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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Ah I see I remember reading that awhile back, I'll admit I didn't even look at the actual logo, for months it was labeled as The Ninja Turtles.
  2. It looks like Mutant was dropped from the title, and yet they are indeed mutants and not aliens, so I don't really get what they're doing.
  3. You saw it early as well? Quick question, was your after-credits scene included or not, I got the one right before the credits but apparently there was one more that was supposed to run after the credits as well, I'm guessing it will only run after the credits of the full release of the film.
  4. So I pre-ordered one of these at NY, I was wondering if I can pay for my pre-order with Paypal, I'm reading on their site and it just says you can pay for your pre-order in different currencies, but it doesn't comment on method. On topic, I may sell my anniversary version after I receive this guy, I like this paint job more than any of the other ones Bandai has put out, and I'm not much for owning more than one of the same mold.
  5. Lol I'm now in belief that I am the only human being on the planet that couldn't transform a renewal Messiah to battroid.
  6. The 25A looks good with some armor on, congrats on owning a squad of them. I only owned one renewal Messiah, it was a 25A, and I had it for like barely a day, I liked it for the most part but I promptly got rid of it after some disagreements we had. Bandai's Macross stuff looks good, it's just not for my collection, maybe if HLJ happens to get another round of renewal 25As in I'll pick one up for fighter alone.
  7. i like the new trailer, but damn, I get more and more upset when I see Tom Cruise, he's playing an adapted version of a young soldier named Keiji Kiriya for f&*@ sakes. Irritating white-washed casting aside, this movie will be make it or break it for me depending on the ending.
  8. Has anyone else read the original novel this was based on, All You Need is Kill? If not I would recommend it. The main thing I'm not liking is the casting of Tom Cruise, and the main thing I'm worried about is if they botch the ending or not. Unfortunately, as most adaptations from books end up, the film will probably miss the point of the book, and not reach even 1/10 the level of badassery that occurs.
  9. I'm glad I never jumped on one of these, I've seen the CF 171 going for dirt cheap all over the internet too. I almost wanted one for fighter alone, but I just can't own a valk and live with the inability to transform it at least a couple of times, that's a damn shame too, I love the 17 and 171 designs. With all the paint schemes Bandai shits out, is there any chance we may get another variant sometime in the future, or at least a renewal or re-release of the 171s?
  10. I'm still very on the fence about this, I liked this trailer more than the previous ones, but I still can't help but think there's been too much shuffling of the cast and characters involved for everything to be in good shape.
  11. I started watching Kill la Kill, my friends that are anime fiends have been trying to put me onto this for a while now, I've been pushing Hannibal and other series on them so I guess it's fair. Kill la Kill is, uh, what the f&@$, this s*!# is crazy, I'm liking it so far.
  12. The actor Tweeted that to a group of people after the Nightwing rumors started popping up, he said it was Nightwing training, it could be poking fun at rumors, or he could be the former Boy Wonder.
  13. There was a rumor floating around a while back that CW was casting for Dick Grayson/Nightwing, which is very interesting. With the big teaser from last week it's pretty evident that Batman is indeed out there, and probably more experienced then Ollie. Dick Grayson could be past his Robin days depending on how long Batman's been operating, I would think it's more than coincidence that they reveal a pretty big and popular Bat-foe without setting up the possible introduction of an actual Bat-Family member. In case anyone cares, CW gave Girls co-star Adam Driver and Vampire Diaries Steven McQueen a chance at the role.
  14. I haven't purchased a full third party figure itself in quite a while, but I do dabble into a good amount of third party accessories and add-ons. I unfortunately never jumped on the movie Buster Prime bandwagon, but I have had a dusty American release leader Prime in storage for some time now, I decided to bust him out then upgrade him. I'm probably going to apply some silver here and there, and I would like to add a pair of silver articulated UFO hands, but for now I got myself a set of Cubex cannons. The Buster Prime cannon setup is nice, and I have seen a couple of third party Buster upgrade kits, but they're not quite accurate enough for me. I have to do some fiddling to get them in place, but I think it will be worth it.
  15. Meh it looks okay, I told myself I was done with Macross Frontier stuff because I really just don't like Macross Frontier, but this thing looks interesting. If anything I can buy 3 of them then sell them later when Bandai decides they are never ever making this thing ever again, I may keep one if it grows on me.
  16. Silly me then. I thought long time fans of the series, as in people that have played every game, were into the series and played for the sake of soaking up every little piece of dialog and audio to piece together the crazy convoluted story, I mean it's not like you have to listen to any of this stuff, most of it is optional and out of the way. You apparently play differently, or for different reasons. I didn't miss your statement about Last of Us, I just didn't get it's relevancy, I'm sure it is a bit jarring going from award winning dialog like Last of Us to the well known over the topness of Metal Gear, but the series has always been like that so I don't get the point behind addressing how ridiculous the dialog is in GZ.
  17. I would prefer a Hot Toys Naked Snake from Snake Eater, complete with crocodile cap. Raiden is a weird choice, he isn't even the main character in the series, plus we've already gotten multiple Play Arts and Revoltechs of him, I want some high quality Snake.
  18. I really liked Kiefer Sutherland, I'm a massive fan of 24 so there could be some bias there, but I accepted early on he isn't playing Solid Snake, or even Naked Snake. In this game and the upcoming MGSV Sutherland plays Naked Snake/Punished Snake/Big Boss, and where we're at on the overall Metal Gear timeline, we're not far off from when Big Boss becomes a completely different identity from Naked and Solid Snake, his next step after this game is to become Big Boss from the original Metal Gear. I think a change of voice actor was necessary, does anyone remember Metal Gear, and or perhaps Gun of the Patriots? Naked Snake HAS to become a different identity at some point, his voice and look completely changed to the point that in Metal Gear it's a surprise that Solid is a clone of him. The way I see it Sutherland wasn't supposed to play Solid or even Naked Snake, he was supposed to play an aged, nearly there Big Boss, and as far as I've seen, mission accomplished. Long drawn out audio logs and conversations are a staple in Metal Gear, I don't know why you'd want to play one and not want to listen to the stuff, to me that would be like playing Bioshock and not wanting to use Plasmids or Tonics, that ridiculous over the top stuff is always going to be there and isn't going anywhere, it's more or less the bread and butter of the series.
  19. So I recently made a thread for Arrow on CW, but I just gotta make another. I believe we're in the golden age of TV, we're finally at the point when we are getting truly quality performances and stories on both basic and premium cable, there's literally something for everybody. So how about Hannibal? This is yet another series that's been blowing my mind for two seasons now, easily the most graphic and disturbing show on television, I find every episode to be pretty excellent. There are some really incredible performances throughout, Mads Mikkelsen is pretty much my favorite Hannibal since Anthony Hopkins horrified people in Silence of the Lambs, as a long time fan and reader of the Red Dragon novels I've got even more to love. Another fantastic episode tonight, the situation Graham has found himself in is hard to watch but you know there's more there than we're seeing, Hugh Dancy also absolutely dominating his role as the tormented Will Graham. My DVR is full, I've got something recorded almost every night, but I always find myself looking forward to Friday night Hannibal.
  20. My buddy called about 2 hours ago, I got my advanced tickets to go see Winter Soldier Saturday! I can't wait, early reviews have been very positive, this film seems like it's what I've been waiting on Marvel to put out since Phase 2 began, something real, hard hitting, with actual stakes, and hopefully less one liners and unnecessary background comic relief nobodies.
  21. Just wanted to give an update, I got to see this last weekend at a pre-screening and it somehow managed to top the original. It had a much deeper story that I felt had elements from Infernal Affairs, there were some real stand out moments from the cast and Iko got to show off his acting chops quite a bit, and of course crazier more hard hitting action, particularly one insanely intense fight that takes place in prison. In short, there's a lot of good looking movies coming out soon, if you were a fan of the first you owe it to yourself to see this one in a theater, and if you haven't seen the first then watch it, then prepare to see the sequel in theaters.
  22. I'm probably in for one depending on price.
  23. John Wesley is actually cast in CW's The Flash, but nobody knows to what capacity his role will be. Myself and many other fans are speculating that it is going to be a sort of easter egg that plays into the shows mythos. It's possible Wesley was the original Flash (like he was in real life), the first human to tap into the Speed Force, possibly even a former member of the Justice Society of America, leaving room for Ollie, Barry, the Dark Knight, etc. to eventually create their own little team of super heroes. With the reveal that Harley Quinn is alive and well in Arrow's universe means a lot of things, the domino effect of comic book characters, if there's Harley there's Joker, if there's Joker then there's Batman, there's a ton of interesting possibilities for the shows future.
  24. I'm wondering does anyone else watch this? I've been an avid comic fan for years and years, the Emerald Archer has always had a soft spot in my heart, I was a bit worried when this was initially announced, it gave me vibes that it could end up being as god-awful The Cape, I just didn't think a mainstream DC character could translate well to weekly television. Obviously we're in season 2 now and literally all my fears drowned away early on in season 1, season 2 has been downright phenomenal. Last weeks episode was obviously titled "Suicide Squad", which if you're familiar with DC, may sound familiar to you, along with a BIG cameo/easter egg appearance from one Clown Prince of crime's girlfriend, another well established member of the Suicide Squad. I believe Arrow has been doing a consistent job at adapting some big DC characters to the silver screen, this second season has been revealing more and more characters that are hinting at a much larger connected world, lots of different story threads going that I am familiar with, and yet I can't wait to actually see play out on TV. Arrow has been doing so well they even got to introduce Barry Allen, aka The Flash recently, who is now getting his own pilot and series that is set to air back to back with Arrow, making a two hour block of weekly DC goodnes.
  25. Reviving a dead thread here, I recently made a big purchase of Kotobukiya Zoids models, I had heard nothing but good things about them, plus I got to see an Iron Kong and Gojulas in person at my buddies place so I decided I had to own some myself. I used to build lots of Gundam models, but stopped years ago and now just collect the occasional Robot Spirits or HCM Pro figure, so I was itching for some new high-end snap together models, these things hit that spot hard. Beautifully detailed, lots of articulation, and of course, those neat little painted pilot figures. So I love these guys, but I'm thinking they need an adversary, the obvious choice is Berserk Fury. After that, maybe Harry's team, or dip into the other series and get a Shield Liger and Geno Breaker. Either way, I'm pretty into these kits, if anyone else has some pics of recent builds or customs or anything, please post em if you got em.
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