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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Not exactly the park but a darned incredible recreation in Minecraft. Since I have a quest I'll be giving this a try.
  2. Finally saw this one and I'll damn it with faint praise. It is the best of the Craig Bond film. After watching it my wife and I both wished the Bond character was more like the Connery Bond, though we know it would not happen any longer. We miss the old Swagger.
  3. The studio almost certainly paid a little more than they wanted and the actor got a little less than he wanted.
  4. I'm in the opposite corner. I might or might not bother to see it, there was a time when a new Batman (late eighties) was a unique thing, now it can be summed up with "another one?"
  5. Of course in space there is no need at all for it to be streamlined. Even at the speed ships in The Expanse can accelerate.
  6. Hey hey! Quit making fun of us geezers - I'm pretty much all Kindle and digital media now.
  7. The music was a bit off but I remember a country western signer biopic from the seventies/eighties that featured disco so it could be worse. The young Elvis look is a little off at times but the older Elvis look appears spot on.
  8. The blood bit - best to handle the way Worf did with the Klingons in "The Trouble with Tribbles". That was a brilliant bit of writing there. Star Trek and property - one of MANY inconsistencies between what the reality of what they show on screen and what the say it is like. Kirk owned his house(s) - and did EVERYONE get a NICE house in the middle of the best view of the mountains? Even with replicators you can't replicate that. Sisko's dad owned the restaurant, etc. So it was more than just things of sentimental value.
  9. Could be good, could be terrible. Yes it is using many different styles but that is the whole point. The only question is if it ends up being a good satire or a bad one.
  10. For now. It has a LONG way to go to become an actual movie.
  11. Latest news today is Trek 4 is back on. I'll believe it when I see it.
  12. Don't know if the term existed but the idea had to have been practiced in the pulps. Schlock was there bread and butter. Granted there were a number of great stories released as well but without the schlock even the pulps would not be profitable.
  13. Or anyone else for that matter, he was a real scumbag. That is the only major difference I can remember, nothing that would have required FX that were not possible in the early nineties.
  14. To misquote Monty Python "It's not a case of where he grips it" Horns weigh a LOT. No normal human, or even the strongest bodybuilder, could carry those horns if they were anything like normal weight for the size.
  15. That is the problem. So far none of the explanations in the first two movies have been believable. Same problem existed in the two sequels to the original movie.
  16. So just like the first three seasons then. I eventually get round to watching them all but if a new season doesn't come round one day, no loss. EDIT - though perhaps they are lampooning all those Star Trek: The Next Generation cliffhangers that went nowhere. (nah, I don't think so either)
  17. Don't forget they screwed up and put in the DNA of a creature that can change sex if needed. I'm guessing there will be some explanation for why there are so many and why they are not hunted down on site before they can get out of hand. I don't think that it will make much sense but there will be one.
  18. More negotiating leverage. The actor knows the fans want him back, the network knows the fans want him back. Each side is trying to see how far the other will go. Normally these things work out but it is a tricky balance.
  19. RIP. His work on 2001 was amazing. It still holds up (heck, still excels!) today. Incredible for a movie done in the late sixties. Silent Running was excellent as well.
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