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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. Uh, no it isn't. You have to pull the missile battery out in order to move the gun and get it out of the way of the gears.
  2. Just a quick comment. I know several people complained about the gold, stained canopy. I do not understand this. It looks EXACTLY like the Gold Dust Treated canopies installed in modern fighters like the F-22. It looks really great.
  3. Out for Delivery... for six hours.
  4. DAMN! It's in Abq. as of 3pm today! I'm probably seeing this thing tomorrow afternoon.
  5. Dunno, I didn't get that notification. My shipment has moved on from Memphis.
  6. It doesn't consistently go through there, however. I've had it arrive in CA before via Fed Ex as well. it's already on it's way to Memphis. $20 says I see it Tuesday.
  7. From my perspective, if it was because of the hurricanes, then they were a Godsend. LA customs is HORRIBLE. Send it though Alaska, then Memphis, and it'll hit Albuquerque a full week earlier.
  8. I keep checking my Fed Ex shipping status every twenty minutes... YES! Hitting Anchorage instead of LA. I might just have this thing by Tuesday.
  9. I'd imagine it works out exactly like the YF-19. November pre-order. March/April release.
  10. If I could have snatched up one of those Frontier sets I would probably buy a second YF-19, even though I hate their ankles.
  11. It's not "lazy" if you actually like the look of a valk in all three modes and want to pose them in each mode.
  12. I don't know, I'm thinking that unless they pack in a bunch of extras, they could probably get away with this one being between $250 and whatever the VF-17 was.
  13. That makes a huge difference in the color. It looks way better like that.
  14. I was planning to do a video review for the YF-30 when it arrives but right now it's scheduled for Wednesday which means I won't have time to do anything until at least next weekend. Not sure if I'll be able to put anything together.
  15. Technically the 25 has three hardpoints. Two on the wing and one of the glove. Being able to hang additional gunpods from those wing gloves would look awesome.
  16. That Milia 22 looks a hell of a log more red then in other pics I've seen.
  17. Thanks Ignacio. I'd love to see more if you get the time or inclination.
  18. I think it's funny how for the last two years there's been a lot of "pass, it's silly looking" talk on this thread and now it's suddenly ,"Holy!!! I have to get at least two!"
  19. I'm thinking of getting a third 25A and another Tornado pack. That battroid mode looks great.
  20. It's not from Frontier. It's from Macross 30.
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