take the legs of to transform it. If I've missed anything I'm sure the other members will pick it up and let you know. Wecome to the Yamato addiction.
  19. Well I also consider myself an old sci-fi nut and I'm a big kid at heart. Razzor sounds great I'll look forward to that, I have S1 and S2 box sets and now waiting on S3 plus Razor, now I know about it. I read about how sci-fi is going to split the last season thats just pathetic IMO. So whats happening with caprica, I heard a little about it them nothing, is it still in the pipes or has it been scratched?
  20. Great work so far I hope it all goes well looks like you've got everything under control, and good luck in the comp!
  21. What was hikaru at that point was max his superior?
  22. It's a shame that Macross II is not part of the continuity of macross, it took me a long time to work out what was going on ( no access to internet back then). I was a big fan of the mecha and I really didn't mind the story but whan made me think that it was a carry on was thw fact that on the VHS I whatched it on they had a trailer for M+ ( no other trailers). It's been about 10 years since I saw it so maybe I wouldn't like it anymore but I'll always love the VF-2SS. I'm not going to enter this topic as I just don't look as deep into the macross universe and have far less knoledge of the newer factions. One thing that I would like to know is, do the zentraedi fleets just roam aimlessly hunting for the enemy, it just seems that they have no central command just armies without a cause with no clear objective. They have no homeworld to protect, the civilisation they where made to gaurd is extinct, and as stated the area of space is so large that they could roam for hundreds of years with no contact of the enemy and most of all what would the zentraedi do once they won. This is why I don't look to deeply as I just find more questions with no aswers and I think thats half the fun, but you are given explanations in macross II about why the marduk are going around conquering races and you can imagine that they have or came from a home world/worlds even though it's not stated. The only thing about macross II that I didn't like is that it took on a little of the robotech style with my comparison being the marduk and the robotech masters being controlers of the zentraedi. To me it just seems that without a command that the zentraedi would be vulnerable to extinction themselves as they can't repair anything and eventually all factories and ships would be useless even from general wear and tear, but still to me not a motive to fight but to learn mechanics. Macross II gives cause for war and someone that can repair and maintain the weapons and the biggest thing I think supply food as I can't imagine that the zentraedi take time out to plant a few crops and they don't seem great at making allies. So the marduk fill this roll in macross II. So I guess that there must be some sought of governing body still in control of the zentradi just in the thought of food supply, as I beleave in SDFM you see the zentraedi drinking what looks like wine. So I ask this, who could be suppling food? As having the knowledge of farming seems less likely than having the knowledge of machanics.
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