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Everything posted by valhary

  1. a little update I already clone the forehead part now only remains begin with the paint process
  2. looks promising! the biggest problem with macross the ride valks are based in model kits and not always easy adapt to work correctly in a transformable toy
  3. amazing job Xigfrid! like usual you should try the VF 25 version
  4. wow! really? ok let me make another copy
  5. I already purchase the MP-01 Long Smoke Stacks of Shapeways and although really contains metal is like compressed dust and not convinced me
  6. really? that sounds very interesting
  7. I already recast the leg bar connector in resin and works for display however is too fragile to handle several transformations
  8. Arcadia has the rights and the possibility is real it's just a matter that want to do it
  9. The most of the Macross fans have been waiting for this bird so many years that some months will not bothering at all;)
  10. I want to see how Arcadia will justify the issues because remember according to them the overpriced it's due to the better quality compared to Yamato http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/the-macross-thread.101574/page-2496
  11. This will be epic I hope you upload all the process
  12. unseal seems to be inevitable but maybe stickers with white background make easier the job I just make the Hakuna VF 1x++ in vinyl glow and not look bad
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