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Everything posted by close313

  1. Holy crap where did you get your YF-30 for 13k yen !!!
  2. Im happy that NY does not inflate the price by 2-3k yen beyond the MSRP after the 3rd round. Maybe it bit them back by too many cancelling POs when people found better deals elsewhere.
  3. I find VF-1J's only Red & White scheme more iconic and unique for Hikaru compared to the DYRL's 1A/S scheme with just the colour swap to differentiate between each other. Taking out the black has a different look altogether.
  4. No love for Rickaru . I'd love a pure white and red stripes tribute in a frontier valk. But i do agree a Guld custom would definitely suit the YF-30 with a custom head with the central eye and two gunpods. Alas that is just a wish.
  5. Hey Sildani, they just shipped mine. Hope yours got shipped too!
  6. In tangent to this, I wonder what is the exact reason why there is always a limited supply for bandai? Are they actually limiting supply or are not capable at all of fulfilling the demand? I mean even if they limit supply, the shops would be the one raising the price anyway. Maybe not enough resources are allocated to produce these macross frontier valks? Sorry if my analysis is wrong or something :/
  7. I hope we get ours shipped before the holiday starts.
  8. I had to.. beg lol. I explained why I technically only cancelled one time before (i had two cancellations then) and beg 2x with my explanation to allow me one last one. They did tell me about terminating accounts for anymore cancellations but luckily they showed mercy.actually they did update somewhere in their policy page, just that it's one sentence everyone could miss. Its under pre-orders or something (see I can't even remember where it is hahaha)
  9. Anyways just letting you know, NY doesnt allow cancellations for PO's anymore. So be careful if you are just ordering to be safe and thinking of cancelling if you find a better deal. Had alot of trouble trying to cancel one of my pre orders a while ago. edit:Lol looks like Saitousad had it covered while I was typing this
  10. As I informed everyone earlier, Bandai had initially sent only one half of the products to them when it was released. So they just shipped those available. While we unfortunate ones still have to wait for them to receive the next batch. They replied my email and told me it's supposed to arrive later today.
  11. Yea i emailed them earlier too. They promised me monday but still nothing has changed
  12. I think being an entirely new mold warrants popularity. Besides the VF-27 is a fail renewal thats why its still up. Its an expensive fail. I have one and its one of my favourite valk designs. But the way it is made is just bad compared to the rest of the renewal.
  13. You know when MW died, it felt like the start of the hunger games, pre-order ver. I managed to get one at Amiami. But the weird thing was that i had another tab and it was already sold out. That was when I was still halfway through my checkout. I thought i wouldnt make it because I kept getting errors and restarted the process a few times. Not sure how but im glad I got it!
  14. Same feeling here. That was when the Hikaru Movie 1/60 VF-1S was revealed, wasnt it? If any reveals are made during that time it'll probably be released in Nov/Dec. Arcadia's booth in the winter wonderfest was disappointing in terms of the amount of reveals (only the confirmation of the 0D)
  15. Later after 4pm JST, more people will hate on Bandai. For me, really there's no point in hating a company..
  16. Yea it's already released but HLJ is always out of stock. It says May because the current batch is already sold out (like most of their Gunpla kits). Usually to secure a kit from HLJ you must order earlier before release/rerelease because they usually sell out in an instant. Your best bet is to buy it at other sites like Hobby Search, Amiami etc.
  17. OH, no wonder the white glint seem to always stick out for me in the game. It has a very distinct look from the other NEXTs.Granted that all of the base designs were different but the WG had a different feel altogether. Too bad it went down one way or another. Ok keeping on topic, I hope I can get this valk tomorrow. But I always fail due to the laggy item page(ami ami and HS..two times already. Wonder if HLJ is going to do another typo like last time.
  18. Now that you mentioned it... WHEELING03 from AC:fA
  19. I found this review of the RG Exia. Although I don't understand a thing he was saying(I even turned on the useless automatic captions), the review is very entertaining and funny. So much more than the english reviewers that I actually watched till it ended.
  20. Are you guys talking about the Chronos or the Ozma YF-29? The Chronos is slated for August (8/14)
  21. I think Saburo is talking about the white shoulder pads while warrhead is talking about that removable part
  22. The 25A is the complete opposite of the 171CF. It is the best bandai frontier valk to date in terms of its make.
  23. Yea it's only the GBP armor w/o the 1J. Wish u the best for your hunt too! Im very nervous as I remembered a few months back, they cancelled my VF-25A order after a week of no update.
  24. Thanks for the link I wonder if the release will include the missile loadout or will they separate that for a tamashii web release. OR expect us to use the 171's loadouts.
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