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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Optibotimus has reviewed FT Grinder/Grimlock. Looking good, much better review then Peaugh, he actually covered the correct forearm transformation! Amazing what a little effort will do for a review.
  2. Another good gallery for Figuarts Black Panther is up. The thing looks incredible, that detail is beautiful, once again, I don't think the Legends or Select comes even remotely close. http://shishioh.info/SHF_BLACK_PANTHER.php I mean look at that detailing!
  3. I did indeed, some of the effects shots were great, I think overall TOHO did a fantastic job bringing the titans to life, everything else looked really bad though, especially the maneuver gear shots, they were rough. The story was butchered, as expected, the manga isn't anywhere near done so everyone knew going in they'd go with some awful original ending, which they did, and awful it was. I get it, Japan doesn't have anywhere near the budget US films do, going with a Japanese cast is the cheapest, and logistically easiest solution, but it will never not be distracting in some of these adaptations, a Japanese cast works in most, but not all. I think the Assassination Classroom films were okay, Kenshin was fantastic with excellent casting, Death Note 1 and 2 were great, the third film doesn't exist, Parasyte was solid, Gantz had good casting but the original ending was hot garbage. We'll see on the live action Bleach, going in I'm not expecting much though. And agreed on some of Full Metal fights, I'll watch these live action films regardless of quality and reviews, I just hope at minimum I get a couple of solid fight/action scenes out of it.
  4. Lol I snagged three of these already, no intention of keeping them, I'll keep the SNES version when they release it, extra Christmas funds for the win!
  5. I found a gallery for Figuarts Black Panther, he looks frakking glorious, I think they nailed him. Would some other accessories be nice? Yeah, but he didn't use anything else in the movie so this works for me. https://www.facebook.com/jomudyeahtoy/photos/?tab=album&album_id=336462280043420
  6. Definitely looks cheap, but pretty much all live action japanese adaptations do, I recently watched Parasyte 1 and 2, loved the manga to death, the anime too, the movies were very meh. Like others mentioned, I don't know why the Japanese keep attempting to adapt these series that have clearly European influenced characters, first Attack on Titan, which was awful and the casting was distracting the entire way through, now this. In the sequel movie to the original anime series it was basically stated that the "real world" counter parts of most of our beloved characters are German in our world, some random Japanese boy band front man in a blond wig just doesn't cut it.
  7. I still don't see how this even bigger Kong will fight 2014 Godzilla, that Godzilla was still significantly bigger then this guy. Looks okay, way more humor then I imagined there would be.
  8. Yeah peaugh's review is up for FT Grinder, kind of a crap review though in my opinion, zero enthusiasm, no 360 view of dino or robot mode. The whole review just felt very phoned in, it's another defining reason why I never bother with his reviews anymore, he just really doesn't seem to like it anymore, if he didn't want to review the figure and it give it his all then he shouldn't have bothered. I can't wait, he looks great, I can't wait to finish up my FT Dinobots.
  9. So I got a message from BBTS saying they are expecting FT Scoria re-issue to be in stock within 10 days, I've got Cesium on order too though, I didn't expect Scoria to drop this soon though so it's crap or get off the pot on one of them, there's zero chance I'd get both. I have no experience with Scoria, always looked great, heard about the issues, and yes the dino mode looks a bit odd, but I'm really not seeing any giant improvements on Cesium except the dino mode, everything else is kind of meh, plus they've been mum about whether or not Cesium would come with a red toon mouth and face for the red head or not, I mean it should but you never know. I'm sticking with Scoria, still looks great, plus Grinder is coming with a new head and face sculpt for him specifically, and I really want to collect all of the FT Dinobots, not four of them plus Cesium. Cesium is cheaper, but there's still a number of uncertainties about him, plus his robot mode doesn't look better then Scoria's, I like his bot mode more for sure. Also on the MP Hound thing, Willis>Gundog, but I also hate G1 toy aesthetics, and I've never owned an actual G1 toy, so I have no affliction for G1 toys at all, just the cartoon.
  10. Bruno of MMPRtoys has a review up, with some individual zord shots like Hikuro mentioned.
  11. Lol I had MMC Backdraft on pre-order for so long, then I read the early in hand reports complaining of some minor QC issues so I cancelled him and pre-ordered the TT version. Well, in hand pics of the official TT Inferno have now scared me away from him, he looks bad! That alt mode is so plain looking, I saw a pic of the back end that just looked like a red blob, not even tail lights, and his legs are so distractingly red and plain, I ended up cancelling my official MP Inferno, and now I'm double flip flopping and I'm grabbing a Backdraft! I love having options, we are truly in the golden age of high-end Transformers now, it seems you can get a figure that fits your tastes no matter what you are looking for in an MP. This is the pic I was referring to, it just looks bad. Yes I admit, I rarely display in alt mode, but at least earlier Autobots had sexy enough alt modes to consider leaving them in alt mode.
  12. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup I'm paid up for Max at HLJ officially. I'm waiting on Figuarts Episode II Obi-Wan to drop before I ship my private warehouse stuff, I'll actually be getting the TV Hikaru 1J and 1J Max in the same package, oh boy!
  13. That price is still too high in my opinion, he comes with a decent number of accessories, but I'm still not feeling it for that price. Mightron will continue to stand as my MP Megatron, TT is losing me quickly.
  14. Yup I've got the Legacy Dragonzord from the original run, two actually. Very worth it in my opinion, beautiful piece. My only gripe is about the placement of the die-cast, he's got a ton of die-cast in his feet and it can make the combined Ultra Megazord a bit top heavy, Legacy Titanus came with little knee bracers for the Legacy Megazord to help handle the weight of the Dragon poncho on top of the Legacy Megazord, and it help it does, but like I said the pieces only come with Titanus. Dragonzord is worth it stand alone, or to combine with the other Legacy zords, it's a great figure.
  15. I remember a time when I could get Master Replicas Force FX sabers for $99.99. I never bit, like an idiot I always skipped them, even when the more interesting characters sabers were out I stupidly sat by and let them sell out. I paid dearly for these two, but they're pretty awesome, solid builds and they're pretty bright. Jesse and Mr.White from Breaking Bad are the only two 1/6 figures I have in my collection now, I sold off and gave up on Hot Toys long ago. I like them, really good head sculpts, Jesse completes the duo in their casual clothing, I've got the hazmat suit set on pre-order, those look great. I still love the MMPR Legacy line, the Ninja Megazord is great! I never had one as a kid but I had the stand alone White Falconzord, this was a trend, I'd have one zord but never the set, I could never complete the bigger zord combinations, but now the Legacy line has given me a chance to collect the first three seasons of zords in these shiny, new, show accurate forms.
  16. The Claire and Luke thing really didn't work for me either, not only did it seem off because she seemed to already have affliction for Matt and her bit with Luke felt rushed, but also, we know that inevitably Jessica and Luke will work it out and become a thing. I liked Luke Cage overall, I feel Cottonmouth was a great villain, and Diamondback was lame as frakk, it was so jarring going from a good compelling villain to that, plus his costume/uniform at the end for the big finale was pretty awful looking.
  17. That price is absurd, and that MP Megatron looks bad. That grey color is awful, definitely agreed there, he should be silver, and he still looks like he's wearing his pants too high up. Even when HLJ and other over seas shops put there prices up, easy frakking pass, good god Takara. I guess this a sign of the times though, toon accuracy to the point of absurdity, I figured when they decided to start un-Hasui-ing MP cars this was the direction they'd go, it's only a matter of time before we see MP-10+ with a dull "screen accurate" look. If that's your thing more power to you, you've got a lot to look forward to, Takara is just giving me more reasons to go further down the third party rabbit hole, this thing looks laughably bad, I'm almost shocked.
  18. I'd grab one, I personally love the MMPR Legacy line, pretty quality stuff for solid prices. The Legacy Megazord at one point was selling for $300+, but several months ago a re-issue was put out, some sites still have stock, BBTS and several others already sold out, but you should be able to still snag one for retail online. Like I said I'd grab one, it works, a lot of people don't like zord builder but I don't mind it too much, I don't use the zord builder ports so I honestly don't even notice them anymore. There's also the mack daddy Chogokin Megazord on the way, hefty price tag though if you're not that into Zyuranger/MMPR. Legacy Megazord works, plus Legacy Dragonzord is getting a re-issue too so you'll be able to grab one of those too for less than $300. I used to have a repro-labeled classic 90s Megazord, but it's age is definitely noticeable, even with some paint apps and repro labels it's still an old toy, the Legacy version is a decent enough, show accurate upgrade for a decent price.
  19. I got my two Phase II Troopers and two Geonosis Droids about a week ago. They're fine, I like them, no improvements or changes over the original releases, so if you didn't like the original droids and Phase I Clones, you won't like these guys either, it's just a re-color for the droids and a new hat for the Clones.
  20. Yeah I'm wondering too at this point, I guess Raph and Mikey's releases won't be that far apart after all. Either way I need my Raph, I'm disappointed they couldn't mimic what the Playmates Classic Turtles did with the individual fingers, that allowed Raph to hold his sais in several cool ways, oh well, these are probably some of the nicest, most premium feeling Figuarts I've ever handled, and at this point I've got 103 Figuarts and counting.
  21. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    I said I wouldn't get any of the missile effect parts, but I'm weak so I got two. I think sh9000 is the undisputed king of Hi-Metal R. I'm at 9 Regults, 1 Glaug, 1 Monster, 3 CF Brownies, 2 missile effects, and 1 of each of the currently released and on pre-order hero valks.
  22. I'm a bit perplexed, I have no idea where to post this news, but this is very exciting news. http://io9.gizmodo.com/its-official-young-justice-is-coming-back-1788676249 It's official people, YOUNG JUSTICE IS RETURNING TO TV! Like I said, I'm not sure where to post this exactly, we have this Justice League live action thread, a CW DC show thread, we have threads for individual DC animated films and series, but not one all encompassed DC Animated thread, or should I just start a new Young Justice DC Animated thread?
  23. Ah I see, like I said I don't do the Macross girls figures or statues at all, I always wondered what that thread meant by "Macross Figures", the whole toy section is Macross figures! I guess it won't hurt to have them here too.
  24. I haven't seen these pics posted here yet, I thought for sure someone would've found them and posted them by now. Figuarts Macross girls, don't know which ones, don't know names, I don't like these series and I won't be buying any of these. I know a lot of folks were waiting on a first look at these, so there you go.
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