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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. It was pretty obvious how Aries got injured. Even without them showing it, it was pretty clear that Aries was critically injured when some of the damaged equipment that supported the head of the bird-human collapsed ontop of her, even though the scene changes just before it happens.
  2. Not really surf boards, but flying platforms the mobile suits can ride. Unlike the giant refboards in E7, the platforms in Gundam can operate on their own.
  3. You have entered the dark side of the Star Trek universe. The paradise of Earth is far from you and you must survive despite having enemies on all fronts. But you wouldn’t have it any other way because you thrive in conflict and will know what needs to be done to take care of those around you. Now if only the Founders would quit trying to take over the galaxy. Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 94% Moya (Farscape) 88% Serenity (Firefly) 81% SG-1 (Stargate) 75% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 69% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 63% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 63% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 56% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 50% Enterprise D (Star Trek) 50% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 44% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 25% Darn, I was really hoping for Babylon 5, which would be my actual choice if I could live in any of the mentioned science-fiction universes.
  4. I'll probably see, but only because <illa is in it. If she wasn't, I probably wouldn't bother.
  5. This is such disappointing news! Andreas was probably the best actor in Babylon 5's cast. He will sorely be missed!
  6. For one thing, while Nora was on Shin's tail, Focker was on hers. Second, at the time of Shin's cobra manuever, Nora wasn't directly behind Shin, she was slightly below and to the left of Shin. Pretty much her only choice was to match Shin's cobra with one of her own. At least, that's how i see it.
  7. The Wilde Sau appears in quite a few scenes, including the first battle scene in space. It was also used by Shiratori Yuichirou in the scene where he thinks he has captured Shougo. You also see several of them in the final scene where BD confronts Shougo just before he leaves MZ 23. From what I can tell form the anime, the Wilde Sau is assigned to officers.
  8. There's several mecha from MZ23 that I think would make awesome toys. I would love to see the Hargun, Garland GR002A (mass-produced military version without wheels), and the Wilde Sau.
  9. I can't wait until the last week of March when I'll be in Tokyo and can actually see this in the theater!
  10. My only complaint is that this doesn't come out in March when I'll actually be in Japan
  11. The only Macross I truly hate is Macross II. While Macross 7 could have been much better, there are enough things about it that keep me from hating it.
  12. If you mean Axel Thurston, then yes.
  13. Yamato is going to make me broke this year with the 1/60 VF-0 and Garland. The only thing I hate about Yamato is that their release dates aren't very reliable. The one Zeorymer that they produced took forever to come out.
  14. Nah. Since both the VF-1J and Eureka 7 mecha are designed by Kawamori-san, I think it would be okay.
  15. True, but if you can afford to own one of those supercars, you can afford to insure them as well.
  16. Maybe they keep hiring him because no other directors want the job? Thankfully, I've never seen a Uwe Boll movie!
  17. I guess Hikuro isn't aware that Infinitis are badged as Nissans in Japan..... Although I do hear that they're supposedly going to start using the Inifiniti name sometime in the very near future. As far as Nissan goes in the US, if it bears the Nissan name (except the 350ZX), the car is a North American model these days and was made either in the US or Mexico. If you want a model that's sold in both the US and Japan, buy an Infiniti. Of course, if I'm wrong, please by all means correct me
  18. I remember fondly, the large Eagle toy from Matyel that I used to have when I was a kid.
  19. 1st Border is right. I just recently watched Southern Cross and didn't see a single scene with the Auroran as a helicopter.
  20. Starship Operators also had some interesting ship-to-ship fighting, That series, too, used beyond visual range fighting. I don't know if you count 2 vs 3 as a fleet battle, though.
  21. Yes, Gall Force certainly does count. There was plenty of fleet battles throughout the series.
  22. From what I understand, Mitsubishi has always had problems. In fact, I've heard people from both sides of the Pacific that say that Mitsubishi is the worst of the Japanese car manufacturers.
  23. I noticed how this discussion of GS/GSD Mobile Armors vs. UC MAs seems to omit some of the very cheesy MA designs for the original MS Gundam series. Let's face it, both Gundam universes had their fair share of bad designs. Everytime I see the Zakrello, I still think, wtf were they thinking when they designed that?!!
  24. Whatever happened to Top Gear, anyway? Is it still on Discovery Channel in some ridiculous time slot, or did they do away with it completely?
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