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Everything posted by jenius

  1. DD also had a number that were sold with reversed hinges in one of the wings. Overall though yes, nothing as bad as their VF-0 releases or the ancient VF-11B and YF-19 in 1/72 scale.
  2. That much has been painfully obvious for a long time now. 1) The Aoshima Legioss colors are different from the Toynami MPC colors. 2) Aoshima appears to want nothing to do with Toynami at the moment so the chances of seeing Toynami Betas in Aoshima Legioss colors seems thin.
  3. You're right, I shouldn't say "definitely confirmed" but rather "strongly implied." I heard it reported in a few different places that Aoshima was done with Toynami and then you said the above. Granted, that doesn't say Toynami *definitely* won't make a brighter blue Beta that goes with the Aoshima Legioss but it certainly doesn't sound promising. You also seemed to imply it was silly of me to think Toynami had a working relationship with Aoshima later when you told Joel he was wrong about his preorder price.
  4. I wouldn't panic too much, lots of Macross fans in Japan are going to know to order one of these for every address they know of. It will definitely carry a heavy premium but where there is a will (and extra cash) there will be a way.
  5. I thought it was definitely confirmed that Toynami would not be making Betas in the Aoshima colors because Aoshima was so let down by the Legioss productions. If the Toynami Beta that's supposed to match the Scott MPC looks good with the Aoshima Stig Legioss then Toynami got its paints horribly wrong. Aoshima colors are much brighter than Toynami's MPC colors.
  6. Crap, I did this big post about retarded but I feel like I'm inviting a fight. So let me simplify it, regardless of whether or not retarded is offensive (and I understand it is to most even if it's not to me) it doesn't affect a thing I wrote. Hobo sounds retarded even if that word hurts your feelings. Sorry. I say it's 50/50 with the model vs. the toy. Some of what Toynami did I like, some of what they did I don't like, and in the end I really like the look of both. Hey, you know what might be a brilliant idea? I'm guessing the Toynami Alpha/Beta connection will have some major issues due to the gratuitous weight of the diecast in the Alpha. You could probably get a rerelease of the Imai kit and use that as your Alpha. You could also then customize that model to make the connection with the Beta practically seamless. Ooh, I like the potential there... You might even be able to do something similar with the CMs Tread although I'd guess more customization would be involved and I swear that tread is more like 1/60 scale than 1/48...
  7. If you want to keep using "hobo" that's fine by me, I was just telling you that I think it sounds retarded. I also think the CMs Legioss Tread looks pretty goofy and you think it looks great, to each their own. As to the figures, wasn't CMs showing a tiny "parts-former" Ride Armor that was going to be included with these Legioss/Tread combos? I didn't think it was a series of little statuettes but rather something more fun. EDIT - Ignacio, that makes sense now. Nobody likes the arched back on the Toynami. The clown-feet I forgive because in a bunch of the lineart everything Mospeada from the Ride Armors to the Legioss have over-sized feet but that's a personal preference thing and I can get people hating it. As to the canopy, it never grabbed me but I can see a difference. EDIT II - I'm as not offended by the word "retarded" as I am not offended by the word "hobo."
  8. No offense but that sounds kind of non-sensical. If the Toynami were an exact copy, instead of the 95% copy it is, you would have liked it. Since it wasn't, you're going to like this CMs Legioss which looks maybe 20% like the Imai. What was Toynami's biggest change to the Imai kit? The chest intakes look a little different. Look at the CMs chest intakes now... EDIT - wait, I'm not offended in the least by the term "hobo" but I would recommend not using it as it sounds well, retarded. If you need to somehow find ways to insult people with other opinions than your own at least man up a bit and put some meat to it otherwise you'll just be dismissed as being special. If your intention is not to attempt an insult on people then why not skip name calling all together?
  9. Problem with your theory about the names: if Toynami was going to give him a name it'd be Rand, not Ray. MH named him Ray because it's more sensible then Ley (though anything is still possible with a character named Stick/Stig being the star).
  10. I'll take Serenity, any day, over the new SW trilogy. The old SW trilogy I prefer to Serenity though. Serenity is average? You guys must have caught a bunch of truly excellent scifi in the last couple years that I managed to miss.
  11. Hobo - it's the kind of insult you'd hear from a six year old. It seems perfectly appropriate on Internet forums where most the squabbling is child-like at best. "This thing looks like crap." "You just can't afford it hobo!" "Don't call me a hobo you little bitch." "What? I'm a hobo too... haha." Eyesonme - that's a heck of pipe dream you have there. The CMs legioss is very narrow in comparison, I imagine there are lots of spots where the fit just wouldn't work. I'll be happy to give it a go when mine comes in though!
  12. BACK FROM THE DEAD. This is inspired by two things. 1) the argument in the HD thread about Serenity vs. Star Wars and 2) I just made my girlfriend watch it for the first time and I'm wondering if anyone can help us with the Reavers. Now, it'd been a long time since I had seen Serenity but I remembered watching it. She's the kind of girl that hunts down logic flaws so I remembered to tell her "just don't think too much about The Reavers" when the movie started although I couldn't remember why I thought there was a big logic flaw associated with them. After the movie what does she say? "I'm genuinely surprised how much I liked it but you're right, The Reavers make no sense. Does the TV show explain them better?" I shook my head. "So in the movie the Alliance makes a whole planet disappear? 10% of the population becomes so full of rage they're inhuman but they are organized in some fashion? What do they do when they're idling around Miranda? Why doesn't the Alliance just come through and wipe them out in Miranda's orbit and then blame the destruction of Miranda on the Reavers and seem like big heroes?" You guys got some better explanations of how Reaver society works and why the Alliance just ignores them and lets them pillage the outer worlds?
  13. It's so sad that those leaning poses look so cool up until you see the wheels/tires.
  14. So, is it Ray or is it Ley? The debate continues (although it shouldn't, it should be Ray).
  15. I wish I agreed. So far I don't see a single thing that gets me thinking "CMs did this right!" I'm sure you're right as to the "durable" and "toy-like" but i'm an adult, I'm looking for a lot more from my $250+ toys than being able to zoom them around making jet fighter sounds. I want them to be very impressive display pieces and so far the Toynami looks like it's playing all sorts of trump on the CMs there. Then again, we know next to nothing about the Toynami at this point so time will tell.
  16. I am dreading the inevitability of looking at both and saying "CMs did this right, Toynami did that right, and between the two of them is one great toy or two mediocre over-priced ones!"
  17. If I had to bet, both Desmond and Juliet will get off the island. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the next episode is dedicated to that very fact. Then again, we've seen post-island Ben and he doesn't seem concerned with Juliet so maybe that means she's still stuck there.
  18. Size-wise it's just fine but I doubt that connection point area would be exactly the same on both. You could probably rig it up easily enough, just too early to tell at this point.
  19. Seems a bit early to do the full scale panic job on the MHs. I'm going to let a few more reports of broken toys come in before I become really frightened. The failure rate on just about any manufactured good should make for one bad experience amongst all the good we've heard.
  20. So does that mean the intakes/chest move freely now? The toy didn't fall apart right, it just looks sloppy? Consider yourself lucky, I had an arm fall off on a toy that was sitting completely unused. The MPC Alpha is such a fail in regards to durabilty it just makes no sense. Here's how I imagined it worked: Factory guy: "Hey, so you said to make all the moving parts out of thin plastic and the parts they support out of heavy diecast right?" Toynami: "Yes, that's exactly right." Factory guy: "And the hands, everyone's going to be fidgeting with them, you want them made out recycled erasers?" Toynami: "Yes, that's exactly right." Factory guy: "Aren't you touting this as an Alpha toy and collectible people will actually be able to pay with?" Toynami: "I don't pay you 7 yuan an hour to ask me questions!" Be afraid people, there's probably an exec right now talking to Factory Guy about the Beta...
  21. I used paypal so i imagine you have to pay at time of order.
  22. I think I just scored one of these off eBay... I'll save my celebrating for when it's actually in hand. Then will begin the huge debate... to open or not to open.
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