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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Aw man, is that Subi new too? I feel like they realeased it before right?
  2. Yeah, I'd rather just have a yellow valk. What's wrong with yellow? Gives you more reason to collect em all!
  3. I never got the point of the peroxide treatments when the figure will just yellow again.
  4. Oh, I don’t even care. Just a joke because there are a lot of people who complain when they see tiny details that don’t match source material.
  5. Who’s going to complain that they got Minmei’s arm positions wrong?😂
  6. My heart and blessings go out to you. I took care of my mom while she fought cancer and was there to the end.
  7. Congrats on the pickups! So sorry to hear about your illness. That’s tough…F cancer!
  8. Mandarake and AmiAmi have the best packaging. HLJ is inconsistent but decent. There was a time when a lot of their items came loose in a box with an air pillow and they moved around and got slight damage. Cdj and from japan have pretty good packaging. AJ is getting better and when they shrink wrap the item to a board glued to the box, it helps but they were using paper thin boxes for a while. It really helped that DHL was so fast to reduce chances of damage. I know no one cares but NY always wraps items with bubble wrap and tape and then fills in space with paper and size their boxes to the items inside.
  9. You are absolutely right, my bad! The Supra/Z4 was even more surprising to me. I haven't been keeping up with car stuff lately as I prefer the older days of "analog" motorsport. Let me feel the road and what the car is doing and control it myself. Only tech I really care about is quattro and I'll also take the mechanical versions over the digital.
  10. I don't really follow Miata's but I like "fat" cars, especially if it means wider stance or beefier tires. Part of why I did the OEM Widebody conversion on my S4. Sounds like you have the right idea making the changes where it counts when it comes to a driver's car. All I know is Miata's have always been fun cars and I was surprised when I heard the newest shares the Z4 platform. Nice pair of Valks there too!
  11. For sure! Have fun driving that in the canyons. That’s what I’d be doing every chance I had.
  12. I got this sweet gun that made it finally worth it to open Classified Flint!
  13. Well, considering all our toys are artificial, their abundance or scarcity is also always artificial. The point is, there is no reason for Bandai to make more than they are in the current market unless the reason is so collectors can get the items easier at the expense of Bandai losing profits from other products they could be making more money off of. Somehow, I don’t think many successful companies would go that route to please a minute fraction of their customers.
  14. Pretty much as the last two posts pointed out. I think the numbers are so low for Macross that any excess produced will lead to a period where either retailers have stock sitting around (Arcadia) or resellers not being able to move at higher prices. Once that initial stock dries up, Macross items become rare due to the low numbers to begin with so anyone who missed out is looking at prices inflating significantly. This market is too niche for anyone to expect companies to just "make more" whenever they fail to secure a preorder.
  15. I really doubt this is a case of not as many people buying Roys though. I think it might be a perfect example of how small the real Macross collecting community is. People always complain about how hard it is to get preorders and it's true but I don't think the easy answer many people express of "make more" works. I'm willing to bet Bandai does look at sales numbers and makes adjustments based on projected sales and they probably did produce more Roys than they did for some others. It's just such a small community that even if they made a relatively small amount more for the production world, like let's say 1000 more units than usual, that makes a huge difference in how long stock lingers and all the people who collect Macross and want the figure to end up getting it. When you calculate the extra amount of profit the small numbers generate for Bandai, I think it is easy to see why they will usually tend towards producing less. It's much easier and more profitable for them to free up factory resources for things that sell in greater numbers with higher profit margins.
  16. Might as well add the Regults as well. Maybe some strategically placed HMR will work for the bg figures?
  17. Cool! That 300SL is sweet too. Need to find one of those as well.
  18. I had situations where PayPal CS advised me to charge back through my CC company and I did just that. No issues.
  19. The payment is just facilitated by PayPal. The money from your cc went to the shop and will be refunded from the shop. Either way, PayPal doesn’t seem to give a crap because they just want anyone to use them as much as possible.
  20. You can definitely go through your credit card company. I’d say to just wait but wouldn’t blame you for getting your money back. The one time I ordered from nin-nin, they never sent my item. I waited until a couple months after the release date to inquire with them about it. They never responded to anything and I gave them several weeks to respond each time. So, got my money back and have never shopped there again.
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