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Posts posted by ScrambledValkyrie

  1. Cool news about the PlayStation mini. As the first disk-based console to take this approach, I think it paves the way for more. I wonder if load times will be shorter since games will surely be on solid state form?

    I was thinking back to my PS1 library, (which isn’t that extensive) and think that Gran Turismo should be on there as well as one of the Twisted Metal games. But I guess (like with Konami) it depends on who’s willing to license for it. 

  2. 7 hours ago, kajnrig said:

    HLJ apparently are selling preowned items now. Must've happened very recently. They have an HMR Elintseeker here: https://hlj.com/product/POW-1-BANN19292/Act

    Yeah, I think someone mentioned it a couple of pages back. It will be interesting to see how much their pre-owned selection develops.

    As far as a HMR VF-1J from Macross the First, I’d think that @sh9000 would have that on his custom list somewhere. I believe there was a magazine that had stickers you could use?

  3. On 9/1/2018 at 9:06 PM, beatsing said:

    The right foot heel doesn’t rotate as much as the left foot towards the rear.  See the photos.  

    So it has diffulty standing in the batroid amd a hard time in gerwalk.  

    Do you guys know how to fix the right foot heel?


    Just to further clarify…

    I opened one of my VT-1s, and the right heel is indeed not swinging back far enough. The left side is fine. I checked 2 of my VF-1A CFs, and they both have the issue, though one only slightly. I also checked my VF-1J Milia and one of my VF-1J Hikarus, and the feet on both of those swing fully back as they should. 

  4. Seems like the Saturn was home to several good shooters (and 2D games in general) especially when you consider the ones only released in Japan. I never had a Saturn. I focused on the PlayStation (and somewhat the N64) during that time.

  5. Gaiares is a fantastic game, just incredibly difficult, at least for me. Then again, I'm not super skilled at shooters. I think my brother finished it back in the day, but I've never been able to get very far.

    (@jenius, did you ever complete Gaiares?)

    I just discovered Musha Aleste this year, and it's amazing. Haven't gotten past stage 2, but also haven't put that much time into it. Compile definitely knows (or knew) that they're doing. Super Aleste (Space Megaforce) is probably my favorite shooter of all time. I've beaten it countless times since 1992. I got a Famicom copy of Gun Nac, and am looking forward to trying that out.

    I never got into the Gradius series at all, and don't own any of them, unless you count Life Force (Salamander), which is pretty cool but I haven't played it lately. I'd say Konami's best shooter is Axelay.

    I picked up Thunder Force 3 a while back, and it's pretty impressive as well. 

    I've got the Macross 2036 PC Engine game. I haven't played it a lot, and it seems like it's just OK. I'm currently trying to finish Macross Scrambled Valkyrie on the Super Famicom. Incredible game, even apart from the Macross tie-in. I am having to play it on easy mode, though.

    As I said, I'm not that excellent with shooter games. :lol:


  6. Hmm. I never played the original Ninja Warriors -- on the SNES, was it? Maybe I need to check it out.


    Edit: So... with current prices, I likely won't be checking it out anytime soon. Seems it's become a pricy one.

  7. 6 minutes ago, amptor said:

    What about the VF-1D that they teased?  And the Khakizaki TV version for that matter.

    At least the Kakizaki got made as a prototype, while we've seen no such evidence of a VF-1D, to my knowledge.

    While I don't think that the DX would cannibalize HMR per se, I wonder if the 1/48 launch has consumed a lot of development and marketing bandwidth lately.

  8. 3 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    Did anyone asked FEXT if their 1/60 OWL will be painted? And if so, are they doing the plain Unit 000 color scheme?


    Looking at their site, there are photos of what look like all-gray prototypes and then this photo which looks like a finished painted version with several details:



  9. I've had the tight rear foot issue on a couple of my HMR VF-1s. I can't remember exactly which ones, but I think it's only been on a couple of my VF-1A CFs. I just lived with it,since it didn't seem to want to loosen beyond a certain point. I'll have to go back and look at it again. I haven't opened my either of my VT-1s yet.

    So @amptor, why do you like to buy so many of certain valks? I can definitely understand reasons for getting multiples (keep MISB, open for display, "just in case", etc) and of course for army-building (like with the CF) but 10 seems like a lot. Not judging, of course. Just curious.

  10. 11 hours ago, sh9000 said:



    Is that a custom TV Focker pilot I see in there? I had thought about doing one from a spare CF pilot at some point.

  11. 13 hours ago, Lolicon said:

    Fixed up my Super Ostrich a bit with some leftover materials. :)

    Nice work there. With all those decals, it looks like the equivalent of a PF version. Are they waterslides?


    13 hours ago, Lolicon said:

    "Hey Hayase, we're the only two people left on Earth. Want to start repopulating?"



    26 minutes ago, sh9000 said:

    I was thinking of converting my spare Hikarus in blue jumpsuit from the VT-1s into Max and Kakizaki.  Maybe convert a spare Misa into Milia in TV uniform.

    You could sit them around a tiny table using the Fext armor seats, though you'd also want a custom Roy...


    Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at 8.58.52 PM copy 2.png

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