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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Seems like the theme of this valk is stripes, he might be out of place with shoes. Didnt notice this before but even the back edges of the fighter mode wings are in white stripes..
  2. ah thts where i got it wrong..i tot the silhouette in the last ep was the trooper...yea the frakengraze would be matched with ein... ah sorta makes sense now...those so called stumps turned out to be thruster nozzles...
  3. Anyone can translate what it says at the bottom?
  4. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It certainly looks like the radome slides outward from the center...probably indicating its active monitoring mode..however no indications on folds lines or that forth taht i can see.. The only option i might notice is if the center slide-outs werent triangular-ish. Then the center forms a neat rectangle (forming the pod) and two sides of the radome would then fold under. Still a very messy fold though urgh... Sorry...i correct myself..the sides of the radome would fold 'over' the radome top and that would form the square bit somehow sticking out at the end in fighter mode...
  5. Apparently the trooper has help in performing the lance charge pose! There seems to be an extension from the side skirt holding the lance end...magician secrets revealed! hmm looks like i may have got it wrong...gaelio instead of ein piloting the trooper...
  6. Cool...thx for the update..now which mode shld i get or get the gerwalk again...
  7. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    A DX parts-former? Cant imagine how the radome would fold and store securely in a toy... and on that note..trivia time..has there been any DX part-formers?
  8. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Umm my points on the lil white dome bubble were on head of the battroid not the radome pod... The top of the head is seen tucked away behind the cockpit in f/g mode...
  9. Ah perhaps its a CF gimmick? Come to thk abt it, one reason to release this would be to fix the exploding triangles..then you would have a perfect 171 CF. (altho not in blue) I wonder how many would fork up for another 171CF tho...
  10. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    hmm....dat head....i would prefer it without the lil white dome but it is a recon valk after all.. Nice radome design tho...still no clue how it will fold...
  11. Is it too presumptious or too soon to ask will this be chogokinized? The nuns eye looks like a low visibility US insignia...if u squint..
  12. Thats what i used to thk too..why have inner skeletons when u most of the time its covered. But i guess that was only part of the mystique cos you would look forward to the gimmicks such as how the cockpit opens or other gimmicks specific to the Mobile suit. My thoughts did change a lil when i saw bandai start doing movable armor parts esp the thighs on the 78-2 or the nu. And not to mention the sazabi exposed armor gimmicks. Then the inner frame added a sense of robotness if thats a word..😜 I havent gotten any RE's so cant comment on their posability vs an mg. Now am missing the days when patrickgrade would go into his mg reviews on youtube... Hmm am wondering why mg isnt that exciting to me anymore... Perhaps the choice of ms as well as the price and the fact that i cant afford them at the moment has got me...
  13. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    If you didnt mention the blue areas, i wouldnt have noticed the light leaks.. its not that obvious at a glance. Wondering tho how would a snoot cut down the stray light, as the stray light is illuminating from the inside? I would think perhaps a less intense light or inside mask would help.
  14. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Woohoo the regult hype train continues! From MW fb page... Saburo is that yours?? Cant wait to try and light mine up...still in transit... Cmon bandai moar regult variants!!! What has one got to do to get them released after the monsta.....
  15. I get my gundam kits via a local hobby shop and at times on-line when ii suspect that the kit would be sold out fast. My backlog is around half of yours, with only 1 MG pending ie the MG AGE-1. I was gonna save that for a special day but it never came lol.... I have however been collecting more p-bandai HG's then i would have tot i would. But back to MG's it seems to be kinda on the back burner, there isnt an MG kit to be excited abt. I thk the hype for the altron was good, but it sorta got taken over after release by all the IBO hg's, 1/100's and RE's and hi-def barbatos hype.... So thats why i guess am thinking something like a MG gerbera would be nice...
  16. After looking at the p-bandai gerbera tetra, it reminded me wishing for an MG Gerbera.. Used to be MG releases were hotly anticipated years ago. Now i look forward to more HG's... But i do understand that its good not to have too much of something else its MG burnout, and the pricing doesnt help either...
  17. was stalking luca and the ghosts but stopped a while back... That gerwalk stance looks real organic and it looks slick with mechanical exposed ankles! The red on the head is really popping too!
  18. Am not sure if anyone tried noel's suggestion...to mask off the metal pins in the heat shield instead.
  19. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    hehe someone did feed the regult after midnight... taken from MW facebook page...
  20. Makes me wanna take a trip there, must b nice to b a macross fan walking thru instead of any otyher visitor i think my local ciggie shop has that very same pipe... Your shots are much appreciated b faita!
  21. Altho its orga is the leader but its definately Mika who beats the war drums! And could it be we just got to know the pilot of the trooper? Remaining episodes shld have lost of action... looks the trooper goes to gaelio...
  22. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Cmon bandai release the damm regult variants already! saburo - cant wait for your pics of the glaug + regults! That is if you are getting the glaug and then the monster!! btw is your wallet screaming yet?
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