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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. I'll gladly pay extra if it's in 1/60 or 1/48 scale. The opening hatches are cool, but they're not a deal breaker.
  2. Don't let appearances fool you, the VF-19A is one of the sturdiest toys Yamato's ever released. Whenever I transform it, it's the same feeling you get when transforming a durable chunky-monkey. But, like the chunky-monkey, it's not that posable. If you're serious about buying one, now's the time to do it. Due to the dwindling chances of a new YF-19 being released, this latest VF-19A is starting to rise in value.
  3. Shin's right, as popular as Macross was in the 80's, the franchise has now been relegated to niche status. The only profitable way to sell Macross toys would be to stagger releases. I guess you could say that we're all coming off a Macross toy "high", and now withdrawal is starting to kick in. Yamato's got other franchises to milk in the meantime, but I'd be surprised if Yamato didn't have something planned for the Macross' 25th anniversary. Back to the topic, there are other valks that deserve the 1/48 treatment over the VF-0S.
  4. here's my list Best Macross Games #1 - Macross DYRL Arcade Game (Arcade) #2 - Macross DYRL (Saturn) #3 - Macross (PS2) Honorable Mentions Macross 2036 (PCE) Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie (SFAM) Worst Macross Games #1 Macross Digital Mission VFX (PSX) #2 Macross Plus Game Edition (PSX) #3 Macross VFX2 (PSX)
  5. Good stuff fulcy, can't wait till it's done. Btw, I like the "yet" qualifier in your topic's title
  6. What I'm wondering is how the backpack for the VT-1 and VE-1 will fold up in battroid mode. Don't forget, the tailfins don't fold away like the regular VF-1. So how's the backpack supposed to support the weight of the fastpacks without the backpack folded all the way back? Does anyone here know how the 1/60's managed this? Personally, if push came to shove, I'd have no problem if John fudged it and went the 1/55 route (just fold the wings away like a regular battroid).
  7. Interesting, the VT-1 Ostrich tailfin is exactly the same as the regular VF-1?
  8. Hey Hurin, would your script work with the R2 version? Cause if you're looking for perfection, the R2 video quality is so much better than the FX version. Also, this is a bit OT, but have you experienced any progressive scan problems with DYRL on your HDTV?
  9. It means it's time to start saving up my money for the 25th anniversary toys.
  10. Hey Dangard, I said I was going to post the cockpit wallpapers. lol, you really are an attention whore. No more scans for you
  11. Word of a Yamato SDF-1 came up during the infamous "Emiko Incident." For those who aren't familiar, one of our former members claimed to have the inside scoop on Yamato through some soft of friendship she had with one of their employees. Anyways, around the summer of 2003, she claimed that Yamato had begun to examine the feasibility of an SDF-1 toy and were looking for sculptors. Now, the thing to keep in mind is that during this time, Yamato had a CEO who had a vested interest in their Macross license. However, a new CEO is now leading the company and, coincidentally, we've all noticed the slowdown in Macross toy releases. With the new CEO's diminished interest in Macross, combined with the fact that Yamato can't milk the SDF-1 with variants (DYRL vs TV: it's more than a mere arm swap), things aren't looking good for the SDF-1. I just hope that the positive sales of the 1/48 Roy and 1/100 Konig Monster have demonstrated to Yamato that there is a market for large transforming Macross toys. 1/48 Macross Plus mecha anyone?!?!
  12. Hey Toonz, another alternative would be to sell your broken Alpha for spare parts. When a friend broke my 1/60 Roy (made sure he reimbursed me) I sold it for spare parts here on MW in order to help out others who have broken valks. As it turns out, I actually made more money selling it in pieces than I ever would have made selling it broken or as a whole. Given Toynami's track record with broken toys, you just might have a diamond instead of a dud
  13. Bringing Macross to life in a live-action movie is a piece of cake. The most daunting task would be writing a good storyline to go with it. And don't even mention DYRL, fanboys.
  14. Good news indeed! Let's just hope Yamato doesn't incorporate a retarded color scheme on the 2nd release. *coughYF21purplenesscough*
  15. Great review, Valkyrie. I love these kind of in-depth reviews over the "it rawks" comments One thing though, since you have both the kit & toy, would it be possible to recast (or even create) the leg piece that Yamato messed up on.
  16. Yeah, if I'm not mistaken, Paul was already sent a copy of the scans last summer. Anyways, I've been having problems accessing my webspace lately, I don't think I'll be able to re-up them again. It's probably got something to do with me not being a student anymore.
  17. Great work, Toonz! Is there any way to post a higher res version?
  18. I'm all about the new cockpit design, great work AlphaHX
  19. Hey, what gives, why wasn't my submission included?! Call me biased, but this is the design that my vote goes for. It's probably because it's the perfect compliment for my R2 DVD's.
  20. I remember people doing this to the old PSX's, they amplified the lasers power so that they could better read (cheap) CDR media. That helped out in the short run, but in the long run, the lasers burnt out even quicker. I wonder if something similiar is going on here.
  21. Compression. The file(s) could have been tarred, rarred, and/or even zipped. I've yet to see a DVD on the Internet that hasn't already been packed with some sort of compression scheme.
  22. peolesdru, thank you very much for posting that tutorial. If Shawn doesn't get back to you, I'd be willing to host the page for you. Just let me know.
  23. I have both sets and they're both around 11x17.
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