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Everything posted by TheLoneWolf

  1. Opus, c'mon, don't tell me you guys didn't notice the perverted undertone this title had.
  2. Wasn't his name Loshan or something? I remember that he used to try to sell his Valkyries for astronomical prices back in the day. I'll bet he's one of the few people pissed off by the Bandai reissues and Yamatos.
  3. Only 90 minutes? And you know most of that time will be spent explaining the history and re-introducing old characters. Not much time left for plot, character development, introspection, and all the other ingrediants that made Macross/Robotech great. Can we say weak? I wonder what Harmony Gold's going to do when their current flagship title goes down in flames.
  4. I consider Escaflowne a hit, but it came out seven years ago. I don't think that qualifies as "recent"
  5. That makes a whole lot of sense. HLJ wouldn't want hundreds of angry emails demanding their money back. The plot thickens.
  6. I don't think Yamato would release TV FP's on the account of one TV Valkyrie. True, the Hikaru J is from the TV show, but it's also possible to get it with FP's. Yamato would have a tough time selling stand-alone FP's for only 1 1/2 toys. Now, if Yamato released more TV valks....
  7. Lots of good ideas regarding a new Macross series, but whatever it's about, a new series must revolve around singing (at least according to Kawamori). In the Macross universe, there are only so many ways that you can weave it in without compromising the story. Macross Plus did a great job of integrating into the story, while Macross Zero seems to be stretching it. I hate to come off as blasphemous, but Kawamori hasn't had a 'hit' in recent memory. I have to wonder if sticking to a formulaic plot (singing saves the day) will help Kawamori develop interesting and original stories, all the while keeping his trademark Valkyries.
  8. No problem, I'm just glad you let me know about the screw covers before taking an exacto-blade to them
  9. My bad, did you expect a newbie to spend time searching that labyrinth we call a gallery? Even then, most of us skip the main page and jump straight to the forums. But I do agree that a webpage would've been an overall better idea, less flim-flam (like my post here) and more of an uninterrupted flow of information.
  10. I agree with ewilen that a web page would be the best idea. Primarily that you could easily include several comparison shots between the various toys. We could spend pages describing the differences between the Banprestos, Bandai's, K&M's, Yamato's, etc, but it wouldn't mean jack to a newbie. However, organized pictures in HTML format would be immensely helpful.
  11. It's possible Yamato may have glued the leg together. I don't own a Q-rau, so I can't say for certain. When I was disassembling my 1/55 reissues, I had the exact same problem. I unscrewed the nosecone, but the two-halves wouldn't seperate because they were also glued together. So I just got an exacto blade and gently cut between the two halves. It worked like a charm. Thanks for the tip TheLoneWolf. I think the hexagon thingies might also be keeping the leg together. Hexagonal shaped things? I believe those might be screw covers. If they are indeed screw covers, you can gently pop them off with a flathead. If you could take pictures of them, that'd be awesome
  12. I know Silicon Knights programmed the game, but I was under the impression that Kojima was behind the creative aspects of the game. As a game, it's fine. Everything else, meh.
  13. Compared to the lineart, the 1/60's proportions are much more accurate. I also love the weight that the die-cast adds. However, the detachable legs are a dealbreaker, especially when it comes to gerwalk mode. They're just not stable enough.
  14. It's possible Yamato may have glued the leg together. I don't own a Q-rau, so I can't say for certain. When I was disassembling my 1/55 reissues, I had the exact same problem. I unscrewed the nosecone, but the two-halves wouldn't seperate because they were also glued together. So I just got an exacto blade and gently cut between the two halves. It worked like a charm.
  15. These types of collectors are morons. If somone is looking to invest their money in order to turn a profit, try Wall Street.
  16. I used to say the same thing, but after playing MGS: Twin Snakes last night, I discovered that Kojima can butcher perfectly good games with remakes. Kojima would probably have Jonathan Ingram perform Matrix-style martial arts and speak in a tone of voice that's so lifeless you'd swear the voice actor was brainwashed. Let's not forget that Kojima would most likely dump the excellent soundtracks and replace them with some pop-techno garbage. If I were Konami, I'd wait until Kojima retires before remaking Policenauts and Snatcher.
  17. There are a few changes in the reissue line. - The canopy can be removed and replaced with a heat shield in battroid mode. - The forearms are slightly larger than the originals. You wouldn't notice unless you tried to outfit them with Jetfire arm armor. - Like everyone else said, 95% of the stickers are now tampo-printed, which is a whole lot better. You can actually read the fine print now.
  18. This is great news, I already have a 1st issue Roy, but I would love to have a reissue with all the "fixings" (ie: straight skulls, rubber pilot, forearms that can fully move upwards, nosecone that doesn't fall off if you sneeze). I can see it right now... (Friend of TISINC) - Hey, did you hear Yamato's reissuing the 1/48 Roy? (TISINC) - HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR HBAR
  19. Could we get the sculptor of the Votoms pilot to start working on Macross pilots too? ***shudders at memories of Guld "chewed-up bubblegum" Bowman***
  20. Hey Dangard, I just sent you the super-secret link AlphaHX, thanks for posting those pics, they're amazing. Like Dangard said, we can't use images unless they're scanned in high resolution. However, I really do appreciate your effort and enthusiasm. One more thing to everyone who're making mock-ups: please remember that the cockpit images are rectangular. If both were to be squeezed on to one side of the box (almost the same size as a regular DVD case), they would end up being very small and lose most of their detail. Of course, this could be avoided by simply cutting the cockpit image in half (as I did with my mock-up), but then you'd have only one YF cockpit on the box. Choices choices... Just my nickel
  21. Oh man, major droolage! Thanks for sharing that info, it's nice to know that Bandai did have some grand schemes for the 200x reissues. Are those heads plastic or resin? Also, how did you come across them? Finally....more pics, please!!
  22. Holy moley, I got busy and completely forgot. I'll get on them right now!
  23. Can we say Virtual Boy? No thanks, I've never played a game where I caught myself saying "Damn, I wish I had a 2nd screen!" A larger screen? Always! But a 2nd screen? Nah. While it could be helpful in RPG's where I could keep a real-time view on my items or maps, I'm horrible at multi-tasking. From the games I've seen on the DS so far, they make nice gimmicks from of the 2nd screen, but nothing that brings gaming to a whole new experience. Pass!
  24. I second this request! Here's a third request, chunky-munkey lovers unite! xstoys, when you speak of reissues, are you reffering to the 200x reissues or the 1990 reissue(s)? I knew Bandai had new head molds planned for the 1990 series, but was unaware they that had new heads planned for the 200x line as well. Thanks!
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