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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Yeah, my packages were always good from them and I saved thousands of dollars over the years because of their low prices. Too bad they had to go down the drain. Hopefully we’ll get more domestic shops carrying Macross in the near future.
  2. NY ain't got nothing on those Meghan/Patricia CS videos! But I gotta say, my last shipment from NY was packed nicely with that blue bubble wrap sealed tightly all around with custom made box to fit perfectly!
  3. Seems like he’s well aware of the joint.
  4. I’d have to see this data you speak of and I don’t doubt it’s true in cases. Reliability depends on a lot of things and a big part of it could come down to how the owner takes care of their car. Time will also tell because there hasn’t been enough time to really say how long a new car will last since that much time hasn’t even passed yet. I have good friends that are mechanics that show me exactly where newer cars are skimping on quality and I can see and feel it in many cases. @last_raven mentioned he works in the industry and seems to be saying the same. I can see that technology has improved many aspects of cars and can give a perceived amount of quality in certain aspects. I think the difference might be more apparent in higher end cars from before compared to today as technology is replacing material quality and workmanship and many cars are becoming more similar since they are mostly being made all over the world by shared factories. Cars that used robust mechanical solutions made of metal have new solutions made with electronics and plastic. Cars are glued together instead of welded. I had cheap cars back in the day that were “reliable” but they also felt like cheap tin cans that literally fell apart over short periods of time. Yeah, from my experience, American cars have gained the most perceived value and quality compared from around the 80s-90s to today. Meanwhile, a Mercedes Benz of today seems barely better or even in some cases worse than a Toyota. But I have a Benz from the 80s that I still drive almost everyday and it still works mechanically as well as it did in the 80s. It required nearly zero maintenance other than regular oil changes and has never left me stranded once in over 30 years.
  5. Haha, totally agree. My cars are all over 10 years old (most over 20 years old) and they are better made than anything comparable or even most higher end cars made since. It's such a simple matter of the unsustainable system of ever increasing profits we created for ourselves. The easiest way for corporations to maintain the model is to keep cutting costs where ever they can and quality is one of the main cuts. Definitely for the car industry where it also serves to make their products more disposable so they can sell you another car after you realize your "new" car is a pile of junk after a few years while cars made back in the day are still running strong after 20-30 years and more. Some car manufacturers are trying to force people like us to buy their crappy new cars now by eliminating supply of parts for older cars so yeah, more junk for everyone!💩
  6. Wow, sucks to hear about the slop on this release. I like all the DX releases since the 31 but there is still a big difference IMO compared to Yamato/Arcadia Valks which are so precise and not sloppy.
  7. This makes a lot of sense to me. The claims that a shop would go out of their way to buy items on the second market to fulfill orders especially at a loss or significant reduction in profit seems quite unbelievable. Even more so when the same shops are also claimed to be scammers by the same people.
  8. Yeah, I don't know if there are such a thing as store fanbois. The only thing I really care about from any store is if they deliver what I want for the lowest price. NY did that for me for a long time and saved me thousands of dollars. I cut back on using them once they seemed to raise their prices and had major delays on delivery but it was a good run for me while it lasted. Nin-nin on the other hand, I wouldn't touch long before NY had any issues. I wouldn't be surprised if they were involved in some way but at this point, I don't care since neither are of any use now.
  9. I have a bunch of those too and use them as the base layer of my stacks so any less durable boxes are on top and more protected. The problem is if I bought enough of those boxes, it would take up even more room and cost me a ton of Valks worth of money.
  10. FWIW, this is a pic of one of my spaces from over a year ago: I can't even get an angle like that to photo anymore and I have another equivalent space filled to the brim and a garage that is completely filled floor to ceiling minus a spot for one car.
  11. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    They might sell out fairly quickly but they likely don't make enough of them to be very profitable. If they make more, them they will shelf warm for a bit and they probably don't like that for such a small margin item.
  12. Nope. Preorder madness is part of the fun and satisfaction. Plus, it still ends up being slightly cheaper.
  13. Yep, this is all good stuff for sure and I will be ordering whatever I can from US shops if this first example holds true going forward. I do think all the indicators still show that Macross is just not a big seller/money maker relative to many other properties so we are lucky to get what we have. I mean, these things sell out in seconds at the Japanese shops and don’t even come close to making the top selling lists on sites that show ratings like AmiAmi and CDJ.
  14. Just get the Alto set that came out not long ago. Miria’s 29 wouldn’t look much different right?
  15. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    How could they?! Preorder cancelled! J/K, those differences don't concern me.
  16. Damn, I didn’t know there was a woke Macross collecting movement too. 🤣 I buy Macross toys because I’m intrigued by the designs and especially the Gerwalk modes. All iterations of Valkyries are interesting and worth collecting to me. The original Chunky is the best toy ever made period imo and I love seeing how other versions of them have come out since and most of those are definitely worth collecting too. It just so happens I like all the media as well but I’m not dependent on any particular scene or bound to toys that must slavishly match every detail I see in them to be happy.
  17. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    It’s a bit smaller. Can work if you are ok with using some forced perspective.
  18. Now you’re getting it. 😁
  19. Wrong. You make more room by renting space, buying storage, adding on to your property and buying bigger property.
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