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Everything posted by valhary

  1. yes that's the plan and also considering remake the forehead part the rest would be repaint and finally add stickers
  2. I have cloned the faceplate of my kai because the painted eyes never convince me If someone known the most similar paint available to match the red I would appreciate it
  3. I sick to wait an official player want do it so a friend and I decided make the vf 19a ravens so we started recast the visor in red
  4. Thats insane thanks for the files!! My biggest problem with Shapeways is the shipping always charge me high taxes certainly It will be a lot easier print locally
  5. maybe is because are more fan of the type s but I see better than the bandai dx
  6. valhary

    Hi-Metal R

  7. the problem with the macross the ride is at first seight looks like the original valks with light modifications however have a lot of differences that means a lot of work and more with the convertion kits
  8. I hope a new version of the vf 1s head with face, neck and visor more detailed like hasegawa
  9. should have this type of gimmicks f gimm
  10. Agree with jenius I love the yamato v2 but is too stylized in battroid mode If we start of the lineart is more chunky but I dont love the neckless thats why a lot of people like the Hasegawa that seems to be more balanced considering the advantage of a non transformable
  11. Finally found the pic unfortunately is a VF 1a however is useful to see the proportions I also made the fighter mode vs Hasegawa because according a lot of people consider the best general look of the VF 1 so now I will try make in battroid mode
  12. I need this for my 1/60 collection
  13. I propose the comparison because maybe in fighter mode are closer to the 1/60 v2 but in battroid mode looks like the Yamato 1/48 to me
  14. great news for upgrade kits and custom!!!
  15. very overpriced for what you get is almost the same that yamato with a few improvements but smaller
  16. http://www.gokin.it/2017/12/07/info-e-foto-studio-half-eye-perfect-change-escaflowne-revival/
  17. Fighter: VF 31J Gerwalk: Sv 262Hs Battroid: VF 2ss
  18. I'm trying make the comparison between the yamato 1/48 and the DX unfortunately I can't find the CAD if I remember right there is an image when release the 1/60 v2 appears side by side to the 1/48 (battroid mode) I hope someone can help me
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