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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. Ah yes, seems my question has been answered! Just looked that one up. The original Gameboy was released first in Japan.
  2. Is this actually the first a Japanese company's game system was released in North America before its Japanese release? It was pretty neat seeing the pictures of that line outside of that Sakuraya. I've been to that particular store on several of my trips to Tokyo and have never seen it that crowded!
  3. Not that I'm defending bad CG, but wasn't Macross Plus' CG just limited to enhancing the standard cel animation instead of totally replacing it?
  4. On the flip side of the coin, there's also more than enough bad customers.
  5. Very cool! Hopefully, this means more GCA MG kits are on the way. I'd love to see both Jagd Doga and Geara Dogo as MGs.
  6. I thought the details looked awfully familiar! Nice piece of work, I might add!
  7. I remember the toys, but totally had no idea that they had made a tv show for it.
  8. I saw several eBay price tags for over $3k at around 5:00 pm.
  9. The first one sounds like it might be a continuity book from the way you describe it. I have one such book for the first Silent Mobius movie. The second is simply labeled "Grafitti Book". Grafitti books are pretty much what you describe as the contents. Character sketches, color images, pieces of lineart, and other little tidbits are pretty much the staple of this tyoe of book. On the third item, is the flight of Valkyries on the cover of the insert and is the insert a booklet about 8 pages or so? If it is, it sounds like it's the Macross movie program book.
  10. What, am I the only person who has been pretty much satisfied with Macross both old and new?
  11. Yes, I did. It took me about 6 to 8 hours over a couple days to beat Yazmat. With about 50 million HP, he took quite some time to defeat him.
  12. I finished the Japanese version last week. Just in time to start the US release which I bought last night. I'm still debating if I want to spend over 300 hours on this version or not. I probably will, though, since I'm strange like that.
  13. Maybe it's like the way it is with cars. A 1953 Corvette doesn't resemble a 2006 'Vette in any way, except maybe for the fact that they both have wheels.
  14. That all depends on if you don't know anyone that lives in Japan. If you have friends already in Tokyo, they could probably get you tickets as early as the day before you want to go. That's exactly how my friends and I got our tickets when we went earlier this year. In fact, I think our friend actually bought us our tickets on the day we went to the museum!
  15. It may not be a typo. Package size also determines its shipping price. Plus, from what HLJ says on its website, shipping costs are less if you're ordering more than one item.
  16. Well, now I know of yet another item to add to my Macross collection!
  17. Such states exist? I live in NJ where our emissions testing is almost as bad as California's!
  18. The US release of the first E7 is supposed to be this week. According to the Gamestop website, the game shipped yesterday, 10/19. Hopefully, we'll see it in stores sometime during this upcoming week.
  19. They'll stilll play The Simpsons. Just because they don't tend to make their own series long, doesn't mean that they won't play imported shows that are long.
  20. They definitely return to the right planet. During the end credits you can definitely make out the Pacific coast of North America as well as eastern Asia.
  21. Yes, the Devil Fish does appear sometime after episode 40. That's all I'll say.
  22. That's because both the arms and legs of the Hargun are add-on parts. In the anime, the Harguns had to drive into a truck to transform. Unlike the Garland, the arms and legs of the Harguns aren't part of the bike mode.
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