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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. I feel your pain!!! This is BY FAR the most annoying part of this toy. I messed with my 17D for damn near an hour trying to get those hip bars rotated and NOT scratch up or dent or break anything. I've done it 3 times now and it hasn't gotten any easier..the only trick I've learned is kinda use the weight of the leg itself to help swing the thing around...(I'm sure you know this, but make SURE you're going the right direction with it or you will gouge the hell out of the plastic) It's hard to explain how to do it..but I can see why people say the 17 was kind of a step back in design after the awesomeness of the 19's. Good Luck. Maybe someone else has a helpful hint...
  2. Dang....good prices on the 11B, the YF-21 and a fire sale on the Gamlin 22! $93! Ouch!! That stings. Lol
  3. You know....I grew up watching TNG and originally HATED the Ent. D. But over the years I've come to like it. It's big and luxurious looking. Like a giant space cruise ship kind of. More about crusing around the galaxy and taking important people places. I've built the model twice as a teenager and I'm building another one now (my first attempt to light up a starship!) but I gotta say, the E is waaaay more sleek and battle ready looking. I built that model to and gave it to a friend years ago..(wish I hadn't now).
  4. For what it's worth my 65+ year old mom went to see it and loved it! . SCREW Rotten Tomatoes rating system! LOL! I'll probably wait for RedBox. and IMHO...3 and 4 were better than 2 as well..but I don't hate 2. It had a great cast.
  5. I think I'll keep your 1st hand made/painted version --- I'm sure it will be worth more $$$ 50 yrs from now!
  6. I'll do one in 1/60 for sure!
  7. It's shiny enough to be cool, but not shiny enough to be off-putting IMHO.
  8. The F is just sex on wheels...errr...wings...lol...
  9. Glad I got my 19F, 17D, and most definitely VF-4G when I did.
  10. As a high-end collector, I can say this is truly sad if Yamato (Arcadia) is no longer going to produce high end Macross valks. If they continue to move forward with new designs with the same great engineering, I will be overjoyed. If the VF-4 was there swan song, what a fantastic way to go out! However I have to point out that when Master Replicas lost their Star Wars license and eFX took things over...my star wars collecting days went downhill quickly. Not exactly the same scenario here, I realize, but I can't help remembering when that happened, and what happened to Master Replicas as a brand after that.
  11. Amazing work and a very loving gesture for your dad. Well done. Well done.
  12. That Blue Thunder is SICK awesome!!! Great detail on that Valk pilot!!!
  13. amazing detail there. Love the low-vis decals as well. Very nice.
  14. Im my book..no. Gonna be harder and harder to locate the VF-4G's as time goes along I think. One would think the 17D's will be around for a while at least.
  15. I think I have I new favorite Valk....absolutely gorgeous!!! Transformation on the 19 is just so perfect and easy!
  16. Cloudy Sunday, magnifying glass, fresh x-acto blade and we have some sticker action. Might do more later...gotta say...going back to fighter from battroid without a cheat video wasn't the easiest thing I've ever done.....but my neck cover is right by god! ;-)
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