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Everything posted by DewPoint

  1. Planetary scale bombardment can make most stories very short. Or you could start a story that way...
  2. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    So the Strike Roy Custom and the Regult Scout as a two-pack never made any sense to me. While the Scout is uncommon, Roy's Strike is unique. The Regult Scout packaged with the Elint Seeker would had made more sense as a two-pack provided that it wasn't already released. Because army building! So for my own reasons, I hope that the Regult Scout and re-release Strike Roy are sold separately. I missed Roy the 1st time around and I refuse to pay 1:60 scale prices for it. I could use two scouts, I would really need two Roys.
  3. Most reviews seem to be mostly positive for the Valkyrie Factory KOs. I'll probably get one to play with if I can ever find one for $100 USD or less.
  4. Well I do like how it looks. Its just that I would never buy it. Not my type of thing. Maybe if I ever won the PowerBall or something. Plus... all the powered armor bits are missing or totally intentionally left out to make it look pretty. I probably should just say that there are other things missing other than her butt plate.
  5. You all need to update your homeowner's insurance to cover the replacement costs of all your treasures! Rebuilding those collections after a tragic loss would be painful to say the least.
  6. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    It seems to me that they do indeed move slower than Hero figures. The prices stay low long enough for some fans to start army building. They seem to show up less often once they have finally sold out.
  7. And Japan just closed their borders to foreign travel yet again due to the new COVID variant. Not sure how this is going to effect shipping.
  8. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    To be released as a set so far. I'm hoping for TWE Blue Phalanx in the future!
  9. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    My 1st Regult also had a leg issue. It would hold any pose just fine, but if you picked it up, one leg would noticeably drop down. It would still hold the same pose if you set back down, so it wasn't a big issue. It just hinted at potential future issues. We all knew that the legs would eventually be the major issue with the Regult, It is most likely why Bandai included the stand with it.
  10. I seem to be have issues posting using Firefox on Windows 10 on my Desktop. There seems to be a lot of lag when I click the "Submit Replay" button. I get the grayed out "Saving..." button, but it seem to hang at this point. I often need to refresh the page and then it might work. Microsoft Edge doesn't seem to exhibit this issue. Update: Chrome seems to work fine as well. It seems to be an issue with Firefox. Or at least Firefox with default settings. I have similar issues with Firefox on my Android phone and Galaxy Tab 6.
  11. I'm giving Fairy Tail another go. I dropped it after the first episode the first time. It seem to me that it is trying to be something between Dragon Ball and One Piece. It's OK. I'm currently on episode 12. So far the 1st filler episode seem to be Naruto level bad. I may just skip all the fillers since I can! At any rate, It will do to fill the time between the current shows. It is better than Muv-Luv.
  12. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Some of the old-timers here might argue that you would need as much a 7.
  13. You know... If it came with a extra Big West stickers sufficiently large enough to cover over the HG logos (user applied) I may bite.
  14. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    I should probably set up a BBTS account for potential future purchases.
  15. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Regult Scout next maybe?
  16. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm kinda feeling like I'm in an abusive relationship with Bandai. I hope that Bandai will for fulfill my HMR Destroid dreams. Then suddenly Bandai will turn around and beat me down and crush my dreams. But I stay in the relationship because I'm still hoping...
  17. I would think that if you 1) didn't end up in jail, 2) didn't contribute to the permanent mental trauma of someone, and 3) didn't have to take off your clothes for money (unless you really like to do that), you probably did OK at 24.
  18. Thanks for keeping us all up to date on May'n. She seems to be keeping herself very busy. I am a bit concerned that she may be taking on too much and could burn out.
  19. I was told once that the show concept was that a high tech military prototype helicopter was built in a civilian helicopter shell to hide the fact that it was a high tech military prototype helicopter.
  20. Shouldn't this topic be merged with the original post? Yeah, nothing wrong with the attempt, but it was almost guaranteed to get shut down.
  21. Some people claim that the de-yellowing reduces plastic brittleness. I honestly have no clue if it is true or not. Regardless, you are essentially "bleaching" the plastic. Ultimately, it is your toy, do with it what you want! 🦀🦀🦀😋
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