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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Thanks for sharing all that Jetspectacular. I enjoyed your space fishing routine. It looked like everyone one had a blast.
  2. I hope you guys have a great time. How did the dinner with Tenjin go last night?
  3. This sucks. Thanks TC for countless hours of RB6:Vegas, the movies, and the books. You enriched the lives of thousands.
  4. What if it's designed thick enough for shapeways and then we sand it to what we need?
  5. Who needs shields when you have that many guns? Best defense is a superior offense.
  6. V.1 VF-25G Speakerpods and Fold Booster sold for $49.99 shipped yesterday. Looks the exclusive parts are dropping as well not just the valks.
  7. Be grateful you got that many. I had Aerialbot legs and Stunticon arms on Scattershot to make Whatthefrackitron.
  8. I still remember ordering my G1 Prime and picking it up from Sears.
  9. That guy made the NES/SNES happen. Forever altering the gaming landscape. It took coin-op arcade games and put them in your living room. So many great gaming memories.
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