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Everything posted by Renato

  1. Are we correct in thinking that this is about the article entitled "Macross II Close Up" in page 12 of Animerica Vol.1 No. 0? http://www.animenostalgiabomb.com/animerica-first-issue-macross-ii-november-1992/
  2. Yes, the first few parts, as in: "arrogant, ignorant, abrasive, flippant...." Hey, are we talking about Nekki Basara or what, because those adjectives seem to describe Isamu Dyson just as well and you seem to like him; he's even in your avatar...
  3. With regards to space being blue in M7, as Gubaba said, that was only near the start of the show when they are near the galactic core, you will notice it is black when they fold to another part of space. (If you make it that far into the show ) As for DYRL, I don't know about Portuguese, but there is definitely some Spanish in that scene just before "My Boyfriend is a Pilot" because you hear a lady say "Pero esta lindo, oye..!" Kawamori says he added all these languages in the background chatter (and the lines are all read by foreigners) to reflect the global nature of the city in the Macross.
  4. Yes, I believe the lyrics to Fire Bomber's popular song, "Try Again", are: Try once, Try once, If it doesn't work, give up, Try once, try once, The sun won't rise again tomorrow. How uplifting!
  5. I don't know why you are going off and comparing Basara and Sheryl, and then further comparing that comparison to comparing Clutch to AC/DC. I know you are trying to make a point, one about one side doing whatever they want, and another just playing music that the audience wants to hear. OK, well, let's go with that then. Why bother with the outside example when that very dynamic you have described exists within the show in question -- Macross 7! What are Mylene and Basara arguing about all the time? Music! And their different attitudes towards it! Mylene is the one who is constantly berating Basara for doing things on his own musically, for playing whatever he wants, whenever he wants. When she is asked why she sings, she quickly replies "that's easy, to make people happy, give them a good time." Ray (and later Gamlin) explain to her that maybe Basara wants something more, and sees in music something she doesn't (yet). You don't need to bring up Sheryl or AC/DC. That is why Mylene is there, to provide that counterpoint to Basara -- You obviously are supposed to share her views about his obnoxious nature at the start of the show. She's the one that gets the gigs, books the recording studio, does everything to "get a hit so we can make our big break", but Basara just DOESN'T CARE, and he says so outright. The same with Gamlin. He felt everything you described in the previous page. Basara is disrupting military protocol, Basara is a menace and a danger to the missions, etc. That is why he is there!! Characters and their relationships are important, dude. You know, I feel like I often have to explain this show. I'm not even defending it anymore. Just *explaining*... Man, did ANYONE watch this show?? Was it just a hallucination of mine? You are free to interpret what you see onscreen as you like, and our opinions may differ on that matter, but did you actually see what I saw? Clutch puts out music that they want to play in their own style, and just says "Imma do my own thing", like Basara. While AC/DC kinda went with the mainstream flow and played what people wanted to hear and was just out to have fun and entertain people, like how I perceived Sheryl.
  6. I remember I posted it on Facebook ages before that, though.... ...That's OK, I'm sure somebody else already posted it 60 years ago.
  7. The idea of the attempt to replicate his success with the Jammingbirds and its subsequent failure is actually one of the greatest things in M7, in my opinion. I see that as a statement against manufactured pop idol disposeable music that cannot hope to emulate the passion of a true musician... It ties in well with Basara's disinterest in all things to do with the music business, the recording of the single, the filming of the music video, etc... And then they went and undid all of that with Frontier!! Suddenly idols are OK now! Bleah
  8. Valkyrie Driver -- You ARE Gamlin!!
  9. OK, I'm here, but I still don't know what on Earth you guys are talking about and/or why people are "livid". What blue fin? Oh, and don't redirect me to the Toy forum, because there's no way I'm trawling through all those angry posts or *I* will "lose my mind".
  10. At this point I'm willing to bet the second Delta movie will be in theatres before we get to the halfway point of The First. :/
  11. OK, that's got to be the official movie poster now.
  12. It's not an "Itano Circus Exhibition", it's just a part of the exhibits on display at the "Manga Anime Games since 1989" exhibition. Apparently, according to some in the know, the exhibition will be touring internationally throughout the rest of the decade as part of the run-up to the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. The problem with the Macross parts is, of course, going to be Harmony Gold.
  13. Collabolation Drink. Nice. I'm still waiting for the next series to simply be titled MACLOSS.
  14. I think it's always just been Monster Hunter. It would be more on theme if he could somehow do Macross Triangle Frontier, but I assume few people who visit the FireBomBAR do not have that game and/or regularly play it, whereas Monster Hunter is far more mainstream.
  15. Guys, for goodness sake, please just make a new thread for that discussion. This "how do I get to live and work in Japan" is not a topic that can be summed up in just a couple of posts. You can even use the podcast thread to discuss that if you want since we talk about life in Japan on it so often anyway.
  16. That's probably because we never know what number these are going to be.... Some get edited and completed before others which were recorded earlier...
  17. I was in Akihabara today too, and I saw lots of these in several shops! What's the deal? I guess no-one cares about poor old Rod. That Ozma variant on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen when it came out.
  18. Probably because there is much, much more to the genius of Kawamori than Macross? I never said M7 did everything. It just so happens that it did pretty much everything Macross fans on this site want out of the IP...
  19. Mr March Wings on the arms? Well, at the risk of sounding like an awesome but definitely broken record, SEVEN DID IT!! (By the way, this image is from your very own site)
  20. Today (Monday) is a holiday in Japan, for those wondering.
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