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Everything posted by ghostryder

  1. There's a useful tidbit. I wish I could angle the flash on my sh1tty camera...
  2. If that's the AC bootleg (judging by the chinese subs, I would think so), then it's not widescreen (it's 4:3), the video is grainier than the fx version, but the subtitles are marginally better than fx.
  3. I did . Thinking about it now, I'm going to pull off all the fuzzy gray Yamato stickers (inside skulls and UN SPACY on legs). The 0A scheme is a bastardiztion of 70s gray/white high-vis and modern low-vis, so the really light gray symbols don't mesh well with the overall scheme.
  4. Crap, I put it away while panel lining and stickering, and forgot to put it back on. On another note, the stock gray Yamato stickers are REALLY crappy in terms of edge clarity and contrast with the gray plastic. The skulls inside the fins and the UN SPACY on the actual legs are barely visible and look like blobs. A shade darker gray and crisper edges would have been nice.
  5. removed crappy pics to spare dial-up users
  6. From Macross Compendium "Four pivoting underwing hard points for twelve AMM-1 hybrid guided multipurpose missiles each with four stabilizers which extend during launch (three on each hard point), twelve MK-82 LDGB conventional bombs (three on each hard point), six RMS-1 large anti-ship reaction missiles (two on each outboard hard point and one on each inboard hard point), four UUM-7 micro-missile pods (one on each hard point) each carrying up to fifteen Bifors HMM-01 micro-missiles, or a combination of the above missiles."
  7. I think (or my wallet hopes) that's a Hasegawa 1/72 model . Looks too small to be 1/60. A 1/72 SV-51 would be about as long as a 1/60 VF-0.
  8. Quick question - isn't the default color for modern AAMs gray? All the pics of AMRAAMs being fired from Super Hornets and Raptors that I've seen are gray, with white radomes. So, even though they don't look as cool, the gray missiles on the 0A appear correct. If Focker gets a custom hoopty 70s hi-vis paint job on his VF-0, then I guess he should get hoopty hi-vis white missiles also.
  9. Probably the same reason why the nose gear towbar and main gear struts where molded in gray .
  10. Well, the full mockup was done in 1969, so technically the F-14 airframe is a "60s" design .
  11. On another topic... I'm REALLY enjoying the overall look and feel of this toy. I'm very happy that a simple pencil panel line job stands out nicely against the gray plastic. I'm still debating if I should wait for custom stickers. Someone mentioned that the stock 0A stickers were thinner than typical Yamato. I don't have an old sticker sheet to compare either the thickness or stickiness. Anyone else that stickered their 0A want to chime in on the sticker quality?
  12. Really sorry to hear that... did it happen during transformation? Might be an issue with the new screw that they added to tighten the joint, which could have been over-tightened at the factory . Can you take pics?
  13. Assuming a swing-wing design, I would say the VF-1 wouldn't look too much different if designed today. Maybe 3-D vectoring nozzles and less right angles to reduce radar signature, but I think it would still look more or less blocky like the F-22 and JSF. The VF-0 was a technology test-bed, while the VF-1 was mass-produced mecha whose airframe likely wasn't optimized for aerospace maneuverability (raw power from the reaction engines would compensate a lot). Rather, it seems more fitting that it would be designed for economy, ease of repair, and maximum compatability with add-ons (fastpacks, boosters, etc).
  14. I'm a big proponent of 0.3mm pencil with HB lead. It's subtle looking, and easy to do. I can panel line a whole valk in under an hour. I suck at photography, so take a look at R Deckard's pics in the 1/48+fp's, 1/60, And 1/72 Picture Gallery Pt 2 to get a better idea of how it looks.
  15. That's some funny stuff. It's actually Dairugger XV (aka Voltron I), in case you're serious.
  16. Opened mine up. Happy to report that all the joints and connection tabs that were loosey goosey on the 0S are tighter on my 0A (not 1/48-tight, but noticeably tighter). The only exception is the left shoulder. The locking tilting feet are a nice improvement, as is the tighter backpack. I did notice it's a bit harder to overlap the wings in battroid, maybe because of the extra layers of paint on the wing flaps. The swing bar hinge also rubs against the inner wing paint. Anybody experience any paint wear or scratching?
  17. I'll be happy to take any obsolete low-vis 1/48 eyesores off your hands
  18. No way... it's still #1 in my book in terms of looks, playability, and awsome-osity. Of course, I haven't opened my 0A yet, which is currently sitting in a box under my workstation .
  19. Are the Hasegawa markings canon? I thought markings weren't shown on the anime. I like the emblem for sure and that should not have been omitted... I'm probably the only one, but I like Yamato's backdrop and font better than the generic ubiquitous MS Word script font that Hasegawa uses.
  20. Has there been a photoshopped pic of the production SS mold in Thundercracker or Skywarp G1 toy colors?
  21. I'll be more than happy to put wolfpack markings one mine..... if Takatoys makes gray versions, with the extra stripes to go behind the kite on the nose .
  22. All those images look consistent with what Hayao Kakizaki said - one upsidedown (right in fighter), one rightsideup (left in fighter).
  23. I forgot about this one (Octane) ... somewhat more decent than Broadside, but...
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