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Die, Alien Scum!

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Everything posted by Die, Alien Scum!

  1. This was a great series that never gets the respect it deserves. I'm still pissed at Fox for bailing on it! Of course, they're also bailing on "Arrested Development" and that's another great show! But that's not sci-fi, so ignore my small rant and just watch "Firefly" and its movie that should be coming out soon, "Serenity".
  2. "Wild at Heart" is a great movie chock full of interesting (and insane) characters. I think both Nick Cage and Willem Dafoe gave their best performances in this one. As far as "Lost Highway" goes, it's been a long, long time since I saw it and I don't really remember anything about it except that it's just as messed up as Lynch's other stuff. I doubt you'll be disappointed with either. And don't you f***in' look at me!
  3. They pulled it from the one Hikaru scrapped in DYRL!
  4. I liked the movie, but I like "SG-1" better. And seven seasons of DVDs on my shelf kinda proves it. Though it's true that every season has some episodes that are real stinkers, the majority of them are quite entertaining. This eighth season hasn't really suffered much since many of the crew moved on to work on "Atlantis", but I'll admit that it's been a little cheesier than it used to be. Let's face it, the USAF would never let someone like RDA run an operation like the SGC. He's too big of a clown for that. And the episode with that broad from "Farscape" was all her and Dr. J. The rest of the cast was all but non-existent. It was a script written solely for a guest-star because Rick is gone much of the time and Amanda's gut poses continuity problems. But I definitely like having Anubis back, forcing Baal to be his bitch for a while. It sucks that there's only one season left of "SG-1", but thankfully "Atlantis" has been a great show to carry on the franchise.
  5. Great job (again), Kurt! Your customs always impress the hell outta me, but this one is absolutely amazing. Keep up the spectacular work!
  6. I'm guessing that Daniel must be ascended to defeat Anubis. This also assumes that Oma lets him do so this time around. The big questions are how did Repli-Carter ascend and why would Oma let her? It looks like Oma took her and Dr. J since both were enveloped in a flash of light, after all. As far as the next guest-star Jaffa... I'm thinking Shaq and Kobe in a reunion beyond the stars! The emblems on their heads will go as follows and will henceforth be known to the Jaffa as "bling": Shaq will be adorned with a huge gold $ and Kobe gets handcuffs for his bling! I can't wait. I must admit that I was bummed when Wayne Brady passed up a couple chances to use the "Does Wayne Brady have to choke a bitch?" line. And Isaac Hayes never once said "Hello, children." or asked if anyone would like to suck on his chocolate salty balls.
  7. Unfortunately, the pics in the Toys section don't really show much. About the best view of the backpack hinge is shown in the instructions. The thin part of the hinge slides up into the backpack a little bit. The regular 1/60 hinge doesn't do this.
  8. Sorry, but no, the 1/60 Super and Strike Parts were not sold separately. They were sold as the Roy Strike 1S and the three TV 1Js, Hikaru, Max, and Miria. The VT and VE were also sold with their own FAST packs. And not all 1/60s will accept them without modification. That particular 1/60 Roy 1S at bigbadtoystore doesn't take them, as with the entire DYRL line and both of the Cannon Fodder 1As. The standard (not Toys 'R Us edition) Cannon Fodder will accept the arm and leg armors, but there are no slots in the backpacks to mount the boosters. As far as your custom goes, get a 1/48 of any model and a Super/Strike Parts. The only differences between the valks are the heads (obviously) and the 1Js have slightly different forearms. Get a 1S recast head from Rohby, the hollow head lasers from fulcy, and the decals from Anasazi37 and you're in business.
  9. Check out this crazy price I bought one of these a few weeks ago for less than $100 shipped. And that's more than I think it's worth since the hands suck and can't even hold the guns. Also it needs a stand to remain upright. Not much action in this action figure.
  10. It's been said before, but a removable heat-shield for all three is fine with me. Holy crap, I'm a poet and didn't know it! Sorry, I'll stop now. Anyway, since these would likely see only one transformation apiece, having a "functioning" heat-shield isn't a big deal to me. Yeah, it'll be sweet if it happens, but I won't be disappointed if it we have to settle for the 1/60 route.
  11. After digital enhancement, it seems Graham was right! LOL! My apologies to the maker of this nice, although odd, diorama.
  12. Here's a few views of my favorite. This one's a bit blurry.
  13. Here's a topic all about it. Link
  14. Wow, I tried to forget about this. I like cheesy creature movies as much as anyone, but this one is almost too cheesy. But what do you expect from a film where Mitch Pileggi is the best-known, most-experienced, and likely highest-paid actor? You're correct, though; the movie is hilariously bad and all the characters seem to be so pitifully stupid that you actually root for the ants to kill them.
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