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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. The switch to having PMCs in Macross makes sense as the colonies are scattered far and wide. It's really hard to hold onto an area that spans the galaxy with a centralized command structure. At least in the current style we are familiar with. Local forces would need to have some autonamy to function, this includes allocation of thier own resources as they travel farther from 'home base'. Instead of just taking that doctrine and keeping full loyality to UNSpacy it seems that the path Macross is following is just to skip the middle man and go straight to privitation. It also allows the heroes to not look like glorified goverment workers, which I'm guessing is the primary reason. Looking back, most of the protagonist forces are para-military, even the original series to some extent since they were cut off from Earth support, even by thier own military at one point.
  2. Sorry about this... rant By the same token, comic books should have stayed in the realm of animated series. But technology is getting good enough that film makers can take what was once stuck to only being able to be drawn into the the world of the real. Seriously, blame the MCU and our current nostigic driven culture for this rise in adaptions. Not to mention that while those of use that grew up on the original source materials or at least the animated versions, can not want to see what we love fail if done wrong (and it might). For most western audiences animation is still regarded as entertainment for kids. It's only those of us that saw the mature stories and themes that eastern animation (and to some minor extent western) that we can see it as just another media to tell stories. Comic books are gaining a small bit of creditablity thanks in part to the success of the arrowverse and MCU. The western culture is being shown that drawn works can tell good stories and for adults to boot. The live-action based on anime is to do the same, but like some comic book nerds will groan at the changes and vision the moives/shows take on characters they loved to read about, so too do we have the same feeling towards our beloved characters being changed when the medium is changed. /rant If the series works, great, if not, oh well. At least if it gets others insterested in the source material, all the better.
  3. Considering shows like Babylon 5, Voyager, Deep Space Nine, and Battlestar Galatica. Not to mention more recently The Expanse, sci-fi has the effects in TV series to do the CB space scenes just fine. But yeah, this is going to fall into writing and the cast. *crosses fingers*
  4. No, but if you beat the Xaos campaign you get a special VF-31j with a nice pin-up of Mirage, also it's fully unlocked. I'll try and remember to get an image of it tonight. Edit: I was wrong, it's a J version. Anyway once I manage to get my email linked I'll see about uploading a pic. It was late and I was tired.
  5. Any chance we might get a Mirage version from Scramble?
  6. Listening now, will have to say that I was meh with the Sidonia movie.. sorry Blame!
  7. Thank you and keep up the good work you are doing. Personally I'd like to see the Delta era ships, but I'm a patient wolf, if/when I start to make missions I'll send a few your way.
  8. Might as well drop this here and may repeat on the steam forum later: Is there plans to do up a custom campaign for this mod (currently can only use in deathmatch mode)? If not would anyone care to point me in the direction of the proper tools to make one, hopefully so it's mostly compatible with the mod.
  9. It is indeed on Netflix, arrived last week.
  10. Actually couldn't they just use the Caitian/Fersaen from STO? Most of that game needs to go through CBS legal anyway. Plus it wouldn't be too hard to make them as the prostectic would only need to be slitly better then the old 90's Beauty and the Beast level.
  11. Wow, really. That was old grip from when Vanguards were added in 5th edition as well. Also in Space Marine (PS4)... maybe people just don't like hammer weilding jump-packers. @Seto Kaiba 16" charge while ingnoring intervening terrian? Yes please! I'm still waiting on his sequal to Double Eagle, but not holding my breath. If you want some fun inquisator action, Sandy Mitchell (writer of Caphis Cain) did a dark heresy series. Good stuff. Well Gulliman was in a stasis field, they only got around to dropping it recently, if his twitter account is anything to go by he was pissed they didn't let him out sooner. Also as for the Drukhari (Dark Eldar) with the new vehicle rules they aren't as too glass cannony anymore. There was a faction focus on them yesterday.
  12. By the Emperor that comment is as old as the clip... Also I use worse, in Shadow War my grey knights have access ( and I regularly use) an operative that is basically a mjior weilding nightcrawler.
  13. Yeah, this one came out of left field. Be interesting to see how this does considering it was most likely made well after Discovery's announcement. So if Seth makes a better Star Trek in a shorter time then CBS I'm just going to lol. As well as while watching it as it seems like like a balance between Star Trek and Galaxy Quest.
  14. On playthrough #3 right now, I have endings ABGT I believe. But yeah going for all 26 actually. The biblical references are mind-blowing. Side question: I haven't found the weapon smith to get mine upgraded to level 4, where is it?
  15. So I've almost got all the trophies and decided to try something different. I tried to play as Barsara, this guy is wierd, as in playstyle the jury is hung on as an actual character. So anyone else try him and know how he works cause his damage is all over the place.
  16. @kajnrig - Planning to get Bayonetta on Steam next month. Currently going through Neir: Automata, the combat reminds me a lot of Bayonetta but with a more melee focus if that is your thing. Story is... dear gods what?! levels. That or I've been trapped in MMOs for too long to remember a single player game (or any game) with a deep story.
  17. This series is brillant. The amount of references from non-40k sources is just golden.
  18. @Seto Kaiba- Thanks, I was planning a rewatch of Delta so I'll pay more attention to the Voldor mission eps. Found an image of them... might have to do a head swap but it looks like this will be easier then I thought.
  19. So question for a project of mine: Where would I find a decent image of the combat uniform for foot troops in the macross universe? Tried a google image search and was getting mostly naval uniforms. That is if the army still exist in macross.
  20. You'd only need a movie worth to finish Delta, which I'm fine with. It would be nice to see the after-effects of the hive-mind event from the prospective of another colony fleet, colony or better yet, Earth.
  21. Already did a week ago. I'm going to see about getting rough translations of the paid dlc stuff later. Just need sit down and work on it. Also need to get my sister to help since I don't read a lick of kanji.
  22. Makes sense, since during the starting playthrough I could only use planes/supports from Kaos during the main story and Windmerian planes/support during that campaign until I beat them. Didn't notice the limit unlocks until I was on the last of the windmere missions (and beat most of the extras).
  23. I have to check out Rage, liked the last series, love/hate the game.
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