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Everything posted by ghostryder

  1. Thanks, bro. I too was intending on doing the bunnies, but the blurry pixelated outline and lightness of the Yamato markings makes then almost disappear on the 0A plastic color. This goes for the UN SPACY leg stickers as well. The yellow an red Yamato stickers (like the "NO STEP" and rescue markings) aren't that bad as long as you trim off the factory die-cut edge. If you hear back from Taka about a new 0A sheet, let us all know.
  2. Unfortunately, they are a hodge-podge of what I could salvage from my leftover Takatoy VF-1/VF-0S sheet, and stock Yamato stickers. An aftermarket VF-0A does not exist that I know of .
  3. GutsAndCasca, please post some wolfpack pics. If you need me to host, send the pics to me . As far as the new quasi-Shin scheme, I still prefer the Yamato CF scheme. For those of you with the super stealth weapons, try a set of nukes on the 0A. Looks wicked...
  4. Not crazy about the Ghost color. Actually, the Shin-type 0A on display still doesn't look 100% accurate to me. The tail fin tips should be light gray, as should the entire fighter underbelly. Actually, all the dark gray areas should be a few shades lighter to be anime-accurate ("official" colors notwithstanding), especially the canopy frame.
  5. Looks that way - backpack and legs move to accommodate fastpacks. Damn, 1/144 is pretty small. If you inhale too hard, you could accidently choke on one of those nukes
  6. I just finished playing catch-up by watching M7 and MII over a short period. Before I slit my wrists, can someone tell me the name of that bubble-gum song that's featured in both (the one the Jamming Birds sing)? thank you
  7. Holy mother of pearl... This would make an awsome episode of "Trash to Treasure". Imagine some guy rumaging through your recycling bin one day, and coming back the next day to leave this on your doorstep .
  8. Jesus, I'm plodding through M7 right now. Are you telling me Basara won't die in Ep. 47 "Death of Basara"? I'm gonna stop watching now, and go take a shower to wash the gay away...
  9. I must have read it somewhere on the forum. If I'm wrong, sorry for the mis-info.
  10. It wasn't really clear to me if Hikaru would have gotten command of the Skull squad even if he hadn't gone MIA with Misa. In the series, Max and Kakizaki were placed as newbies under Hikaru's command after he had gotten some combat experience, while in DYRL, all 3 were basically under Roy's command (we don't see separate "teams" within the Skull squadron in DYRL). Max was clearly the better pilot, and they both appeared equally green (maybe Hikaru even more so) in terms of being able to command a squad. Off-topic - all the VFs in DYRL were basically upgraded to the VF-1X block standard. So when Max/Hikaru got their Skull-001, did they just swap heads and paint new numbers?
  11. I have both, and haterist is correct that it is the number/placement and thickness of nubs that make the circular base unstable. By giving the purchaser the option of putting on thinner pads and more of them (at least 5 or 6 rather than 3 or 4), the base should be fine for a fastpacked 1/48. Also keep the pads flat, rather than rounded.
  12. kit bash Megatron Has anyone seen this? Gives you some idea of what Masterpiece Megs would look like if they stayed true to the G1 cartoon bot.
  13. Damn, my childhood recollections of giant toys has foiled me again. I thought the G1 Megs was more or less 1:1.
  14. Thanks for the pic. A 17" long Walther P-38. Totally plausible . I'm guessing a stalk and silencer won't be included.
  15. Soundwave was the same size as top-of-the-line mid-80s Walkmans, except he played microcassettes. Real microcassette players were much smaller. Given G1 proportions, how much bigger would the gun need to be so that Megs can look eye-to-eye with Masterpiece Convoy?
  16. I dunno, a P-38 Megs would be awsome, but the idea of a detailed realistic, but oversized gun is kinda lame. G1 Soundwave was cool because the walkman was life-sized, but Blaster was lame because the boom box was the size of your baby sister's purse. Ideally, I'd like to see a G1-perfect bot mode that could transform into some quasi-realistic tank.
  17. Your right.... well, there's another vote for a custom light setup rather than relying on fluorecent overheads.
  18. I used the Takatoy VF-0S set for the white skulls and "Asuka", and the Takatoy 1/48 set for numbers ("011" turned upsidedown). I couldn't find another 300 series number set in black and white, other than Roy's 301. Everything else, believe it or not, is stock Yamato stickers. The Yamato kite matches the wing kite perfectly, and is quite a bit different than the Takatoy version. As for the vertical stab color, I think I used Model Master acrylic gunship gray, with a touch of black mixed in. In retrospect, I used way too much black, but it's close enough for gov'ment work. 0.3mm HB pencil for the panel lines on the fighter, and Pigma Micron pen and lots of spit for the panel lines on the fastpacks and gun
  19. Here's some experimentation I did with a 3.2MP by simply using the MACRO mode (thanks drifand!). Keep in mind, I used no special lighting other than the overhead fluorescents of my laundry room. It helps that the light reflects off the white walls and the white dryer top. If I wanted a dark base, I'd probably need diffused side lites. There's nothing special about the MACRO pics other than them being sharp and representative of the toy, which was my only goal: FLASH ON (eww ) AUTO mode MACRO mode Here's some other closeups I' took with the MACRO mode on.
  20. I have a Canon S30 3.2MP... I will try these tips tonight, I've always had it on AUTO ! Do you recommend setting shutter and allowing camera to select aperture, vice-versa, or doing everything manually?
  21. Best of luck on what you actually get from Sundevil. At worst, it will be the same as the HK bootleg .
  22. This is the first true side shot I've seen... This actually looks good, godammnit . Time to save for the second release.
  23. Here's some better pics (with pitot tube attached).
  24. You want Yamato puppy-poo brown, or something that actually looks good ? I suggest you check out the first few pages of the custom 1/48 gallery, find a custom CF you like, and ask the builder what they used. I like the colors that Jung and Hayao Kakizaki used - they are quite different.
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