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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. I love worthless hollow plastic so much, I bought two!
  2. You might face a blaster before you even get close to it. Fair warning. 😛
  3. 😁 I shall be a just leader as long as you all come up with ample amounts of Beskar to show your loyalty. Seriously though, this thing is pretty cool. Could be better in a few areas (mainly the blade) but it’s a pretty impressive piece overall.
  4. I’ve got tons of them in varying heights too. Beyond just toy collections, I also have comic books and cds in the thousands. I would by spools of blank cds to make my own mixes and backup cds I bought. Also DVDs to make movies.
  5. Hahaha, that is awesome! Screwing the tripod into the blank cd case takes the cake. I'll never need to buy another stand again!
  6. Haha yeah. Me and Noel Lee be hanging out laughing about the money we took in. 😜
  7. Yeah, I'd take one too but I'm happy with what I got and not willing to pay the price for anything else unless I catch a new release without the aftermarket tax.
  8. Bringing back so many memories! The Frog! Hahaha. I'm with you @no3Ljm 959! But I wouldn't want to scratch that one.
  9. Oh damn! I just realized after the repost that this is the Grasshopper! Is that still being produced? I guess you can't beat a tried and true classic that that?!
  10. Yeah, most CC companies will cover you way beyond what PP will. FWIW, I just got another shipping notice from NY. For the limited edition Black And Gold Iron Spider figure. It one of my last orders through them and mainly because it wasn’t available at other shops. They also just sent another order I had a couple weeks ago.
  11. Lol, my carriers are luckily pretty decent but that sums it up pretty well. Only thing I fear is the dependency on those companies being made fun of and who knows what they will do next time they see they are carrying an item from Luna Park.
  12. Hope it works out. Yeah, Future floor polish is under the Pledge brand now. But you don’t need both if you are getting Kiki. Like I mentioned, they are both for the same purpose so if you already ordered one, you’re good to go.
  13. I've used Future Floor polish on metal joints and it works great. Should all be similar stuff and is just an acrylic based coating and it is really good with capillary action to coat joints in tough to reach places. Kiki's comes with an applicator tip but if you use another product, just use a toothpick to drip the fluid as close to the joint as possible and then move it all around to coat it. Then leave it alone for at least a day to dry and repeat if necessary.
  14. Haha, moving with crazy collections is such a pita. I spent days and rented a uhaul separately just to move parts of my collection myself. Spreadsheets would have taken years to do, literally. I ended up taking pictures of some boxes with part of their contents and a long time ago, I had a contents list that I wrote up and put in boxes or wrote directly on them so I could know what was in them. I still have no idea what’s in most of them.
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