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Die, Alien Scum!

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Everything posted by Die, Alien Scum!

  1. Funniest thing so far... "Zombie Idol", when Ving Rhames shoots Teri Hatcher after she mentions Radioshack. Next funniest, when the zombie of Kurt Cobain takes the shotgun from Ving and proceeds to blow his own head off... again! LOL! I'll admit that most of it is kinda blah, but hey, it's like 11 minutes to just let your brain take a time-out. I'll continue to watch because I really don't have anything better to do during those 11 minutes of my late Sunday evenings. Honestly, where else can you see Leonard Nimoy pull an Indiana Jones on a geek in a Darth Maul costume? Simply tune in and laugh... occasionally.
  2. Any Budweiser product! LOL! Oh wait, piss tastes better than Bud!
  3. This site has some info on the civilian P90, or PS90, as they're calling it. And it does look like it will only accept it's own special 30 round mags instead of the 50 round high-caps. Also, there's only one type of 5.7 x 28 ammo that will be sold to civilians, so forget about any armor-piercing rounds.
  4. Please put me down for three. Thanks.
  5. I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say. Do you have any pics? That will probably help us to diagnose the problem.
  6. Cough....'toys'...cough......This is McFarlane you are talking about. Don't you mean: - "expect new breakage-prone, poorly articulated statues". Graham LOL! Yes, that is exactly what I mean. Thanks Graham!
  7. I bought the HBO series on VHS years ago and I enjoyed it, for the most part. Some of the episodes are kind of boring, but overall it's pretty good. Hopefully this new one is more graphic. The first series needed more bloodshed to suit my taste, and I've got the uncut editions. This is also one of the many flaws with the live-action movie. I'm still wondering what the hell happened there and don't like to even speak of it. Maybe Todd lost so much money to ex-NHLer Tony Twist that he's trying to cash in on a Spawn revival. If this new series happens, expect new toys as well.
  8. I knew about Browder, Bridges, and Pileggi, but I had no idea that Louis Gossett, Jr. was joining the party. Those are fine additions to the already strong casts of both shows. Luckily July isn't that far away.
  9. D'oh! How could I miss that! He's the least likeable character from Macross! Duh, me thinks mine brains not work so goodly!
  10. Off topic, but who the hell is this guy? Joe Freakin' Blow?
  11. That's exactly what I was thinking. Gotta have extra valks for the 2-seaters, so why not get 'em with the GBP?
  12. If the missiles can just disappear in battroid mode, anything is possible! LOL! Sorry, I don't know for sure, but I think they do swivel.
  13. Quick! Someone cast some "wrist extensions"! LOL! Seriously though, it looks like kensei is correct. And that thing needs to hold a gunpod to hide how small the hands look!
  14. It will give Rob Schneider a place to hide when Dredd shows up and the sh*t hits the fan.
  15. You are correct, sir. The only DYRL 1/60 that will accept FAST Packs is the 1S Strike you've got. I'm not counting the VE and VT because they can't take the Strike Cannons and Mini-Missile Launchers from the other valks.
  16. It appears that a movie is in the works, too. Link
  17. The 1/60 Super/Strike Parts are not sold separately like the 1/48s. They only come with the 1S Strike, the three TV 1J Supers, and the VE and VT (but they both have their own, different setup). In fact, most of the 1/60 line will not even accept the Super/Strike Parts without modification.
  18. I agree with Akilae. If you want ten more Super/Strike Parts, you'd better get 'em quick. It will be a lot easier to find two Super 1Js later on than ten SS Parts. On a side note, I almost bought three SS Parts from tisinc a week and a half ago when they were still $65 each. I could kick myself now.
  19. Okay, I dug up some batteries. That photo from the instructions isn't much help. It shows the older setup on the TV Hikaru 1J Super. On those the gunpod's grip doesn't fold into the barrel. Anyway, this is what I was trying to get across.
  20. As far as the gunpod goes, make sure the grip is pushed in all the way. If it's not seated properly, the muzzle will be angled upward. I'd show you some pics, but I don't have any batteries for my digital camera right now.
  21. I can confirm this. My original Miria is a kinda floppy compared the the Max and Miria Q-Rau combo I got from Kevin. Those two new ones can easily stand by themselves, but I loosened the crap out of the first one's hip joints looking for the perfect pose.
  22. I'm surprised no one has mentioned this one yet. The plot's a little iffy, but the cast makes up for it. 6305222916.01.LZZZZZZZ
  23. Hopefully Elvis eats Sonny in this flick. I'm also hoping they keep the 80s setting and, of course, soundtrack of the show and don't try to make it "modern-day". If there's no Jan Hammer, I'm boycotting.
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