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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. I'm sure in an emergency, they may have reserves, though we don't know the extent of those reserves. On that note: Is there a kill ratio for the VF-O Phoenix available (any of the models)? Makes me wonder what the NUNS forces would be like a century from Delta, fleet-wise (not to mention the colony situation). Admittedly, RT back many years ago made is seem like "mopping up the Zentraedi" was a minor thing. The truth is: SW1 was just the beginning. How did he plan on doing that, seeing as one man could barely do anything against a fleet of 5 million ships? Right; then again, I think having the Macross Cannons does make some difference. I know it's a cross-timeline thing, but aren't they even more powerful than a New Macross class? Or am I just assuming based on size? Thanks for all the info Seto!
  2. There is that, sad to say. It sounds like they would have to have turned the planet into one massive beam cannon to solve that. (That, or find a way to get Reba West onto the main command ship and sing, so her grating voice causes Boddole Zer to beg for mercy! ) Seriously though: I know I keep revisiting this (and probably ad nauseum for some of the kind folks answering my queries). I just find the mass destruction of the planet a seriously horrific thing; I take it that was the whole point of it in the story, right? (Yes, I can be a bit dense, admittedly. )
  3. "Honey...we're sleeping on the floor from now on..."
  4. You know: when I was thinking about all of this, that came to mind! That, with more emphasis on the Ghost fighter, a main fighter like the VF-0 only optimized for space, all five Grand Cannons operational (possibly more constructed) and more of the ARMD (with possible fold capability) may have made Boddole Zer a bit more hesitant to bombard Earth.
  5. Magnificent!!! Utterly magnificent!!
  6. LOL! Turn Earth into "Gunstar-1"!!! The Zentraedi would probably need clean underwear if the entire planet started looping around their fleet taking potshots at them!
  7. That would have been a very interesting situation; although that might have led to him calling in other fleets. And then they found out that was a mistake. Interesting; the VF-0 is coming up several notches for me in my view. I may have to obtain a model of that sometime. Thank you for the info on that!
  8. I faintly recall those from the FamilySoft games (I'm old!). Yeah... my question was would they have still bothered with them? That's an interesting point: barriers that could bring a war fleet or other threat to a dead stop! Either protect a planet, or conceivably trap a fleet in deep space by surrounding them with a barrier. Right; I wouldn't imagine trying to deploy anything like that unless they had a way to do so without effectively trapping themselves. Okay, I keep forgetting that the VF-0 even exists! O.o But on that point: I'm surprised that once UN Spacy ran into the fuel issues, they didn't simply start producing the VF-0 en masse. (yeah, production wise, Macross Zero hadn't of come out yet IRL). I really dislike the VF-3000 nowadays; after carefully studying the design, it strikes me as clumsy looking and kinda dorky. For the sake of argument, how hard would it have been to change the VF-0 from conventional fuel to a fusion setup?
  9. I meant the same original airframe, but if they had considered larger fuel capacity and thrust. Well, considering that a Main Fleet showing up would pretty much do that for you anyways, at least with the Fold faults, you might have a way to disperse them once you deploy them.
  10. I also think they may not have focused so heavily on Destroids, have bothered much with the Prometheus or Daedalus classes, and maybe have had a different attitude about completing the Grand Cannons. That said: with what NUNS knows now about Fold Faults and whatnot, do you think a possible direction they may be seeking with research into this is a way to stop Zentraedi Main Fleets assaulting Unity colonies by creating artificial Fold Faults (like the ones that cause so many headaches for Windermere IV)? And on the note of the VF-1 being larger: hmmm... a VF-1 designed from "go" for that would be an interesting project.
  11. You know... I ended up getting lost at TV Tropes and reading just a few moments ago about how the invasion in SFDM was a deconstructed trope! Then I thought to come back here and check in, and sure enough! It makes me wonder though: how would Macross have been different if they somehow had guessed correctly the type of forces and strategy and prepared for that?
  12. Would it be fair to say that the Zentraedi glassing Earth from orbit instead of landing and conducting the "classic invasion" scenario the Unity Gov't was expecting was a trope subversion? https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AlienInvasion
  13. BTW: if you have a birthday coming up, sign up for Firehouse and Jersey Mike's subs' online clubs! You'll get a free regular sub at each of them for your birthday, but you have to do it at least a couple of weeks before your actual b-day!
  14. The only Zentraedi subs I ever knew of were the ones Guld Goa Bowman ate for lunch at The New Edwards Base Subway™ on Planet Eden.
  15. Thanks Bro!! I always wanted to get a Misa/ Lisa Matchbox in her normal uniform, but they never made one! Looking next to do a Captain Global/ Gloval figure, then hopefully Roy! At some point (Providence willing), I'd like to have the main cast (except Minmay; I can't STAND her voice!).
  16. Nice project to tackle, Derex! Looking forward to the results! 👍 That reminds me: I'm currently trying to piece together an old Italeri 1/48 scale F-22 that was misassembled and abandoned to a thrift store (bought this one a couple years back). The canopy was so badly scratched that I had to sand it down and am struggling to re-polish it; the plane had to have every single seam popped and scraped down (stuff glued into the wrong position and left to solidify), and the main fuselage was glued with several large gaping seams open. I'm literally going to have to either re-scribe them all, or (most likely) draw them in with a mechanical pencil: Yeah, this seam. It's been a royal pain, and the marks from the previous attempt by the former owner remain: Also: missing the pilot, so I had to cobble one together from pats of 1/48 pilots I had kicking about. The cockpit is plain and bleh, and will need considerable work to get to a level I'm willing to accept. Also on my list: finding cheap wood (i.e. free, as my wife has put her foot down) to start my Yamato project. I'll be hiding under the bed, folks. Stay tuned.
  17. Actually, Tekkering and I both do. He's correct on the conning tower, VOTL assemblies and Main Cannon Booms. Both of us have been working for quite some time now on accurizing the 1/3000 scale SDF-1 Macross, and are intimately familiar with the correct proportions and alignment of the ship in Fortress and Storm Attacker modes. Those areas could use some major tightening up if they plan on selling this as a product.
  18. Matchbox RT Lisa Hayes.... After I got done with it (Misa Hayase)....
  19. Hmm.. Gung-Ho in dress uniform might actually work! Thanks for the tip!
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