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Die, Alien Scum!

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Everything posted by Die, Alien Scum!

  1. Painting the back side of clear heatshields keeps the paint from rubbing off during transformations. Yeah, it does look a bit odd, being so shiny compared to the rest of the valk. The color is also distorted slightly, but it beats the hell out of chipped paint.
  2. Are these waterslides or stickers? Or are you doing both?
  3. Not anymore! We gotta represent the 'burbs of Hockeytown, pfunk!
  4. But it depends on what you collect for. For the love of the anime/hobby or for monetary reasons. 337495[/snapback] Your words are true, Godzilla, but the 1/48s are far too sweet to ever be considered "worthless".
  5. What do you expect, Dean? The show is older than you are. Most kids your age aren't going to get into a foreign cartoon series that's 20+ years old. Planes that turn into robots don't impress kids anymore. "Transformers" and their clones have pretty much desensitized your generation to how cool a concept that is.
  6. I'll take three, please. I don't know how I missed this thread until now?
  7. I was enjoying this thread until MGREXX showed up and spouted out more useless babble just so he could take a weak shot at >EXO<. Oh, and by the way, MGREXX, the way you quoted Graham's post in that other thread DID make it look like you were saying Jewel Staite is from Texas. I'm sure in your own mind you are cool and witty, but in reality... not so much. Enough said.
  8. Any movie that has someone getting shot in the face is always a good time!
  9. Well, I finally picked up my jaw from the floor so now I can post. Anyway... HOLY POOP ON A STICK, THAT IS AWESOME! I CAN'T WAIT TO GET THESE! Excellent work, Cap! And astoundingly fast! Hell, Yamato still hasn't figured out how to turn a VF-1 into a 1D, and you pull it off right before our eyes almost effortlessly! Keep up the good work!
  10. I didn't even notice this until you mentioned it. The one on the left leg of the CF I've got displayed wasn't seated into the hole properly. I just pushed it in with my fingernail and it's all good now.
  11. Here I was bitching about how the characters on the Galactica are unlikeable, so the writers put in a whole ship full of c**k-s**kers just to make them look good and throw it right in my face! Bastards. Okay, yeah, I get it now... the Galactica crew is likeable. At least compared to that of the Pegasus. Hell, guys like Tom Zarek are pretty likeable compared to the Pegasus crew!
  12. Yeah, no kidding! How bad would it suck to find half your valks are missing stuff?! I may just have to check all mine, too. What a way to waste a few hours.
  13. Are the circled pieces the side armor the fits in the gap underneath the arms and between the chest and back of the battroid? That's what I assume they are, but I want to hear your opinions.
  14. I'm just a glutton for punishment! LOL! Actually I did think the last show was pretty good... and Number 6 wasn't even in it! Plenty of CG work, Boomer in bondage, and Dee gettin' hot and sweaty. All good stuff. It's not like I hate the show or anything; it's just predictable and I don't see what others seem to think is so good about it.
  15. Yeah, you're kidding, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's the situation. Honestly, in the vastness of space, how the hell would another Battlestar just happen to run into the Galactica on its journey to a place that so few people even believe exists? I'm no astrophysicist, and I'm not even sure I spelled that right, but I'm pretty sure the chances are damn slim. The Cylons know where to look; other humans wouldn't have a clue where to begin unless they also had a bible-thumper leading their charge. If it's not the Cylons themselves, it will probably be the real human crew of the Pegasus, or maybe their clones, under some kind of Cylon mind-control. If the Pegasus crew really are allies, why would the Cylons allow them to find the Galactica? Afterall, it's not a smart move to let your enemy double his firepower. Maybe they've never heard of "divide and conquer"? Regardless, don't expect the crew of the Pegasus to be around very long. If they're bad guys, we'll kill them; if they're good guys, they're just fodder for a Cylon slaughter. But of course, all this has happened before... and all this will happen again, blah, blah, blah, so the Cylons obviously have some reason to let this reunion occur.
  16. I'd like three, preferably non-pigmented please. Thank you.
  17. Like Stewie says... shrooming.bmp What... blonde Xena is a Cylon?! What a surprise... NOT! The lack of imagination of the writers of this show is only eclipsed by the characters' lack of intelligence. And where the hell are the CG effects?! Come on, there's only two Raiders and a handful of Vipers and we have to watch the faces of the Galactica crew! I think the producers have blown their effects budget on the drugs they use to make the critics think this is a good show.
  18. Try baking soda. It absorbs odors really well, comes in handy "Freezer Packs" made for just such a purpose, and it shouldn't hurt the toy or box since it's not actually making any contact with them. For maximum effect, seal the toy and the baking soda inside a cardboard box or, preferably, a big Tupperware container. After a couple of days, the odor should be gone.
  19. I feel the same way; never a Trek fan, but Shatner's pretty cool. He has a great sense of humor. His work on Space Ghost Coast to Coast and Futurama is classic. I laugh my ass off every time.
  20. They look great! The muddy feet on that Defender is a real nice touch! Keep up the awesome work!
  21. Great picture! It looks like Sid found another Sex Pistol!
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