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Everything posted by close313

  1. I wanted to wait till I get 25A's super parts which the other two will be equipped with, but couldn't wait to share this with you guys. My own VF-25 skull team! Might buy a 4th one if I am able to figure out how to recolour Alto's pack (especially the rotating VTOL engine) or if Bandai releases one for the 25A (which probably wont happen). Pardon my amateur photography skills
  2. It's late March 2014 not end of April. From Arcadia.ac 発売日:2014年3月下旬 It should still be available but seeing this as a first new release for Arcadia, whether it sells out or not we have to wait and see. I agree too, wouldnt count on it being on clearance for a few months. The made to order 1S's never made into clearance after a few months even though they're just rereleases
  3. Already a week or so and I still haven't gotten over that episode too. Really struck me the most as I love those two girls.
  4. There's not much of March left. Hope its released soon as im having second thoughts of spending so much cash XD. I had enough of spending so much for a valk after my super VF-17D.
  5. I think we still need to wait it out. I think stores still dont have the exact release date yet so thats why NY haven't sent you a payment request.
  6. Or you can use their postal money order...they'll wait for 42 days for it to arrive.
  7. I want... but they need an upfront payment which I don't have cause of YF-19.
  8. The MOST EPIC boxart I've seen so far! It's really a beauty and the buying point for me. I love that it's labeled as "Correct Century". I'd love to see the boxart if they were to make the other mobile suits such as the Sumo, Turn X ,Flat and many more! http://gundamguy.blogspot.sg/2014/01/hgcc-1144-gundam-new-images.html
  9. It makes me wonder, how will Kawamori make the valks look like beyond the frontier timeline. I mean frontier designs are cool but will it continue to become more and more complex and organic looking? Kind of miss designs like the VF-11 where the battroids have no back kibble flailing around, soundly transformed wings that are integrated into the body and no crazy ass paint jobs.
  10. The wait is killing me! Anyday now :S
  11. Sorry, I think you meant 5 seconds
  12. Nice one Tochiro To be that close, I bet it's pretty hard to stop yourself from touching it! I know I'd be suffering if I was there hahaha.
  13. Im really interested in what those shoulder pylons are supposed to be. Hopefully its something functional.
  14. Looks awesome, when the hell are they gonna announce the release? That Tornado G looks drooped lol
  15. I was actually thinking that the wing is still swept back abit as the back part of the wing seems to be still dug inside the base, compared to the prototype photos.So I thought it could be swung forward a tad more. Unless they did trim the back part of the wing and that would actually suck.
  16. Saw two Yamato stands go for 5k yen at mandarake. I would have bought one if not for the YF-19 being released in a week or so. I need all my money for that T_T
  17. Oopsie wrong topic Since I posted wrongly, might as well use this post. I just bought a 1/60 VF-1J off jungle a week ago. Glad I did as my biggest regret was selling mine last year. It's definitely my most favourite VF-1. I demand Arcadia to release the armored parts soon, in TV grey!
  18. I agree and part of me thinks that the prototype might not be stable enough for gerwalk.
  19. Oh no dont tell me you guys are going to cancel your PO's after it ships? i -think- that the wings can still be swept forward, since there's like two hinges on it. Yea david's right, the missiles are aligned to the kite
  20. I dont think I can compare TFs (official or third parties) to Valks. You can't get as faithful to the design as toys in the macross line, whether bandai or yamato, in all three modes. You can see the effort made into them to make them look as accurate as possible. Third party TFs,especially combiners, on the other hand have too much artistic liberty in them. Yes *some* have complex transformation but don't look like anything I grew up with. Thats probably the reason why I only collect the MP line for the effort done to make the characters as close to the original series.
  21. Saw peaugh's review on Scoria. When I saw how the legs transformed,I jizzed my pants! Yea i kinda agree that he's too huge. Grimlock's platform shoes took care of the height but proportions doesn't feel right at all, in comparison to Scoria.
  22. Of course it does! Syd Mead DID design Turn X after all XD !He mentioned that it was his best creation for the series.
  23. I've read at hobbysearch that there're display stands for Turn X's splitting up mode. Is that correct?
  24. I really dislike the way recent third party combiners use thighs as elbow joints. I dislike the hole in between the thighs and they're also too thin in proportion to the combined bot
  25. Nice, plus gundamguy just posted prototype pics of MG Turn X.
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