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Everything posted by ghostryder

  1. thanks! UN Spacy is right, why is the "UN SPACY" on the gun pod upsidedown on this one? Previous shots of the box goodies showed it correct.
  2. Can someone attach some of these pics, the internet police at work won't let me view .
  3. I'm just disappointed in the stress mark issue - that means stress marks will be even more visible on the darker plastic for what I really want (Thundercracker, or even Skywarp re-paint). If they make a G1- color SS, this won't be as much of an issue. If only they used the same ABS that Yamato uses on their 1/48s. I've never seen a single stress mark on any of my valks - even on the BP8s for my CF and Stealth.
  4. A 1/48 MPSS would make the robot about 12", a bit shorter than MP Prime (which is looks more correct).
  5. A 1/48 F-15 would be about 16 inches. I THINK it was confirmed a while ago that the fighter is about 1/60, which jives with UN Spacy's pic.
  6. I think the F-15 is about 63 ft long in real life, whereas the VF-1 is about 45 ft. A fighter comparison w/ a bigger fighter like the VF-0 would be to the same scale, and "look" right. Someone once posted this pic of 1/48s together (F/A-18, VF-1, and F-15). You can see how big the F-15 is, I only wish someone would post a top view.
  7. Yeah, those yamato stickers are plenty sticky as long as it's on a flat surface that's bigger than the sticker. I may just go ahead and use the stock squadron tail markings (skull or bunny) with the excess trimmed off, and use Takatoy 0S stickers for all the little fracking details. Alas, I must wait for mine another week (or two)...
  8. Well, for the sake of variety, I'll retract my earlier Gobot statement. I had no idea there were so many, and actually based on real military aircraft. Most are on par with the aerialbots, in terms or suckiness: Gobot Jets - Spy Eye (Tornado) - super gobot Leader-1 (F-15) - normal and super gobot Bad Boy (A-10) Heat Seaker (F-16) Mach 3 (F-4) Sky Jack (F-14) Bullseye (B-1) Gunnyr (Mig-21) Royal T (Harrier) Gobot Props - Zero (Zero) Ace (P-51) Bentwing (F-4U Corsair) Then there's the more recent TF decepticon jet mutations: Galaxy Force (Su-27) Armada (VF-11 copycat?) Energon (F-22)
  9. Blitzwing! (Mig-25) Notice that I did not include Broadside, which was a wannbe F-18, but was just a brick with a nosecone and wings
  10. ... yeh, the Aerialbots sneak under the wire just because they're gestaults
  11. Maybe we can limit this list somehow, like post-WWII and fictional non-prop fighters only, and excluding toys that are totally gay. That way we don't have to remember every single POS Gobot that was made (except for Royal T).
  12. Yes, they are. The top pic is production, the bottom is the old pre-production pic (posted to show the difference in grays).
  13. Ah shoot, did Yamato use the wrong gray for the wing stripe? Isn't it supposed to match the gray on the heatshield/tails, and not that really dark gray used for the cockpit frame/top of nose ? Oh well, looks good either way.
  14. That's a much better shot showing the nicer gray scheme we saw on the convention pics. Me like, and me can't wait for mine to land .
  15. A little lonely here I for one would like to see someone fix the low-hanging shoulders in fighter mode and recast a new slimmer canopy. Those are the 2 things keeping the 1/48 from being more or less perfect in my eyes. The only way to fix the shoulders would be to make the ball socket able to recess into the shoulders by 2-3 mm. We've already seen someone try to clip off those mystery tabs that support the arms in fighter mode, and look what happened. We've already got a thread for better hands, that's a third thing. As for me, I'm too chicken to do anything more than paint touch-ups and glueing pieces of confetti over the 1J eye-piece to get rid of the cyclops effect.
  16. Doesn't the hip kibble fit onto the sides of the legs the same way it does in fighter mode? If so, you could easily chop off his balls and keep the kibble on the legs all the time (unless they need to be removed for transformation). I'm glad it has little to no diecast. The worse thing than a bad color scheme, is one with painted bits that don't quite match the plastic color that will inevitably get chipped. I'll wait for Thundercracker, and I hope they fix those crooked wing stripes by then. That's inexcusable.
  17. Rabidweezil - Great minds think alike... Did you pimp out your the heatshield with an Enigma sticker?
  18. Oh fark, I just read your post. I hate to say it, this was one of the most inaccurate Tomcat kits I've seen. The nose section is way too short and doesn't have the right profile, and the engine exhaust pipes were merely adapted from a F-14A TF-30 mold (which made the exhaust section way too short). On the bright side, unlike the Hase 1/72 kits, you can play with the swing wings. Oh well, at the price you paid, its' not a big loss, and the finished model is nice and big.
  19. Yes, SDF-1 will cover all bases, if you're not particular about DYRL or TV series. All my valks have ARMD-1, just cause I dig the idea of the launch arm, vs taking off from a aircraft carrier in space .
  20. Dave, I had the olf Monogram 1/48 F-15C as a kid. Is the Revell reissue the same as the Monogram kit? From what I memember, all the Monogram kits I had raised panel lines vs recessed, which sucked. I do agree that the accuracy of that 1/48 Eagle kicked ass, even better than the original Revell 1/32 F-15 & ASAT kit.
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