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Everything posted by valhary

  1. The X9 has almost the same size of the VF-1
  2. valhary

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Besides of the tampo variation I don't see Bandai improving absolutely nothing even doubt of the canopy opening change also is very likely sold by separate the supers with foldbooster and missiles like the previous releases (25 and 31) I hope to be wrong and Bandai surprise us
  3. where the hell is the sv 51 v2 prototype?
  4. the 1/60 version still not available right?
  5. Great news!!! definitely Fans Hobby has a very high quality I hope they focus in the 1/60 scale and give us what Bandai and Arcadia deny us
  6. Although at the first sight looks very similar the Active is almost another valk
  7. Update testing the size of the possible stickers
  8. Still thinking because if I recast all parts is gonna take so long but without problems of scratch the paint In the other hand the resin is fragile and probably cannot handle a lot of transformations but I think works just fine for display no matter wich mode choose
  9. Another update I tested some parts in blue resin trying to match the raven tone so at this point not know if I should remake all parts or paint job
  10. My criticism is not about wich company is better I know nothing about the molds deterioration I focus in the sale prices I understand the manufacturing cost has been increase but even so for me is overpriced And I would accept it if Arcadia announce what determined for their own profits at the end is a business and if they pay for the rights and the molds can do it I disagree is tell us that the increase is because the improve of quality when is not
  11. what makes me question of the Arcadia veracity is the fact to order the project developer justify the overpriced until I know that's the job of public relations division but of course there are taking advantage that the most of Macross fans know that Mr. K was member of the Yamato crew and have our respect
  12. valhary

    Bandai DX VF-31

    A lot of people out there don't like us the VF 31F head design and I think is OK look for alternatives
  13. great news! I can't wait to receive mine
  14. Mr. K said: As the planner, I believe the following points are factors in the high pricing of the products. (Maybe in you should read these with a “Considering the small scale of our company…” at the start of each one of these). ①:Firstly, mecha have lots of parts. ②:Thus, there are numerous molds. ③:For every project, my working hours are long. In other words, personnel expenses. Oh, by the way, don’t think I get a particularly high salary. ④:The more parts you have, the more paintwork that needs to be done. ⑤:The more parts you have , the more building work that needs to be done. ⑥:Our quality standards for building work are high http://www.macrossworld.com/why-are-arcadia-products-so-expensive-by-mr-k/
  15. that's exactly my complain with Arcadia they justify the overpriced because increase the quality but the reality is exactly the same toy that yamato make and if you ask me I feel it even more fragile than predecessors
  16. This is worrying I expected that show at least the prototype so this makes me believe that release at the end of December if it's to come out this year
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