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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. TheLoneWolf

    what if:

    If Yamato released all those Valkyries in 1/48 scale, I'd be a very poor yet happy man.
  2. Myth: In episode 10, Blind Game, an animation error shows Max with missles attached to his tailfins. Fact: The missles were intentionally added in by animator Ichiro Itano when he realized that Max's standard armaments would not provide enough firepower to destroy the Zentraedi ship.
  3. Zombie thread! Good news guys, I just had Ryuji paint and ship me the standing Minmay and it arrived in near PERFECT condition. This time around he shipped the head, hands, and hair in small boxes within the actual box. They also have small pegs so you can attach them to the body in a jiffy, though you'd probably want to use super-glue in the long run, the pegs are pretty thin. The only problem was that one of Minmay's purple ribbons came off her hair, but it's nothing a drop of super-glue won't fix. Finally, there's a small chip on the heel of Minmay's shoe approximately 1cm x 1cm. I've gone over this kit with a fine toothed comb and those the only two problems. Hell, they're so petty that I'd have to reclassify them as trivial. Overall, it's a beautiful kit with a paint job better than anything that was painted at a factory. The gold trimming on Minmay's dress is so precise without a hint of overspray. Thanks again Ryuji. As for everyone else, if you decide to commission Ryuji to paint your kit, you don't have to worry about it getting damaged in shipping. FYI, I live in Maryland, USA.
  4. Hey Rohby, put my name down for one!
  5. I'm actually starting to wonder if that's supposed to be Kim or Vanessa, and not Shammy. Note the lack of Shammy's trademark socks. Also keep in mind that in DYRL the animators made a pretty lavish cell of Vanessa taking off her glasses, so maybe this figure is a tribute to that animation?
  6. Woohoo, an Isamu flightsuit!!! What I find interesting is this time, CMS hasn't even bothered to disguise the chase figure? While it didn't take long at all the determine what the chase figure was from Series 2, it seems anti-climactic that the chase has been revealed during the pre-order stage. As for those who are complaining about too many Minmay's and the Flower Girl, don't forget that most Japanese fanboys go apeshit over Macross' underage girls. These are probably the same figures that will drive the sales for CMS. It appears that we Americans are the only ones who want Isamu, Guld, Roy, etc. From that perspective, I'm glad we got Max and Isamu this time. And dammit, where's my TV Skull Squadron?!!?
  7. TheLoneWolf

    Gummy Bear Pilot?

    Except that the gummi pilot has more detail.
  8. Is that the one with the LEDs in the nose? I think it might have had LED's. Damn I wish I had saved those screenshots.
  9. Kanata, there's also the Chinese bootleg 1/55. It's based after the 200x reissue line and comes with a removable clear canopy. IIRC, the paint scheme is almost 100% accurate. It's very rare here in the USA, I've only seen it once on ebay and it the bidding started at 49.99. Funny because it sold for the equivalent of $5 in China. Speaking of which, that reminds me, someone here might still be able to get one. Need to PM him.
  10. Toynami has already stated that they wouldn't produce an SDF-1 because they can't sell any variations of it. I doubt a battle-damaged SDF-1 would sell, though another possibility would be a DYRL SDF-1 (Harmony Gold apparently has the merchandising rights to DYRL, just not the film rights) but the DYRL SDF-1 is so different it would require pretty much a entirely new mold. But I wouldn't put it past Toynami to sell a TV SDF-1 with the ARMD-1 & 2 and call it a DYRL SDF-1 A Beta makes a lot of sense, as it could only push more sales of Toynami's current line of Alphas. The only problem is that there are no toys for Toynami to copy off of, unless you count the prototype Gakkens or Lansay Treads. While these guys are rare and expensive, they're unimpressive when compared to other 21st century toys. Dare I say, their designs (the toy design, not the mecha itself) were ho-hum even in the 1980's. IMO, it would be a disservice to the fans who've waited 20 years for a Beta\Tread toy only to be served with something mediocre. Then there's the Cyclone\Mospeada. Toynami could easily rip-off this design, but anyone who's handled one can tell you that there are lots of small hinges and plastic tabs that could easily break. Given Toynami's poor QC record and corner-cutting practices, ripping off the Gakken toy could prove to be a debacle. Oh yeah, now I remember, Toynami doesn't care how their fans feel. All Toynami sees is $$$ Personally, my money's on an MPC Strike Valkyrie.
  11. Interesting, I always assumed that the movie was going to be included in this release. IIRC, when this set was announced almost 2 years ago, I could have sworn that Manga was going to include the movie. I can only hope that Manga has something meaningful in store for it.
  12. If you're going to be through the DC area, Springfield Mall in VA has about 3 small anime shops in it, not to mention one of the last arcades in the area. It's right off I-95 "mixing bowl." You'll know it when the traffic suddenly comes to a screeching halt, even if it's 11 in the evening
  13. Same here. If it's just a re-package, I'll skip. A Future Chronicle would be nice, but since it features a good amount of footage from SDF, DYRL, etc it could be a conflict of interest, not to mention a possible legal problem.
  14. Wasn't Macross Plus released 10 years ago? Does anyone know how long Manga's license is? I wonder if this release is Manga's last chance at milking the M+ license. It may explain why Manga (other than just being lazy bastards) won't remaster this release. Why spend the money on an expensive remaster if your license is about to expire. Just my nickel.
  15. He did, he was an agent sent by the Canadian government to take down the Hulk. Though, back then Wolverine was just a strong guy with claws attached to his gloves. Claremont was the one who threw in the healing factor, adamantium skeleton, and retractable adamantium claws. Btw, who's that redhead in your avatar? As for X3, I think it will have the debut of Phoenix and explore her powers. They may throw a hint or two at her dark side, but I think the full blown Dark Phoenix Saga will be reserved for X4 or X5. IMO, that's simply too much story to pack into a two-hour movie. edit: grammar
  16. You have to pay an additional $100 to get backwards compatibility? That's one of the most lame things I've heard so far regarding these next gen consoles. In this case, it's not entirely Microsoft's fault. You see, MS had a huge fallout with Nvidia, who made the video card for the original XBox. Nvidia has since sworn off any future collaboration with MS. Now, the problem is that XB games are coded to work specifically with Nvidea's chipset. With no Nvidia chipset on the 360, the old XB games just won't work. Now, there will be two versions of the 360 released. The first will be the bare bones version, and the 2nd with have the x-pod and built-in hard drive. *IF* the hard drive version can play old XB games, it will have to be through software emulation. The downside is that no emulator I know of (JB0 will correct me if I'm wrong ) is 100% perfect, they've all got a few small bugs here and there. So don't expect 100% compatibility. edit: Before anyone says "Well the PS2 plays PS1 games perfectly", the PS2 does not play PS1 games through emulation. The PS2 actually has PS1 hardware built into it. And even with the extra PS1 hardware, there are still a handful of PS1 games that just won't boot on the PS2.
  17. Lots of sources are stating that the pics Ladic posted are real. Not a bad design, way better than the PS2 and original XB designs. What's really interesting is the rumor that the 360 hard drive version will come pre-loaded with a custom version of Halo 2. I wonder where they got that idea from *coughhackedxboxescough*. Normally, I would blow this rumor off, but when asked about backwards compatibility, one of MS' reps said something along this lines of "we have something special planned." Not exactly a confirmation or a denial, but with backwards compatibility currently being impossible on the 360, a custom version of Halo 2 fits in perfectly with what that rep said.
  18. 44 orders!!! Woohoo, looks like this this project's gonna become a reality.
  19. Definitely put me down for 1 kit too.
  20. Simple answer: No. Long answer: The battroid mode is awful, simple aspects such as the backpack and groin have as much detail as a GoBot. No gunpod in fighter mode is also unacceptable by today's toy standards. As for the scale, most of us agree that 1/100 is way too small. Now, as much as I'd love to have a 1/48 YF-19, I doubt Yamato likes us that much. So how about a 1/60 YF-19? I think it's a perfect compromise of the two scales.
  21. It's good to see that his product has now gone past the vaporware stage Looking good so far except for the shoulder covers. Gotta give some props to the old 1/55 chunky-monkey for not resorting to that After looking at those forearms, it seems that Eternal D's custom block hands will compliment the GBP perfectly. I just wonder if Yamato will throw in their own custom block hands, the regular mickey mouse hands, or nothing?
  22. Ryuji, from my experiences, I'd slip the figure in a very loose plastic bag, then place it in a box padded by lots of crumpled newspaper. The crumpled newspaper should absorb most of the kinetic energy from being tossed around, leaving the figure intact. I say slip it in a plastic bag first so that the dry ink from the newspaper doesn't smear your paint job. Also, place it in a box that gives each side about 5 inches of "breathing room." IMO, with a figure this delicate, packing popcorn and bubblewrap won't do. Nooooooo! If you're looking for a guinea pig who's willing to risk the money, let me know. I'm curious to know how well my newspaper recommendation will do
  23. No Yamato toy (barring the CM's) have been bootlegged. Even with their design and quality control issues, they're extremely complex toys! Too complex or too expensive for the average bootlegger. Anyone else remember the Toynami bootlegs? lol
  24. When the 1/60 Roy first came out, a lot of us groaned about the awkward head. Natually, a few Yamato apologists thought it was the best ever, but the general consensus was that Billy Wong really messed up the head. Ed. Coli hit the nail on the head when he said that the head was shrunken to accomodate fighter mode. I'm just glad Yamato didn't go this route with the 1/48.
  25. 1/48 is a toy scale?! Holy crap, all these years and I never knew that Tanmen's 1/48 Ultimate Strike Valkyrie was toy scale. Guess someone should've told IMAI that their 1/48 Legioss kit was also toy scale. Ironically enough, the two 1/48 VF-1 and Legioss toys that did come out (from Yamato and Toynami respectively) came out after the model kits. So is it really a toy scale or model scale? Kids these days... And don't worry, no one's hijacking this thread. If you've been around here as long as some of us, you'll know when a thread's been hijacked.
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