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Everything posted by close313

  1. The gatling gun thingys actually spin with lights http://mecha-guy.blogspot.sg/2014/03/arcadia-online-shop-macross-howard-gu.html "2 Release Versions: - Regular Version (Release Date: Monthy Production of 5 Units Only, Price: 128000 yen) - EX Version - Include U.N.SPACY logo (Release Date: Monthy Production of 5 Units Only, Price: 158000 yen)" They can only make 5 of each per month, and it doesn't seem to be too bad for its price too! Nope, still $1000
  2. To be fair, I have never used the manuals myself too. When I had my first renewals (RVF and VF-27), both of them suffered some damages because I also couldn't figure out the mechanism. It was like those 3D puzzles, everything had to be in the right place in order to move something. But really, you must be patient, take it slow and not force things. Video tutorials didn't really give me any clue either(on the neck/head transformation), so I had to figure the transformation out myself after many many many tries (scratched the black part of the nose, scratched the shoulders). It wasn't that difficult anymore afterwards(in fact, I couldn't believe it was much simpler than I thought it was). Maybe you should give it another go with patience. I believe many of earlier posters have given sufficient information on how to set the chest plates first before you move the cockpit in. For the base of the neck,while the back plate is bent and the chest and shoulders plates ( the two portions beside the head, you can even remove them if you want to) are collinear, from behind grab the top of the head and the bottom of the plate and pull backwards all the way along the track, this will give clearance for you to pop the head up. Make sure the inner part of the plate is pushed up all the way. While the LERX(the two prongs things holding the cockpit) is perpendicular to the chest plate, swing it a tiny tiny bit back then swing the tip of the nose under the chest plate. Adjust the LERX if you cannot swing the folded nose under. Once you swung it in then fold the chest plate down.
  3. Thanks man, I guess I misunderstood it when I read it before.
  4. I think this is the best place to ask, does NY cancel every pre-order if one pre-order is cancelled? I -think- I've read that before but I forgot where it is. Because I want to cancel my 25A super parts PO but I don't want to risk cancelling my YF-29 Ozma PO too
  5. Just got mine today. Gotta say I'm not as impressed by it as I thought I would be. The beige doesnt look good in person. Especially since the whole valk is mostly and supposedly uniform in that colour but each component have different shade and finish of beige. At least it's much tighter -for now- than my Alto's 29.
  6. It wasn't as bad as the G, it was 29k a few days before, now it is 40k!
  7. I went ahead and PO Alto's. I wished I hadn't sold my G cause, my god, those blue delta wings look grand. The official shot of Alto's gerwalk with the tornado parts also looks mighty fine. I cant put a finger on how it looks due to the colour combo, just love the whites and greys. More mechanical and neutral I guess..?(or does anyone have a better way to put it)
  8. Is it the same as the gold plastic syndrome older transformers had? I've never gotten around buying a transmetal megatron due to that.
  9. At least the missiles don't look like red corn anymore! http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Powered-Weapons-DX-6.jpg
  10. I think i might get 2 of Alto's. Want to repaint one for my 25A but the designation numbers can be a bit of a problem to change.
  11. I think they made it so because the original mold 25 can't slot the second guy in. Whereas the DX's are quite universal in terms of single or double seaters.
  12. Arcadia, I really wish you would give more future release announcements like what Bandai just did.
  13. http://videogamerx.gamedonga.co.kr/zbxe/files/attach/images/699943/598/554/001/16.jpg im partially disappointed that there's no CF tornado, but not sure if they will ever release stuff from that game. But gonna get one for Alto! Bandai, please reissue the G so that you can sell more of this.
  14. Anyone up for a HGUC Neo Zeong? http://gundamguy.blogspot.sg/2014/02/hguc-1144-nz-999-neo-zeong-announced.html?m=1
  15. The chest shouldnt be folded down. The plate should slide back first to give clearance for the head to pop up. If u want, pull those shoulder plates off beside the head first. Its kimd of hard to take a video of it because the mechanism is inside
  16. But it's not really much of a mold difference since the 25/29 have two seats anyway. Leon's YF-25 is definitely inevitable.
  17. 1/48 valks look awesome at battroid and fighter modes.
  18. I find it nice, its like swerving to the right.
  19. Please bandai, web exclusive please
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