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Everything posted by miriya

  1. It has been a long time since I bought anything and I have been selling off a lot but I could not pass up the HLJ sale of the 30th anniversary 1/60 Arcadia VF-1J and so I got it, my first Arcadia and wow(!) it is really nice. Seems more sturdy and easier to transform than my VF-1D and I love the color scheme. I might not even use the decals though I am thinking of just using the SDF-1 Shillouettes and skipping the rest. Overall I am very stoked I got it and they have really engineered a great VF-1. I went back to HLJ thinking I should get a few more to mature in my closet (that sounds wrong) but the sale was already over. I still have not gotten any Bandai macross stuff since the partsforming Osma but I have a preorder on the RVF-171.
  2. That is one sexy bird-bot
  3. want want want want want!!!! I hope I don't miss this one and hope that someone posts where to order it from too.
  4. WTF?!?!?! Is this real? Deculture!!!!
  5. This might become my first Arcadia purchase.
  6. OMG this robot is so sexy!!!
  7. Hate may be a strong word but I dislike for (at least) the following: 1) Poor quality on overpriced macross frontier toys 2) No more 1/55 macross reissues 3) Never made a 1/55 VF-1D (I still hope they do this some day but was holding my breath for the 30th anniversary)
  8. I also like Zero more than Plus. I wish there was a good sub or dub for that matter.
  9. I would probably sooner mask and paint than try to apply those decals. But I find decals to be one of the most challenging things about model building. Not to dissuade you. Go for it! You can do it! Looking forward to seeing the build pics.
  10. When my son and I saw Captain America 2 the other day, he was freaking out excited about the new godzilla movie trailer. When we got home, instead of talking about how much he loved captain america ( he did love it by the way - we both did), he just kept talking about how excited he is about the new Godzilla movie. I am too. This is a must see in the theaters film. Cant wait!
  11. Beautiful work! I am really impressed and it is great that you have some to sell.
  12. I love the colors! Great pro job!
  13. I hope to make it there again this year. Last year was fantastic!
  14. These Zentraedi figures are awesome. Are they custom?
  15. Gorgeous! I like the brains out look too ( I know they will be concealed)
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