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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Yeah; it was based on a design I did for the "United Earth Armed Forces" (UEAF) seal right before finishing the base that I then painted by hand onto it: Thanks!! Both of you inspired me and assisted me in many ways with this build, whether you know it or not!
  2. Ah... usually, I cut out a chuck of Styrofoam from a block of the stuff I have lying around, spray paint it until it's melty and pitted, finish with some acrylics and then seal it.
  3. And then attempted to turn the Sun into a torus by connecting two warp cores?
  4. Nice work Thom! That lady looks ready for an evening out (blasting Gamilas ships that is!). 👍 Speaking of "done": BTW: you used the same wooden plaque I did!
  5. ROFL!! I could always name it a Plymouth class fighter.
  6. Ain't got one yet... still working on it.
  7. Thanks! Galaga, anyone? Seriously though, some UPDATES- Did some detailing and a bit of decaling; also got the canopy permanently glued in, as well as a (temporary) base for it: (Would you believe the "guns" are actually masts from an old Revell Mayflower model kit? O.o ) Stay tuned folks...
  8. Unfortunately, I had to remove the huge cannon barrel on the underside, as it was causing the fuselage to split. It still has a cannon under there, but the barrel now runs the length mostly of the underside aft of the cockpit: Still a pretty big gun, all things considered! As for this ship's purpose: I was thinking more along the lines of destroying weaponized asteroids being fired at Earth by a malevolent colony world or some such thing.
  9. Be careful what you wish for, 'cause I ain't going home: Stay tuned folks...
  10. Sounds like at the rate they're going, the next major anime will be Watching Paint Dry: A Love/ Horror/ Comedy Story.
  11. Thanks! Admittedly, some of them are going to be solar panels (hence the blue; the paint needs to cure before the dark transparent blue overcoat). I plan on putting HUGE GUNS on this one! Right? Probably the way the outer wings flare, similar to the Gunstar. What flaws? That ship is looking pretty sweet, Thom!
  12. UPDATE: "first colors" (to see how it would look in metallics), and an actual canopy: Closeup on canopy: Cockpit minus canopy: Stay tuned folks...
  13. Progress on the ...well, whatever I think to call this one eventually: I threw some prime on it to give me a better basis on how to proceed with it; the multi-tone look was giving me migraines. We'll see where his one goes. Stay tuned...
  14. I think "low effort" would imply that they at least put a minuscule amount of effort into it. This steaming pile of plastic fertilizer looks to have zero effort put into it.
  15. Hey folks, just settling in from moving (more like recovering from the move from hell). While I was sitting down tonight (legs hurt like all get-out, back on fire and all my old injuries screaming in agony), I found 4 model kits (2 F-4's and 2 F-16's, all in 1/72, donated by a couple of friends) that I didn't know what to do with.... Well, I began gluing things together and not following any plan other than "ad-libbing" as I went. The result so far: I don't know what this will be just yet; I know it's nothing to do with Macross or any other franchise I know. Just going to keep cobbling this together and see where it leads. I do know it will be some kind of long-range fighter/ interceptor type of craft that operates primarily in space. May do a story for it when finished, don't know just yet. All I know about it is that it's made from 4 different kits. O.o Stay tuned...
  16. Seriously, Frontier was scored by Kanno (and lyrics as Seto mentioned), and Delta wasn't a slouch either. Not to mention that while Kanno has had quite the impact on the OST's shes done, she's not the only game in town.
  17. Thanks! BTW, you mean this: Or this: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7tmbf3
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