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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I think we can all agree there are no skills that Toynami has that Yamato shouldn't be able to trump handily.
  2. Pet peeve: VIfam means legioss and auroran in this SIZE not this scale. A 1/100 Legioss would be TEEEEEENY.
  3. Series II are the VF-1J toys, Series I is the VF-1A Hik/Max and VF-1S Roy. The SDCC VF-1S Hikaru would also be considered a first edtion.
  4. Hey evirus, you do know all the first editions came with defective stands right? The little rubber cup that connects the stand to the attachment piece cracks if something is left on display too long. If you're not a fan now I imagine you're going to really hate this thing in a day or two when it falls down onto your desk! Series II came with improved parts and for a while Toynami would replace broken 1st edition parts with 2nd edition parts... doesn't seem like they've been doing that lately though according to some other members.
  5. Why do people act like seams prevent tampo printing? Toynami did tampo printing on the seams of their fast packs didn't they?
  6. Personally, I think you're being a bit rough on these guys. At $15-$20 a pop they're easily the best bang for your buck in the Macross market (which obviously doesn't say much in this inflated market). What you're also forgetting about is that those toys from your childhood couldn't do ANY posing, you were lucky if they came with a gun (let alone missiles and a stand), and were much worse representations of the vehicle from the show. Sure, they were a heck of a lot sturdier but the trade-offs were pretty large. As a toy, I appreciated all that extra durability for playing though, that's for sure. As an adult who only transforms things occasionally and usually just puts them in some slick poses and leaves them on a shelf the vintage stuff always looks rigid and uncomfortable in comparison. There's definitely room for lots of improvement on these little bangers but I find them to be better than Yamato's original 1/60 line and Toynami's 1/55s.
  7. Yellow's ride armor was at WF so there has been word. Nothing on Houquet yet but you have to figure it will come eventually.
  8. You know what's sad? I just started dating a girl in her very early 20s and she would have no idea about any of those things. So sad... I don't know if there really is clamor for this but it has all the right stuff in it to still be a fun movie... but it'll probably just get raped instead.
  9. Yeah, my LV1 never had any problems but I don't handle it a lot. I know that I've heard people complain it's a bit tacky so it does worse with being left on a shelf and covered with dust though. I've also seen people who removed the weathering intentionally because they thought it looked too blotchy and I've also heard people complain that there's had been smeared off over the years. I guess only time will tell how this weathering handles.
  10. Simmer... MWcon attendance is going to plummet to just Miriya and a tripod if all this naked grudge match talk continues.
  11. Woohoo, I will have to get back to this when I'm off of work! for a quick shot now, other than the obviously mocking you in the first sarcastic quote (which is also funny to anyone who reads your posts and sees what you did here) the other two clearly is an effort at saying "Jeebus guys quit your whining" and both call it as it is in a pretty straight forward fashion. I was pretty sure you warned him who he associated with: as if this were high school and we were all in clix. How intellectually dishonest <TM> are you to then ignore that you made this seem like high school only to then accuse me of first being the one to do so? Your actions just struck me as cowardly... how long have you had this thread bookmarked? LOL... had I thought we'd ever see this thread again I would have had a new response ready to go! d'oh!
  12. OH c'mon, you created a new thread, gave yourself the last word, locked the thread and then claim I was the one that wasn't doing well? I didn't go locking any threads on you. Now you're bringing up that ultimately cowardly act, not me, to prove I have a bone to pick with you? If I had a bone to pick don't you think I'd be the one bringing that up instead of consistently encouraging you and DND to move on? Point out where I'm wrong in this one for me. Have you not been long-winded and made all your posts in the hope of subtly encouraging more arguments? Misterryno, this isn't high school, even if Hurin thinks you're going to get stuck in a "click" with me I wouldn't pay it much mind. We're all practically anonymous Internet entities. Feel free to be on "my side" today and call me an idiot tomorrow... I won't go thinking you're backstabbing our click (in that particular example, I would just wonder how you could be so wrong )
  13. And some will keep talking about it long after it should be let go in long-winded and unnecessary responses subtly meant to encourage more arguing...
  14. SaveRobotech, I wouldn't take it personally and I still don't understand anyone's real gripe. Doesn't it say Yamato will be selling it from their website later? Why is everyone trying to get this one now?
  15. I get it, so you're BOTH melodramatic. Problem solved. MacrossMan, stay the hell away from these eBay limited editions. You'll have it, or one just like it, six months from now at a fraction of the price.
  16. Just got my box in and I'm pretty thrilled... I was scared for a moment I wouldn't have a complete set. I love how not secret Charaworks "secret" valks are. Here's what I got VF-1S Super Roy x2 VF-1A Super Hik x2 VT-1 x 2 VF-1S Minmei x 1 VF-1A Hik x 1 VF-1A Kak x 1 VF-1J Max x 1 If anyone is looking for one of the extras I've listed (the top three) feel free to PM me!
  17. chillin like an ebay scalper more like it! I refuse to believe Hurin took a simple post and made a huge deal out of it. That's just crazy talk.
  18. Yes yes, I am aware... I believe I say as much in my review. I was just being hard on both these for how precarious they are in the standing position.
  19. 2 hour finale tonight... it will be very interesting to see what they pull off. I really liked the last episodes ties to T2.
  20. My box, I believe, is due to come in today. I'll PM you if I have an extra Max especially if I get shorted on the Kakizaki.
  21. You can see them in that pic there. The gauntlets and hip pieces are removed and reattached.
  22. The CMs comes really close to standing on its own while having a fair amount of poseability. If the toy was at a larger scale I think they could have pulled it off. Really tight joints, a fair amount of heft in the rider figure, and a very light bike ought to make it come together. If memory serves, someone modified a Gakken once to be ultra tight.
  23. Anybody else hope Beagle/Toynami are taking notes or has everyone given up on any chance of that not sucking if it makes it past vaporware? Why in the world did these companies choose to make such tiny versions of such complicated toys? Since CMs clearly has a Mospeada license is there any sense in us hoping they'll revisit it with a release of larger ride armor toys?? Will we get a Mega House Legioss/Tread some day? Gimme more!
  24. I caught all that but it sounds like some people think Bandai is going to somehow by exclusive rights to all Macross franchises if Mac F does really well... It seems like there's a healthy amount of over-reaction in this thread but such is the Internet.
  25. I'm sorry, I must have missed a post, Yamato's licenses are about to run out??
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